acf-fi.po 119 KB

  1. msgid ""
  2. msgstr ""
  3. "Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields Pro\n"
  4. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
  5. "POT-Creation-Date: \n"
  6. "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-02-25 11:11+0200\n"
  7. "Last-Translator: Elliot Condon <>\n"
  8. "Language-Team: \n"
  9. "Language: fi\n"
  10. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  11. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  12. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
  13. "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.4\n"
  14. "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
  15. "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
  16. "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;esc_attr__;"
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  23. "X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.js\n"
  24. #: acf.php:3, pro/acf-pro.php:27
  25. msgid "Advanced Custom Fields PRO"
  26. msgstr "Advanced Custom Fields PRO"
  27. #: acf.php:4, acf.php:8
  28. msgid ""
  29. msgstr ""
  30. #: acf.php:5
  31. msgid "Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields."
  32. msgstr ""
  33. "Mukauta WordPressiä tehokkailla, ammattimaisilla ja intuitiivisilla kentillä."
  34. #: acf.php:7
  35. msgid "Delicious Brains"
  36. msgstr "Delicious Brains"
  37. #: acf.php:71
  38. msgid "Advanced Custom Fields"
  39. msgstr "Advanced Custom Fields"
  40. #: acf.php:360, includes/admin/admin.php:50, includes/admin/admin.php:50
  41. msgid "Field Groups"
  42. msgstr "Kenttäryhmät"
  43. #: acf.php:361
  44. msgid "Field Group"
  45. msgstr "Kenttäryhmä"
  46. #: acf.php:362, acf.php:396, includes/admin/admin.php:51,
  47. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:554
  48. msgid "Add New"
  49. msgstr "Lisää uusi"
  50. #: acf.php:363
  51. msgid "Add New Field Group"
  52. msgstr "Lisää uusi kenttäryhmä"
  53. #: acf.php:364
  54. msgid "Edit Field Group"
  55. msgstr "Muokkaa kenttäryhmää"
  56. #: acf.php:365
  57. msgid "New Field Group"
  58. msgstr "Lisää uusi kenttäryhmä"
  59. #: acf.php:366
  60. msgid "View Field Group"
  61. msgstr "Katso kenttäryhmää"
  62. #: acf.php:367
  63. msgid "Search Field Groups"
  64. msgstr "Etsi kenttäryhmiä"
  65. #: acf.php:368
  66. msgid "No Field Groups found"
  67. msgstr "Kenttäryhmiä ei löytynyt"
  68. #: acf.php:369
  69. msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
  70. msgstr "Kenttäryhmiä ei löytynyt roskakorista"
  71. #: acf.php:394, includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:233,
  72. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:266,
  73. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-clone.php:814
  74. msgid "Fields"
  75. msgstr "Kentät"
  76. #: acf.php:395
  77. msgid "Field"
  78. msgstr "Kenttä"
  79. #: acf.php:397
  80. msgid "Add New Field"
  81. msgstr "Lisää uusi kenttä"
  82. #: acf.php:398
  83. msgid "Edit Field"
  84. msgstr "Muokkaa kenttää"
  85. #: acf.php:399, includes/admin/views/field-group-fields.php:56
  86. msgid "New Field"
  87. msgstr "Uusi kenttä"
  88. #: acf.php:400
  89. msgid "View Field"
  90. msgstr "Näytä kenttä"
  91. #: acf.php:401
  92. msgid "Search Fields"
  93. msgstr "Etsi kenttiä"
  94. #: acf.php:402
  95. msgid "No Fields found"
  96. msgstr "Ei löytynyt kenttiä"
  97. #: acf.php:403
  98. msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
  99. msgstr "Kenttiä ei löytynyt roskakorista"
  100. #: acf.php:441, includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:385,
  101. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:230
  102. msgctxt "post status"
  103. msgid "Disabled"
  104. msgstr "Pois käytöstä"
  105. #: acf.php:446
  106. msgid "Disabled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
  107. msgid_plural "Disabled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
  108. msgstr[0] "Poistettu käytöstä <span class=”count”>(%s)</span>"
  109. msgstr[1] "Poistettu käytöstä <span class=”count”>(%s)</span>"
  110. #: acf.php:496
  111. msgid ""
  112. "Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
  113. "at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields."
