@@ -48,6 +48,12 @@
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Poppins:wght@200;300&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{asset('web/css/datepicker.min.css')}}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{asset('web/css/sweetalert/sweetalert.css')}}">
+ <link href="{{ asset('css/noty/lib/noty.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+ <link href="{{ asset('css/noty/lib/themes/sunset.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+ <link href="{{ asset('css/flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.min.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+ <link href="{{ asset('css/wait-me/waitMe.min.css')}}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('/css/pretty-checkbox/pretty-checkbox.min.css') }}">
@@ -816,7 +822,7 @@ element.style {
<div class="summary_bordered_box" style="line-height: 20px; width: 50%; height: 130px; margin: 0 15px 0 0;">
<div class="review-block-title mb-0">
<span>{{cn($proposal_details,'student_details.first_name','')}} {{cn($proposal_details,'student_details.last_name','')}}</span>
- <span>Islam</span>
<label class="label" style="padding: 0; background: #fff;">
<label class="label" style="background: #2e1153; padding: 3px 7px; border-top-right-radius: 0; border-bottom-right-radius: 0; font-size: 10px;">
@@ -840,7 +846,9 @@ element.style {
<span style="font-size:10px;">
<span style="color: #868e96;">Age :</span>
{{-- <strong>23 years 3 month</strong> --}}
- <strong>{{ date("d M, Y", strtotime(cn($proposal_details,'student_details.dob','')))}}</strong>
+ <strong>{{age_calculator(cn($proposal_details,'student_details.dob',''))}}
+ </strong>
<div class="top_right_info_box" style="width: 100%; border: 1px solid #e9f0f3; border-radius: 0.25rem; padding: 15px; margin-right: 15px; display: grid;">
@@ -853,7 +861,7 @@ element.style {
<div class="right">
<div class="top_part_status" style="position: relative; width: fit-content; margin-left: 10px;">
<span class="top_part_status_name">
- Lorem, ipsum dolor.
+ {{cn($proposal_details,'proposal.title','')}}
@@ -861,13 +869,13 @@ element.style {
<div class="left_function_part">
<div class="left" style="margin-top:-5px;">
- Methology :
+ Methology :
<div class="right">
<div class="top_part_status" style="position: relative; width: fit-content; margin-left: 10px;">
<span class="top_part_status_name">
- Qualitative
+ {{cn($proposal_details,'proposal.methology','')}}
@@ -881,7 +889,7 @@ element.style {
<div class="right">
<div class="top_part_status" style="position: relative; width: fit-content; margin-left: 10px;">
<span class="top_part_status_name">
- Self-funded
+ {{cn($proposal_details,'proposal.status','')}}
@@ -895,7 +903,8 @@ element.style {
<div class="right">
<div class="top_part_status" style="position: relative; width: fit-content; margin-left: 10px;">
<span class="top_part_status_name">
- Mar 2023
+ {{ date("M Y", strtotime($proposal_details->created_at))}}
@@ -912,7 +921,7 @@ element.style {
<div class="right">
<div class="top_part_status" style="position: relative; width: fit-content; margin-left: 10px;">
<span style="font-size: 10px;">
- 4 April 2023
+ {{ date("d M Y", strtotime($proposal_details->created_at))}}
@@ -940,11 +949,22 @@ element.style {
<div class="right">
<div class="top_part_status" style="position: relative; width: fit-content; margin-left: 10px;">
<span style="font-size: 10px;">
- 28 Feb 2023
+ @if($proposal_details->proposal_status_date)
+ {{ date("d M Y", strtotime($proposal_details->proposal_status_date))}}
+ @endif
<span> . </span>
<span style="font-size: 10px;">
- Accepted
+ @if($proposal_details->proposal_status ==1)
+ In Review
+ @elseif($proposal_details->proposal_status ==2)
+ Pause
+ @elseif($proposal_details->proposal_status ==3)
+ Rejected
+ @elseif($proposal_details->proposal_status ==4)
+ Interested
+ @endif
@@ -974,13 +994,20 @@ element.style {
<div class="single_glance_row mt-1">
<span class="title" style="font-size:11px; font-weight: 600;">Concept :</span>
<div class="top_part_status" style="position: relative; width: fit-content; margin-left: 10px; float: right;">
- <span class="top_part_status_name" style="background: #dcdcdc; color: #8c9094;">
- Good
- </span>
+ @if($proposal_details->concept==1)
+ <span class="top_part_status_name" style="background: #dcdcdc; color: #8c9094;">
