// importing theme style @import ./themeStyle // hero-banner #hero-banner font-family: $fontTrioBangla !important color: $blackColor background: url(../images/hero-background.svg) no-repeat .hero-content align-items: center min-height: 70vh .hero-title font-weight: 500 font-size: 2.5rem font-family: $fontTrioBangla line-height: 1.2 margin-bottom: 1.5rem @media screen and ( max-width: 768px ) font-size: 1.5rem margin-bottom: .75rem .hero-paragraph line-height: 1.7 font-size: 1.3rem margin-bottom: 2rem @media screen and ( max-width: 768px ) font-size: .9rem .hero-desc order: 0 @media screen and ( max-width: 992px ) order: 1 .hero-image @media screen and ( max-width: 768px ) height: 240px text-align: center img height: 100% .statistics display: flex align-items: center gap: 1rem .single-statistics color: $greyColor text-align: center padding-right: 1rem border-right: 5px solid $seconderyColor &:last-child border-right: none .count margin-bottom: .2rem font-size: 1.3rem @media screen and ( max-width: 768px ) font-size: .9rem p margin-bottom: 0 @media screen and ( max-width: 768px ) font-size: .75rem .hero-links margin-top: 2rem display: flex flex-wrap: wrap gap: .75rem // feature #feature font-family: $fontTrioBangla !important color: $blackColor background: url(../images/2-features.svg) no-repeat // course-catagory #course-catagory font-family: $fontTrioBangla !important color: $blackColor background: url(../images/3-jobcourse_catagory.svg) no-repeat .section-title, .section-sub-title text-align: start .course-container margin-top: 2rem .single-course box-shadow: $shadow-1 height: 100% .img-container position: relative height: 180px .details height: calc( 100% - 180px ) padding: 1rem display: flex flex-direction: column gap: .75rem font-family: $fontPopins line-height: 1.2 .level font-size: .75rem font-weight: 500 color: $primaryColor .title font-size: .9rem font-weight: 600 .stats font-size: .7rem color: $greyColor .price color: $primaryColor font-weight: 600 font-size: 1rem text-align: right