
 * The template for displaying all single faculty posts
 * @package UIU_CSE
get_header(); ?>

<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post();

	$auth_token = get_field('auth_token', 'option');
	$client_id = get_field('client_id', 'option');
	$employee_info_api = get_field('employee_info_api', 'option');
	$journal_api = get_field('journal_api', 'option');
	$conference_api = get_field('conference_api', 'option');

	$login_id_e = "";

	if (function_exists('get_field')) {
		$pid_content = get_post();
		if (has_blocks($pid_content)) {
			$blocks = parse_blocks($pid_content->post_content);
			foreach ($blocks as $block) {
				if ($block["blockName"] == "acf/faculty-member") {
					$login_id_e = $block["attrs"]["data"]["login_id"];

	$response_employeeInfo = wp_remote_post(
			'body' => array(
				'user_login_id' => $client_id,
				'login_id' => $login_id_e,
				'auth_token' => $auth_token
	$employeeInfo = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response_employeeInfo), true);

	$response_employeeJournal = wp_remote_post(
			'body' => array(
				'employee_id' => $login_id_e,
				"year"  => "",
				'user_login_id' => $client_id,
				'auth_token' => $auth_token
				// 'page' => 1,
				// 'limit' => 1

	$employeeJournal = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response_employeeJournal), true);

	$response_employeeConference = wp_remote_post(
			'body' => array(
				'employee_id' => $login_id_e,
				"year"  => "",
				'user_login_id' => $client_id,
				'auth_token' => $auth_token
				// 'page' => 1,
				// 'limit' => 1

	$employeeConference = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response_employeeConference), true);

	<section class="static-banner">
		<div class="static-banner-underlay">
			<img src="<?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail_url(); ?>" alt="">
		<div class="static-banner-overlay"></div>

		<section class="profile-header">

			<div class="profile-main">
				<div class="container">

					<div class="top-row">
						<div class="profile-img-container">
							<img src="<?php the_field('profile_photo'); ?>" alt="">

						<div class="profile-header-text">
							<!-- <h3 class="sub-title">Faculty profile</h3> -->
							<h1 class="profile-name">
								<?php echo $employeeInfo[0]['Title'];
								echo " " . $employeeInfo[0]['FullName'];

								<!-- <span class="degree"><?php //if ($employeeInfo[0]['Title'] == "Dr.") {
															//echo ', PhD';}
								</span> -->
							<h2 class="profile-des">
								<?php echo $employeeInfo[0]['Designation'];
								echo ", " . $employeeInfo[0]['Office'];
							<span class="contact-dets"><?php echo "ROOM: " . $employeeInfo[0]['Room']; ?></span>
							<span class="contact-dets"><?php echo "PABX: " . $employeeInfo[0]['PABX']; ?></span>
							<br />

							<span class="contact-dets"><?php echo $employeeInfo[0]['Phone']; ?></span>
							<span class="contact-dets"><?php echo $employeeInfo[0]['Email']; ?></span>

							<?php if (have_rows('contact_details')) : ?>
								<?php while (have_rows('contact_details')) : the_row(); ?>
									<span class="contact-dets"><?php the_sub_field('contact_info'); ?></span>
								<?php endwhile; ?>
							<?php endif; ?>



		<section class="profile-body primary-c">
			<div class="container">
				<div class="profile-second-row">
					<div class="left-col">
						<ul class="profile-choices">



					<div class="profile-main-description">

						<?php if (have_rows('main_information')) : ?>

							<?php while (have_rows('main_information')) : the_row(); ?>

								<span class="contact-dets"></span>
								<div class="bio desc-block">
									<h2 class="m-text"><?php the_sub_field('title'); ?></h2>
									<p class="m-text">
										<?php the_sub_field('contents'); ?>

							<?php endwhile; ?>

						<?php endif; ?>

						<?php if ($employeeJournal || $employeeConference) : ?>

							<div class="bio desc-block">
								<h2 class="m-text">Publication</h2>
								<p class="m-text">
								<h3 class="paper-type">Journal Papers</h3>

								foreach ($employeeJournal as $item) {
									// Access individual elements of each response
									echo "<div class='paper-details'>";
									echo "<span class='paper-year'>{$item['Year']}</span>";

									// Iterate over the JournalList array within each item
									foreach ($item['JournalList'] as $journal) {
										// Access individual elements of each journal
										echo "<a href='{$journal['JournalLink']}'>";
										echo "<h2 class='paper-title'>{$journal['PaperTitle']}</h2>";
										echo "</a>";
										echo "<p class='paper-tags'>";
										// $journalKeyword = $journal['KeyWords'];
										foreach ($journal['KeyWords'] as $keyword) {
											if ($keyword) {
												echo "<span class='tag'>{$keyword}</span>";
										echo "</p>";
										echo "<p class='paper-event'>Publication:  {$journal['JournalTitle']}</p>";
										echo "<p class='paper-contributors'>";
										echo "Author List: ";
										// Iterate over the Author array within each journal
										foreach ($journal['Author'] as $author) {
											// Access individual elements of each author
											$authorName = $author['AuthorName'];
											// Process or output the values as needed
											echo " $authorName,";
										echo "</p>";
									echo "</div>";

								<h3 class="paper-type">Conference Papers</h3>

								foreach ($employeeConference as $item) {
									// Access individual elements of each response
									$item_count = "single";
									if (count($item['ConferenceList']) > 1) {
										$item_count = "multiple";
									echo "<div class='paper-details {$item_count}'>";
									echo "<span class='paper-year'>{$item['Year']}</span>";

									// Iterate over the JournalList array within each item
									foreach ($item['ConferenceList'] as $conference) {
										// Access individual elements of each journal
										echo "<a href='{$conference['Link']}'>";
										echo "<h2 class='paper-title'>{$conference['PaperTitle']}</h2>";
										echo "</a>";
										echo "<p class='paper-tags'>";
										// $conferenceKeyword = $conference['KeyWords'];
										foreach ($conference['KeyWords'] as $keyword) {
											if ($keyword) {
												echo "<span class='tag'>{$keyword}</span>";
										echo "</p>";
										echo "<p class='paper-event'>Conference:  {$conference['ConferenceName']}</p>";
										echo "<p class='paper-contributors'>";
										echo "Author List: ";
										// Iterate over the Author array within each journal
										foreach ($conference['Author'] as $author) {
											// Process or output the values as needed
											echo " {$author['AuthorName']},";
										echo "</p>";
									echo "</div>";
						<?php endif; ?>
	<!-- #main -->

<?php endwhile; // end of the loop.
<div class="pickers">
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<?php get_footer(); ?>