/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Custom Limitless functions * * Utility mixins and functions for evalutating source code across our variables, maps, and mixins. * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // // Removes the unit (e.g. px, em, rem) from a value, returning the number only. // // @param {Number} $num - Number to strip unit from. // // @returns {Number} The same number, sans unit. @function strip-unit($num) { @return $num / ($num * 0 + 1); } // // Converts one or more pixel values into matching rem values. // // @param {Number|List} $values - One or more values to convert. Be sure to separate them with spaces and not commas. If you need to convert a comma-separated list, wrap the list in parentheses. // @param {Number} $base [null] - The base value to use when calculating the `rem`. If you're using Foundation out of the box, this is 16px. If this parameter is `null`, the function will reference the `$base-font-size` variable as the base. // // @returns {List} A list of converted values. $global-font-size: 100% !default; @function rem-calc($values, $base: null) { $rem-values: (); $count: length($values); // If no base is defined, defer to the global font size @if $base == null { $base: $global-font-size; } // If the base font size is a %, then multiply it by 16px // This is because 100% font size = 16px in most all browsers @if unit($base) == '%' { $base: ($base / 100%) * 16px; } // Using rem as base allows correct scaling @if unit($base) == 'rem' { $base: strip-unit($base) * 16px; } @if $count == 1 { @return -zf-to-rem($values, $base); } @for $i from 1 through $count { $rem-values: append($rem-values, -zf-to-rem(nth($values, $i), $base)); } @return $rem-values; } // // Converts a pixel value to matching rem value. *Any* value passed, regardless of unit, is assumed to be a pixel value. By default, the base pixel value used to calculate the rem value is taken from the `$global-font-size` variable. // @access private // // @param {Number} $value - Pixel value to convert. // @param {Number} $base [null] - Base for pixel conversion. // // @returns {Number} A number in rems, calculated based on the given value and the base pixel value. rem values are passed through as is. @function -zf-to-rem($value, $base: null) { // Check if the value is a number @if type-of($value) != 'number' { @warn inspect($value) + ' was passed to rem-calc(), which is not a number.'; @return $value; } // Transform em into rem if someone hands over 'em's @if unit($value) == 'em' { $value: strip-unit($value) * 1rem; } // Calculate rem if units for $value is not rem or em @if unit($value) != 'rem' { $value: strip-unit($value) / strip-unit($base) * 1rem; } // Turn 0rem into 0 @if $value == 0rem { $value: 0; } @return $value; }