  114. msgstr ""
  115. "Lisäosien Advanced Custom Fields ja Advanced Custom Fields PRO ei pitäisi "
  116. "olla käytössä yhtäaikaa. Suljimme Advanced Custom Fields -lisäosan "
  117. "automaattisesti."
  118. #: acf.php:498
  119. msgid ""
  120. "Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO should not be active "
  121. "at the same time. We've automatically deactivated Advanced Custom Fields PRO."
  122. msgstr ""
  123. "Lisäosien Advanced Custom Fields ja Advanced Custom Fields PRO ei pitäisi "
  124. "olla käytössä yhtäaikaa. Suljimme Advanced Custom Fields PRO -lisäosan "
  125. "automaattisesti."
  126. #: includes/acf-field-functions.php:841,
  127. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:171
  128. msgid "(no label)"
  129. msgstr "(ei nimiötä)"
  130. #: includes/acf-field-group-functions.php:846,
  131. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:173
  132. msgid "copy"
  133. msgstr "kopio"
  134. #: includes/acf-value-functions.php:353
  135. msgid ""
  136. "<strong>%1$s</strong> - We've detected one or more calls to retrieve ACF "
  137. "field values before ACF has been initialized. This is not supported and can "
  138. "result in malformed or missing data. <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank"
  139. "\">Learn how to fix this</a>."
  140. msgstr ""
  141. "<strong>%1$s</strong> - Olemme havainneet yhden tai useamman kutsun ACF-"
  142. "kenttäarvojen noutamiseksi ennen ACF:n alustamista. Tätä ei tueta ja se voi "
  143. "johtaa väärin muotoiltuihin tai puuttuviin tietoihin. <a href=\"%2$s\" "
  144. "target=\"_blank\">Lue lisää tämän korjaamisesta</a>."
  145. #: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:41
  146. msgid "Posts"
  147. msgstr "Artikkelit"
  148. #: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:54
  149. msgid "Taxonomies"
  150. msgstr "Taksonomiat"
  151. #: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:59
  152. msgid "Attachments"
  153. msgstr "Liitteet"
  154. #: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:63,
  155. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:144
  156. msgid "Comments"
  157. msgstr "Kommentit"
  158. #: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:67
  159. msgid "Widgets"
  160. msgstr "Vimpaimet"
  161. #: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:71,
  162. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-nav-menu.php:89
  163. msgid "Menus"
  164. msgstr "Valikot"
  165. #: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:75
  166. msgid "Menu items"
  167. msgstr "Valikkokohteet"
  168. #: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:79
  169. msgid "Users"
  170. msgstr "Käyttäjät"
  171. #: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:83, pro/options-page.php:47
  172. msgid "Options"
  173. msgstr "Asetukset"
  174. #: includes/acf-wp-functions.php:87
  175. msgid "Blocks"
  176. msgstr "Lohkot"
  177. #: includes/assets.php:348
  178. msgid "Are you sure?"
  179. msgstr "Oletko varma?"
  180. #: includes/assets.php:349, includes/fields/class-acf-field-true_false.php:80,
  181. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-true_false.php:176,
  182. #: pro/admin/views/html-settings-updates.php:104
  183. msgid "Yes"
  184. msgstr "Kyllä"
  185. #: includes/assets.php:350, includes/fields/class-acf-field-true_false.php:83,
  186. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-true_false.php:193,
  187. #: pro/admin/views/html-settings-updates.php:116
  188. msgid "No"
  189. msgstr "Ei"
  190. #: includes/assets.php:351, includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:159,
  191. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:139,
  192. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:142,
  193. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:336,
  194. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:491
  195. msgid "Remove"
  196. msgstr "Poista"
  197. #: includes/assets.php:352
  198. msgid "Cancel"
  199. msgstr "Peruuta"
  200. #: includes/assets.php:362
  201. msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
