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Discover the hassle-free solution to manage proposals from your doctoral applicants

Introducing our Doctoral Proposal management tool - a revolutionary solution designed to simplify the proposal submission and review process. As we understand, managing numerous proposals from doctoral applicants can be a daunting task, which is why we have created a hassle-free solution to streamline the process.

Centralized Proposal Management Real-time Notifications Add your Feedback to Proposals

Eliminate the need
to keep track of emails

We understand that you must receive countless emails from doctoral applicants

3 Ways you can receive proposals from doctoral candidates

"Provide your ARN (Application Reference Number) to the student and ask them to submit their proposal through Research Admission Platform using your reference when they apply."


"Log in to your account, open Invite and add the student's name and email address, send them an invitation. This will automatically tag their application under your account when they apply.*"


"Share the Q Apply link with the student and instruct them to fill out the form with their name and email. An invitation email will be sent to them, and then they can proceed with option 2.*"

Our Valuable Clients

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Omnis, vero.

" It seems that only fragments of the original text remain in the Lorem Ipsum texts used today. "

- Thomas Israel C.E.O

" One disadvantage of Lorum Ipsum is that in Latin certain letters appear more frequently than others. "

- Barbara McIntosh M.D

" The most well-known dummy text is the 'Lorem Ipsum', which is said to have originated in the 16th century. "

- Carl Oliver P.A

" According to most sources, Lorum Ipsum can be traced back to a text composed by Cicero. "

- Christa Smith Manager

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Omnis, vero.

"It seems that only fragments of the original text remain in the Lorem Ipsum texts used today."

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