Žiadny popis

Md.Mostafijur Rahman 05996e52f8 Update Apllication Proposal 1 rok pred
app 05996e52f8 Update Apllication Proposal 1 rok pred
bootstrap 9e86c99e79 initial commit 2 rokov pred
config da99d2fea1 admin section 2 rokov pred
database 9e86c99e79 initial commit 2 rokov pred
public 139a079781 Modified 1 rok pred
resources 05996e52f8 Update Apllication Proposal 1 rok pred
routes 8b6344d2fc Full project modified 1 rok pred
sql b4e736a1be Update Apllication Proposal 1 rok pred
storage 9e86c99e79 initial commit 2 rokov pred
tests 9e86c99e79 initial commit 2 rokov pred
.editorconfig 9e86c99e79 initial commit 2 rokov pred
.env.example 9e86c99e79 initial commit 2 rokov pred
.gitattributes 9e86c99e79 initial commit 2 rokov pred
.gitignore 72ede99cf3 Some modified 2 rokov pred
.styleci.yml 9e86c99e79 initial commit 2 rokov pred
README.md 9e86c99e79 initial commit 2 rokov pred
artisan 9e86c99e79 initial commit 2 rokov pred
composer.json e567d950bf q-form 1 rok pred
composer.lock 379d8a5ec7 invited 1 rok pred
package-lock.json 9e86c99e79 initial commit 2 rokov pred
package.json 9e86c99e79 initial commit 2 rokov pred
phpunit.xml 9e86c99e79 initial commit 2 rokov pred
public.zip abedbda6a7 Modified 1 rok pred
server.php 9e86c99e79 initial commit 2 rokov pred
webpack.mix.js 9e86c99e79 initial commit 2 rokov pred


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About Laravel

Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel takes the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in many web projects, such as:

Laravel is accessible, powerful, and provides tools required for large, robust applications.

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The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.