  202. msgstr "Tekemäsi muutokset menetetään, jos siirryt pois tältä sivulta"
  203. #: includes/assets.php:365
  204. msgid "Validation successful"
  205. msgstr "Kenttäryhmän validointi onnistui"
  206. #: includes/assets.php:366, includes/validation.php:286,
  207. #: includes/validation.php:296
  208. msgid "Validation failed"
  209. msgstr "Lisäkentän validointi epäonnistui"
  210. #: includes/assets.php:367
  211. msgid "1 field requires attention"
  212. msgstr "Yksi kenttä vaatii huomiota"
  213. #: includes/assets.php:368
  214. msgid "%d fields require attention"
  215. msgstr "%d kenttää vaativat huomiota"
  216. #: includes/assets.php:371, includes/forms/form-comment.php:160,
  217. #: pro/admin/admin-options-page.php:309
  218. msgid "Edit field group"
  219. msgstr "Muokkaa kenttäryhmää"
  220. #: includes/fields.php:313
  221. msgid "Field type does not exist"
  222. msgstr "Kenttätyyppi ei ole olemassa"
  223. #: includes/fields.php:313
  224. msgid "Unknown"
  225. msgstr "Tuntematon"
  226. #: includes/fields.php:354
  227. msgid "Basic"
  228. msgstr "Perus"
  229. #: includes/fields.php:355, includes/forms/form-front.php:49
  230. msgid "Content"
  231. msgstr "Sisältö"
  232. #: includes/fields.php:356
  233. msgid "Choice"
  234. msgstr "Valintakentät"
  235. #: includes/fields.php:357
  236. msgid "Relational"
  237. msgstr "Relationaalinen"
  238. #: includes/fields.php:358
  239. msgid "jQuery"
  240. msgstr "jQuery"
  241. #: includes/fields.php:359,
  242. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-button-group.php:181,
  243. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:377,
  244. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-group.php:462,
  245. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-radio.php:256,
  246. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-clone.php:850,
  247. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:549,
  248. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:604,
  249. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:451
  250. msgid "Layout"
  251. msgstr "Asettelu"
  252. #: includes/locations.php:25
  253. msgid "Class \"%s\" does not exist."
  254. msgstr "Luokkaa \"%s\" ei ole."
  255. #: includes/locations.php:36
  256. msgid "Location type \"%s\" is already registered."
  257. msgstr "Sijaintityyppi \"%s\" on jo rekisteröity."
  258. #: includes/locations.php:99, includes/locations/class-acf-location-post.php:22
  259. msgid "Post"
  260. msgstr "Artikkeli"
  261. #: includes/locations.php:100,
  262. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-page.php:22
  263. msgid "Page"
  264. msgstr "Sivu"
  265. #: includes/locations.php:101, includes/fields/class-acf-field-user.php:20
  266. msgid "User"
  267. msgstr "Käyttäjä"
  268. #: includes/locations.php:102
  269. msgid "Forms"
  270. msgstr "Lomakkeet"
  271. #: includes/media.php:48, includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:255
  272. msgctxt "verb"
  273. msgid "Select"
  274. msgstr "Valitse"
  275. #: includes/media.php:49
  276. msgctxt "verb"
  277. msgid "Edit"
  278. msgstr "Muokkaa"
  279. #: includes/media.php:50
  280. msgctxt "verb"
  281. msgid "Update"
  282. msgstr "Päivitä"
  283. #: includes/media.php:51
  284. msgid "Uploaded to this post"
  285. msgstr "Tähän kenttäryhmään ladatut kuvat"
  286. #: includes/media.php:52
  287. msgid "Expand Details"
  288. msgstr "Enemmän tietoja"
  289. #: includes/media.php:53
  290. msgid "Collapse Details"
  291. msgstr "Vähemmän tietoja"
  292. #: includes/media.php:54
  293. msgid "Restricted"
  294. msgstr "Rajoitettu"
  295. #: includes/media.php:55, includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:67
  296. msgid "All images"
  297. msgstr "Kaikki kuvat"
  298. #: includes/validation.php:364
  299. msgid "%s value is required"
  300. msgstr "%s arvo on pakollinen"
  301. #: pro/blocks.php:37
  302. msgid "Block type name is required."
  303. msgstr "Lohkotyypin nimi on pakollinen."
  304. #: pro/blocks.php:44
  305. msgid "Block type \"%s\" is already registered."
  306. msgstr "Lohkotyyppi \"%s\" on jo rekisteröity."