+ Good
+ </span>
+ @else
+ <span class="top_part_status_name" style="background: #dcdcdc; color: #8c9094;">
+ Poor
+ </span>
+ @endif
<div class="dropdown" style="top:-2px; position: absolute; right: 9px;">
<i class="fa fa-caret-down dropdown-toggle add_hover tooltips" id="dropdownMenuButton" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="true" data-original-title="Change Status" style="color: #8c9094;"></i>
<div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButton" x-placement="bottom-start" style="position: absolute; transform: translate3d(10px, 13px, 0px); top: 0px; left: 0px; will-change: transform; margin-left: -75px; z-index: 2; margin-top: 10px;">
- <a class="dropdown-item document_review_status_change" data-sval="1" name="sublead_status" href="#">Poor</a>
+ <a class="dropdown-item concept_change" data-val="1" @if($proposal_details->concept==1) {{'activate'}} @endif" data-id="{{$proposal_details->id}}" name="concept">Good</a>
+ <a class="dropdown-item concept_change" data-val="2" @if($proposal_details->concept==2) {{'activate'}} @endif" data-id="{{$proposal_details->id}}" name="concept">Poor</a>
@@ -988,31 +1015,54 @@ element.style {
<div class="single_glance_row mt-1">
<span class="title" style="font-size:11px; font-weight: 600;">Status :</span>
<div class="top_part_status" style="position: relative; width: fit-content; margin-left: 10px; float: right;">
+ @if($proposal_details->proposal_status==NULL)
<span class="top_part_status_name" style="background: #dcdcdc; color: #8c9094;">
+ @endif
+ @if($proposal_details->proposal_status==1)
+ <span class="top_part_status_name" style="background: #dcdcdc; color: #8c9094;">
+ In Review
+ </span>
+ @endif
+ @if($proposal_details->proposal_status==2)
+ <span class="top_part_status_name" style="background: #dcdcdc; color: #8c9094;">
+ Pause
+ </span>
+ @endif
+ @if($proposal_details->proposal_status==3)
+ <span class="top_part_status_name" style="background: #dcdcdc; color: #8c9094;">
+ Rejected
+ </span>
+ @endif
+ @if($proposal_details->proposal_status==4)
+ <span class="top_part_status_name" style="background: #dcdcdc; color: #8c9094;">
+ Interested
+ </span>
+ @endif
<div class="dropdown" style="top: 0.4px; position: absolute; right: 9px;">
<i class="fa fa-caret-down dropdown-toggle add_hover tooltips" id="dropdownMenuButton" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="true" data-original-title="Change Status" style="color: #8c9094;"></i>
<div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButton" x-placement="bottom-start" style="position: absolute; transform: translate3d(10px, 13px, 0px); top: 0px; left: 0px; will-change: transform; margin-left: -75px; z-index: 2; margin-top: 10px;">
- <a class="dropdown-item document_review_status_change" data-sval="1" name="sublead_status" href="#">In Review</a>
- <a class="dropdown-item document_review_status_change" data-sval="3" name="sublead_status" href="#">Pause</a>
- <a class="dropdown-item document_review_status_change" data-sval="3" name="sublead_status" href="#">Rejected</a>
- <a class="dropdown-item document_review_status_change" data-sval="3" name="sublead_status" href="#">Interested</a>
+ <a class="dropdown-item status_change hand" data-val="1" data-id="{{$proposal_details->id}}" name="proposal_status">In Review</a>
+ <a class="dropdown-item status_change hand" data-val="2" data-id="{{$proposal_details->id}}" name="proposal_status">Pause</a>
+ <a class="dropdown-item status_change hand" data-val="3" data-id="{{$proposal_details->id}}" name="proposal_status">Rejected</a>
+ <a class="dropdown-item status_change hand" data-val="4" data-id="{{$proposal_details->id}}" name="proposal_status">Interested</a>
- <div class="single_glance_row mt-1" style="border-bottom: none;">
+ <div class="single_glance_row mt-1 d-none" id="feedback" style="border-bottom: none;">
<span class="title" style="font-size:11px; font-weight: 600;">Feedback :</span>
<span class="tbl2">
<div class="mb-2">
<div class="form-icon position-relative">
- <textarea class="form-control" name="message" required=""></textarea>
+ <input type="hidden" name="p_status" id="p_status" value="">
+ <textarea class="form-control" name="message" id="message" required=""></textarea>
<div class="text-end">
- <button class="btn btn2">Save</button>
