.bg-white {
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.border-white {
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.border-top-white {
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.border-bottom-white {
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.border-start-white {
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.border-end-white {
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.border-white.badge-glow {
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.overlay-white {
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  background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6); }

input:focus ~ .bg-white {
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.border-black {
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.border-top-black {
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.border-bottom-black {
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.border-start-black {
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.border-end-black {
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.border-black.badge-glow {
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.overlay-black {
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  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); }

input:focus ~ .bg-black {
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.bg-dark {
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.alert-dark .alert-link {
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.alert-dark .btn-close {
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.border-dark {
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.border-top-dark {
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.border-bottom-dark {
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.border-start-dark {
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.border-end-dark {
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.border-dark.badge-glow {
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.badge.badge-light-dark {
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.overlay-dark {
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  background: rgba(75, 75, 75, 0.6); }

.btn-dark {
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.btn-dark:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active:focus {
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.btn-check:checked + .btn-dark, .btn-check:active + .btn-dark {
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.btn-flat-dark:hover {
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.btn-flat-dark.dropdown-toggle::after {
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.btn-relief-dark {
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.btn-outline-dark.dropdown-toggle::after {
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.btn-check:checked + .btn-outline-dark, .btn-check:active + .btn-outline-dark {
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.btn-outline-dark.waves-effect .waves-ripple,
.btn-flat-dark.waves-effect .waves-ripple {
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.modal.modal-dark .modal-header .modal-title {
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.modal.modal-dark .modal-header .btn-close {
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.progress-bar-dark {
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.progress-bar-dark .progress-bar {
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.timeline .timeline-point-dark {
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.timeline .timeline-point-dark i,
.timeline .timeline-point-dark svg {
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.timeline .timeline-point-dark.timeline-point-indicator {
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.timeline .timeline-point-dark.timeline-point-indicator:before {
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.divider.divider-dark .divider-text:before, .divider.divider-dark .divider-text:after {
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input:focus ~ .bg-dark {
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.select2-dark .select2-container--default .select2-selection--multiple .select2-selection__choice {
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.bg-light {
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.border-top-light {
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.border-bottom-light {
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.border-start-light {
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.border-end-light {
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.border-light.badge-glow {
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.overlay-light {
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  background: rgba(246, 246, 246, 0.6); }

input:focus ~ .bg-light {
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.bg-primary .card-footer {
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.alert-primary {
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.alert-primary .alert-heading {
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.alert-primary .alert-link {
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.alert-primary .btn-close {
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.bg-light-primary {
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.bg-light-primary.fc-h-event, .bg-light-primary.fc-v-event {
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.bg-light-primary.fc-list-event .fc-list-event-title {
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.border-primary {
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.border-top-primary {
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.border-bottom-primary {
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.border-start-primary {
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.border-end-primary {
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.border-primary.badge-glow {
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.badge.badge-light-primary {
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.overlay-primary {
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  /* The Fallback */
  background: rgba(115, 103, 240, 0.6); }

.btn-primary {
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.btn-primary:focus, .btn-primary:active, .btn-primary.active {
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.btn-primary:hover:not(.disabled):not(:disabled) {
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.btn-primary:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active:focus {
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.btn-check:checked + .btn-primary, .btn-check:active + .btn-primary {
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.btn-flat-primary:hover {
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.btn-flat-primary:active, .btn-flat-primary.active, .btn-flat-primary:focus {
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.btn-flat-primary.dropdown-toggle::after {
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.btn-relief-primary {
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.btn-relief-primary:hover:not(.disabled):not(:disabled) {
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.btn-relief-primary:active, .btn-relief-primary.active, .btn-relief-primary:focus {
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.btn-relief-primary:hover {
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.btn-relief-primary:active, .btn-relief-primary.active {
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.btn-outline-primary:hover:not(.disabled):not(:disabled) {
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.btn-outline-primary.show.dropdown-toggle {
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.btn-check:checked + .btn-outline-primary, .btn-check:active + .btn-outline-primary {
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.nav-pill-primary .nav-item .nav-link.active {
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.progress-bar-primary .progress-bar {
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.timeline .timeline-point-primary i,
.timeline .timeline-point-primary svg {
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.timeline .timeline-point-primary.timeline-point-indicator {
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.timeline .timeline-point-primary.timeline-point-indicator:before {
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.divider.divider-primary .divider-text:before, .divider.divider-primary .divider-text:after {
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input:focus ~ .bg-primary {
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.form-check-primary .form-check-input:checked {
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.form-check-primary .form-check-input:not(:disabled):checked, .form-check-primary .form-check-input:not(:disabled):focus {
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.alert-secondary .btn-close {
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.bg-light-secondary.fc-h-event, .bg-light-secondary.fc-v-event {
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.badge.badge-light-secondary {
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input:focus ~ .bg-secondary {
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.bg-success .card-footer {
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.alert-success {
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.alert-success .alert-heading {
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.bg-light-success {
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.bg-light-success.fc-h-event, .bg-light-success.fc-v-event {
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.border-bottom-success {
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.badge.badge-light-success {
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.overlay-success {
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  /* The Fallback */
  background: rgba(40, 199, 111, 0.6); }