  307. #: pro/blocks.php:495
  308. msgid "Switch to Edit"
  309. msgstr "Siirry muokkaamaan"
  310. #: pro/blocks.php:496
  311. msgid "Switch to Preview"
  312. msgstr "Siirry esikatseluun"
  313. #: pro/blocks.php:497
  314. msgid "Change content alignment"
  315. msgstr "Sisällön tasauksen muuttaminen"
  316. #. translators: %s: Block type title
  317. #: pro/blocks.php:500
  318. msgid "%s settings"
  319. msgstr "%s asetusta"
  320. #: pro/options-page.php:77, includes/forms/form-front.php:106,
  321. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:523
  322. msgid "Update"
  323. msgstr "Päivitä"
  324. #: pro/options-page.php:78
  325. msgid "Options Updated"
  326. msgstr "Asetukset päivitetty"
  327. #: pro/updates.php:99
  328. msgid ""
  329. "To enable updates, please enter your license key on the <a href=\"%1$s"
  330. "\">Updates</a> page. If you don't have a licence key, please see <a href="
  331. "\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">details & pricing</a>."
  332. msgstr ""
  333. "Ottaaksesi käyttöön päivitykset, syötä lisenssiavaimesi <a href=\"%1$s"
  334. "\">Päivitykset</a> -sivulle. Jos sinulla ei ole lisenssiavainta, katso <a "
  335. "href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">tiedot ja hinnoittelu</a>."
  336. #: pro/updates.php:159
  337. msgid ""
  338. "<b>ACF Activation Error</b>. Your defined license key has changed, but an "
  339. "error occurred when deactivating your old licence"
  340. msgstr ""
  341. "<b>ACF:n aktivointivirhe</b>. Määritetty käyttöoikeusavain on muuttunut, "
  342. "mutta vanhan käyttöoikeuden poistamisessa tapahtui virhe"
  343. #: pro/updates.php:154
  344. msgid ""
  345. "<b>ACF Activation Error</b>. Your defined license key has changed, but an "
  346. "error occurred when connecting to activation server"
  347. msgstr ""
  348. "<b>ACF:n aktivointivirhe</b>. Määritetty käyttöoikeusavain on muuttunut, "
  349. "mutta aktivointipalvelimeen yhdistämisessä tapahtui virhe"
  350. #: pro/updates.php:192
  351. msgid "<b>ACF Activation Error</b>"
  352. msgstr "<b>ACF:n aktivointivirhe</b>"
  353. #: pro/updates.php:187
  354. msgid ""
  355. "<b>ACF Activation Error</b>. An error occurred when connecting to activation "
  356. "server"
  357. msgstr ""
  358. "<b>ACF käynnistysvirhe</b>. Tapahtui virhe päivityspalvelimeen yhdistettäessä"
  359. #: pro/updates.php:279, pro/admin/views/html-settings-updates.php:117
  360. msgid "Check Again"
  361. msgstr "Tarkista uudelleen"
  362. #: pro/updates.php:561
  363. msgid "<b>ACF Activation Error</b>. Could not connect to activation server"
  364. msgstr "<b>ACF käynnistysvirhe</b>. Ei voitu yhdistää käynnistyspalvelimeen"
  365. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:84,
  366. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:85,
  367. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:87
  368. msgid "Field group updated."
  369. msgstr "Kenttäryhmä päivitetty."
  370. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:86
  371. msgid "Field group deleted."
  372. msgstr "Kenttäryhmä poistettu."
  373. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:89
  374. msgid "Field group published."
  375. msgstr "Kenttäryhmä julkaistu."
  376. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:90
  377. msgid "Field group saved."
  378. msgstr "Kenttäryhmä tallennettu."
  379. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:91
  380. msgid "Field group submitted."
  381. msgstr "Kenttäryhmä lähetetty."
  382. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:92
  383. msgid "Field group scheduled for."
  384. msgstr "Kenttäryhmä ajoitettu."
  385. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:93
  386. msgid "Field group draft updated."
  387. msgstr "Luonnos kenttäryhmästä päivitetty."
  388. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:164
  389. msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
  390. msgstr "Merkkijonoa \"field_\" ei saa käyttää kentän nimen alussa"
  391. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:165
  392. msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
  393. msgstr "Tätä kenttää ei voi siirtää ennen kuin muutokset on talletettu"
  394. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:166
  395. msgid "Field group title is required"
  396. msgstr "Kenttäryhmän otsikko on pakollinen"
  397. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:167
  398. msgid "Move to trash. Are you sure?"