+ <button class="btn btn2 feedback_btn" data-id="{{$proposal_details->id}}">Save</button>
@@ -1026,76 +1076,64 @@ element.style {
<div class="ad_pref_item_header mb-2">
<div class="Feedback">Applicate Profile</div>
- <div class="summary_edu_part">
- <div class="education_head">
- <div class="left">
- <span class="edu_title">Master Degree</span>
- </div>
- <div class="right">
- <span class="label_badge_radius" style="font-weight: 600; background: #fff;">2.90 </span>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="education_body mt-3">
- <ul>
- <li>Philosophy</li>
- <li>M.C College, Sylhet</li>
- <li>June 2013 - September 2017</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="summary_edu_part mt-1">
- <div class="education_head">
- <div class="left">
- <span class="edu_title">Bachelor Degree</span>
- </div>
- <div class="right">
- <span class="label_badge_radius" style="font-weight: 600; background: #fff;">2.90 </span>
+ @if(count($education_history))
+ @foreach($education_history as $row)
+ <div class="summary_edu_part mt-1">
+ <div class="education_head">
+ <div class="left">
+ <span class="edu_title">{{cn($row,'academic_level_info.name','')}}</span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="right">
+ <span class="label_badge_radius" style="font-weight: 600; background: #fff;">{{$row->result}} </span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="education_body mt-3">
+ <ul>
+ <li>{{$row->subject}}</li>
+ <li>{{$row->institution}}</li>
+ <li>{{date('M Y', strtotime($row->start_date))}} - {{date('M Y', strtotime($row->end_date))}}</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
- </div>
- <div class="education_body mt-3">
- <ul>
- <li>Philosophy</li>
- <li>M.C College, Sylhet</li>
- <li>June 2013 - September 2017</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div>
+ @endforeach
+ @endif
<div class="summary_ielts_part">
<div class="education_head">
<div class="left">
- <span class="edu_title">OIETC - ELLT</span>
+ <span class="edu_title">{{cn($proposal_details,'scores.test_name','')}}</span>
<div class="expiration">
<span class="tooltips" style="font-size: 11px; color: #868e96;" data-original-title="Expiration">
- <i class="fa fa-calendar-check-o mr-1" style="color: #908f8f;"></i>
- 19 Feb 2023
+ <i class="fa fa-calendar-check-o mr-1" style="color: #908f8f;"></i>
+ {{ date('d M Y', strtotime(cn($proposal_details,'scores.test_date','')))}}
- <span class="label_badge_radius" style="position: absolute; right: 0; font-weight: 600; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgb(46 17 83 / 19%), rgb(245, 244, 253)); color: rgb(46, 17, 83);">8</span>
+ <span class="label_badge_radius" style="position: absolute; right: 0; font-weight: 600; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgb(46 17 83 / 19%), rgb(245, 244, 253)); color: rgb(46, 17, 83);">{{cn($proposal_details,'scores.overall_score','')}}</span>
<div class="education_body mt-3" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #e8eef1;padding: 8px 0px">
<div class="result" style="display: flex;">
<div class="result-part" style="font-size: 11px;">
<span class="single_point">Speaking:
- <span class="point_number" style="font-weight: 700;">7 ,
+ <span class="point_number" style="font-weight: 700;">{{cn($proposal_details,'scores.speaking','')}} ,
<div class="result-part" style="font-size: 11px;">
<span class="single_point">Listening:
- <span class="point_number" style="font-weight: 700;">9 ,
+ <span class="point_number" style="font-weight: 700;">{{cn($proposal_details,'scores.listening','')}} ,
<div class="result-part" style="font-size: 11px;">
<span class="single_point">Writing:
- <span class="point_number" style="font-weight: 700;">8 ,
+ <span class="point_number" style="font-weight: 700;">{{cn($proposal_details,'scores.writing','')}} ,
<div class="result-part" style="font-size: 11px;">
<span class="single_point">Reading:
- <span class="point_number" style="font-weight: 700;">7 ,
+ <span class="point_number" style="font-weight: 700;">{{cn($proposal_details,'scores.reading','')}} ,
@@ -1104,8 +1142,8 @@ element.style {
<div class="single_glance_row mt-1">
<span class="title" style="font-size:11px; font-weight: 600;">Work Exp:</span>
- <span class="label_badge_radius" style="background: #e7f3ea !important; color: #0ba52e; margin-left: 3px;">5 Years</span>