.btn-success {
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.btn-success:focus, .btn-success:active, .btn-success.active {
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.btn-success:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active:focus {
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.btn-check:checked + .btn-success, .btn-check:active + .btn-success {
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.btn-relief-success {
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.btn-relief-success:hover:not(.disabled):not(:disabled) {
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.btn-outline-success.show.dropdown-toggle {
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.btn-check:checked + .btn-outline-success, .btn-check:active + .btn-outline-success {
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.modal.modal-success .modal-header .btn-close {
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.nav-pill-success .nav-item .nav-link.active {
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.progress-bar-success {
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.progress-bar-success .progress-bar {
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.timeline .timeline-point-success {
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.timeline .timeline-point-success i,
.timeline .timeline-point-success svg {
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.timeline .timeline-point-success.timeline-point-indicator {
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input:focus ~ .bg-success {
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.form-check-success .form-check-input:checked {
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.form-check-success .form-check-input:not(:disabled):checked, .form-check-success .form-check-input:not(:disabled):focus {
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.select2-success .select2-container--default .select2-selection--multiple .select2-selection__choice {
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.bg-info {
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.alert-info {
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.alert-info .alert-heading {
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.alert-info .alert-link {
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.alert-info .btn-close {
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.bg-light-info.fc-h-event, .bg-light-info.fc-v-event {
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.border-info {
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.border-bottom-info {
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  /* The Fallback */
  background: rgba(0, 207, 232, 0.6); }

.btn-info {
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.btn-check:checked + .btn-outline-info, .btn-check:active + .btn-outline-info {
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.modal.modal-info .modal-header .btn-close {
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input:focus ~ .bg-info {
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.select2-info .select2-container--default .select2-selection--multiple .select2-selection__choice {
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.bg-warning {
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.bg-warning .card-footer {
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.alert-warning {
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.alert-warning .alert-heading {
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.alert-warning .btn-close {
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.bg-light-warning {
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.bg-light-warning.fc-h-event, .bg-light-warning.fc-v-event {
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.border-bottom-warning {
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.border-warning.badge-glow {
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.badge.badge-light-warning {
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.overlay-warning {
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  /* The Fallback */
  background: rgba(255, 159, 67, 0.6); }

.btn-warning {
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.btn-warning:focus, .btn-warning:active, .btn-warning.active {
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.btn-warning:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active:focus {
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.btn-check:checked + .btn-warning, .btn-check:active + .btn-warning {
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.btn-relief-warning {
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  transition: all 0.2s ease; }

.btn-relief-warning:hover:not(.disabled):not(:disabled) {
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.btn-relief-warning:active, .btn-relief-warning.active, .btn-relief-warning:focus {
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.btn-relief-warning:hover {
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.btn-outline-warning.dropdown-toggle::after {
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.btn-outline-warning.show.dropdown-toggle {
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  color: #ff9f43; }

.btn-check:checked + .btn-outline-warning, .btn-check:active + .btn-outline-warning {
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.btn-flat-warning.waves-effect .waves-ripple {
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.bullet.bullet-warning {
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.modal.modal-warning .modal-header .modal-title {
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.modal.modal-warning .modal-header .btn-close {
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.nav-pill-warning .nav-item .nav-link.active {
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.progress-bar-warning {
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.progress-bar-warning .progress-bar {
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.timeline .timeline-point-warning {
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.timeline .timeline-point-warning i,
.timeline .timeline-point-warning svg {
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.timeline .timeline-point-warning.timeline-point-indicator {
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.timeline .timeline-point-warning.timeline-point-indicator:before {
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.divider.divider-warning .divider-text:before, .divider.divider-warning .divider-text:after {
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input:focus ~ .bg-warning {
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.form-check-warning .form-check-input:checked {
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.form-check-warning .form-check-input:not(:disabled):checked, .form-check-warning .form-check-input:not(:disabled):focus {
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.select2-warning .select2-container--default .select2-selection--multiple .select2-selection__choice {
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.bg-danger {
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.bg-danger .card-header,
.bg-danger .card-footer {
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.alert-danger {
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.alert-danger .alert-heading {
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.alert-danger .alert-link {
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.alert-danger .btn-close {
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.bg-light-danger {
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.bg-light-danger.fc-h-event, .bg-light-danger.fc-v-event {
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.bg-light-danger.fc-list-event .fc-list-event-title {
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.border-danger {
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.border-top-danger {
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.border-bottom-danger {
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.badge.badge-light-danger {
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.overlay-danger {
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  /* The Fallback */
  background: rgba(234, 84, 85, 0.6); }

.btn-danger {
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.btn-danger:focus, .btn-danger:active, .btn-danger.active {
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.btn-check:checked + .btn-danger, .btn-check:active + .btn-danger {
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.btn-relief-danger:hover:not(.disabled):not(:disabled) {
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.btn-outline-danger.show.dropdown-toggle {
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.btn-check:checked + .btn-outline-danger, .btn-check:active + .btn-outline-danger {
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.modal.modal-danger .modal-header .btn-close {
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input:focus ~ .bg-danger {
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.btn-gradient-warning:active {
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