[ {"title": "Expanded folder with children", "expanded": true, "folder": true, "children": [ {"key": "1_2", "title": "Expanded sub-item", "expanded": true, "children": [ {"key": "1_2_1", "title": "Active sub-item (active and focus on init)", "active": true, "focused": true}, {"key": "1_2_2", "title": "Basic menu item with HTML support"} ]}, {"key": "1_3", "title": "Expanded sub-item", "children": [ {"key": "1_3_1", "title": "Sub-item 2.2.1"}, {"key": "1_3_2", "title": "Sub-item 2.2.2"} ]} ]}, {"key": "2", "title": "Menu item with key and tooltip", "extraClasses": "has-tooltip", "tooltip": "Look, a tool tip!"}, {"key": "3", "title": "Collapsed folder", "folder": true, "children": [ {"key": "3_1", "title": "Sub-item 1.1"}, {"key": "3_1", "title": "Sub-item 1.2"} ]}, {"key": "4", "title": "This is a selected item", "selected": true}, {"key": "5", "title": "Document with some children (expanded on init)", "expanded": true, "children": [ {"key": "5_1", "title": "Document sub-item"}, {"key": "5_2", "title": "Another document sub-item", "children": [ {"key": "5_2_1", "title": "Sub-item 2.1.1"}, {"key": "5_2_2", "title": "Sub-item 2.1.2"} ]} ]} ]