- <span style="font-size: 11px; color: #868e96;">(01 Nov 2017 - Continue)</span>
+ <span class="label_badge_radius" style="background: #e7f3ea !important; color: #0ba52e; margin-left: 3px;">{{work_experience($start_date ?? NULL, $end_date ?? NULL)}}</span>
+ <span style="font-size: 11px; color: #868e96;">@if(isset($start_date) && is_null($end_date))({{date('d M Y', strtotime($start_date))}} - Continue)@endif</span>
@@ -1142,8 +1180,14 @@ element.style {
<div class="card border-0 tab-pane fade show active" id="buy" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="buy-login">
<div class="row align-items-center">
<div class="col-md-12">
- <iframe src ="{{url(asset('web/files/CRM.pdf'))}}" type="application/pdf" width="100%" height="670px"></iframe>
+ @if(file_exists( public_path().'/uploads/proposal/'.@$proposal_details->proposal->document_file ) && @$proposal_details->proposal->document_file != null)
+ <iframe src ="{{url(asset('/uploads/proposal').'/'.@$proposal_details->proposal->document_file) }}" type="application/pdf" width="100%" height="560px"></iframe>
+ @else
+ <iframe src ="{{url(asset('web/files/CRM.pdf'))}}" type="application/pdf" width="100%" height="670px"></iframe>
+ @endif
</div><!--end col-->
</div><!--end row-->
</div><!--end teb pane-->
@@ -1219,6 +1263,157 @@ element.style {
<script src="{{asset('web/js/plugins.init.js')}}"></script>
<script src="{{asset('web/js/app.js')}}"></script>
<script src="{{asset('web/css/sweetalert/sweetalert.min.js')}}"></script>
- <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script>
+ {{-- <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script> --}}
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+ afterClose: callback
+ }
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+ if(err.responseJSON && err.responseJSON.msg){
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+ }
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+ $(function(){
+ $('.concept_change').on('click', function(){
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+ _token :"{{csrf_token()}}",
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+ }
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+ text: "Please check before submitting!",
+ type: "warning",
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+ confirmButtonText: "Yes",
+ cancelButtonText: "No",
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+ closeOnCancel: true
+ }, function(isConfirm){
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+ window.location.reload();
+ }).fail(function(err){
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+ });
+ });
+ $('.status_change').on('click', function(){
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+ var id =self.data('id');
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+ _token :"{{csrf_token()}}",
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+ }
+ if(value==1 || value==2){
+ swal({
+ title: "Are you sure you want to change status?",
+ text: "Please check before submitting!",
+ type: "warning",
+ showCancelButton: true,
+ confirmButtonClass: "btn-danger",
+ cancelButtonClass: "btn-info",
+ confirmButtonText: "Yes",
+ cancelButtonText: "No",
+ closeOnConfirm: true,
+ closeOnCancel: true
+ }, function(isConfirm){
+ if(isConfirm){
+ $.post("{{ route('ajax-post', ['name'=>'proposal_status_update']) }}", form_data, function(res){
+ pop_up_msg(res.msg);
+ window.location.reload();
+ }).fail(function(err){
+ pop_up_msg(err_msg(err), 'error');
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
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+ $("#feedback").removeClass('d-none');
+ $('input[name="p_status"]').val(value);
+ }else{
+ $("#feedback").addClass('d-none');
+ }
+ });
+ $('.feedback_btn').click(function(){
+ var id =$(this).data('id');
+ var message =$('#message').val();
+ var proposal_status =$('#p_status').val();
+ var form_data={
+ _token: "{{ csrf_token() }}",
+ id: id,
+ message: message,
+ proposal_status: proposal_status,
+ }
+ $.post("{{ route('ajax-post', ['name'=>'proposal_feedback_update']) }}", form_data, function(res){
+ pop_up_msg(res.msg);
+ window.location.reload();
+ }).fail(function(err){
+ pop_up_msg(err_msg(err), 'error');
+ });
+ });
+ });
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