  399. msgstr "Haluatko varmasti siirtää roskakoriin?"
  400. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:168
  401. msgid "No toggle fields available"
  402. msgstr "Ei vaihtokenttiä saatavilla"
  403. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:169
  404. msgid "Move Custom Field"
  405. msgstr "Siirrä muokattua kenttää"
  406. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:170
  407. msgid "Checked"
  408. msgstr "Valittu"
  409. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:172
  410. msgid "(this field)"
  411. msgstr "(tämä kenttä)"
  412. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:174, includes/api/api-helpers.php:3409,
  413. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field-conditional-logic.php:60,
  414. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field-conditional-logic.php:170,
  415. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-locations.php:36,
  416. #: includes/admin/views/html-location-group.php:3
  417. msgid "or"
  418. msgstr "tai"
  419. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:175,
  420. #: includes/admin/views/html-location-group.php:3
  421. msgid "Show this field group if"
  422. msgstr "Näytä tämä kenttäryhmä, jos"
  423. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:176
  424. msgid "Null"
  425. msgstr "Tyhjä"
  426. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:179
  427. msgid "Has any value"
  428. msgstr "On mitään arvoa"
  429. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:180
  430. msgid "Has no value"
  431. msgstr "Ei ole arvoa"
  432. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:181
  433. msgid "Value is equal to"
  434. msgstr "Arvo on sama kuin"
  435. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:182
  436. msgid "Value is not equal to"
  437. msgstr "Arvo ei ole sama kuin"
  438. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:183
  439. msgid "Value matches pattern"
  440. msgstr "Arvo vastaa kaavaa"
  441. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:184
  442. msgid "Value contains"
  443. msgstr "Arvo sisältää"
  444. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:185
  445. msgid "Value is greater than"
  446. msgstr "Arvo on suurempi kuin"
  447. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:186
  448. msgid "Value is less than"
  449. msgstr "Arvo on pienempi kuin"
  450. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:187
  451. msgid "Selection is greater than"
  452. msgstr "Valinta on suurempi kuin"
  453. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:188
  454. msgid "Selection is less than"
  455. msgstr "Valinta on pienempi kuin"
  456. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:191
  457. msgid "Repeater (Pro only)"
  458. msgstr "Toistin (vain Pro)"
  459. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:192
  460. msgid "Flexible Content (Pro only)"
  461. msgstr "Joustava sisältö (vain Pro)"
  462. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:193
  463. msgid "Clone (Pro only)"
  464. msgstr "Klooni (vain Pro)"
  465. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:194
  466. msgid "Gallery (Pro only)"
  467. msgstr "Galleria (vain Pro)"
  468. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:234,
  469. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:265
  470. msgid "Location"
  471. msgstr "Sijainti"
  472. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:235,
  473. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:288
  474. msgid "Settings"
  475. msgstr "Asetukset"
  476. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:361
  477. msgid "Field Keys"
  478. msgstr "Kenttäavaimet"
  479. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:385
  480. msgctxt "post status"
  481. msgid "Active"
  482. msgstr "Käytössä"
  483. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:752
  484. msgid "Move Complete."
  485. msgstr "Siirto valmis."
  486. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:754
  487. msgid "The %1$s field can now be found in the %2$s field group"
  488. msgstr "Kenttä %1$s löytyy nyt kenttäryhmästä %2$s"
  489. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:758
  490. msgid "Close Window"
  491. msgstr "Sulje ikkuna"
  492. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:797
  493. msgid "Please select the destination for this field"
  494. msgstr "Valitse kohde kentälle"
  495. #: includes/admin/admin-field-group.php:804
  496. msgid "Move Field"
  497. msgstr "Siirrä kenttä"
  498. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:116
  499. msgid "Active <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
  500. msgid_plural "Active <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
  501. msgstr[0] "Käytössä <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
  502. msgstr[1] "Käytössä <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
  503. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:196
  504. msgid "Review local JSON changes"
  505. msgstr "Tarkista paikalliset JSON-muutokset"
  506. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:197
  507. msgid "Loading diff"
  508. msgstr "Ladataan diff"
  509. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:198,
  510. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:533
  511. msgid "Sync changes"
  512. msgstr "Synkronoi muutokset"
  513. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:263,
  514. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:388,
  515. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:127,
  516. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade-network.php:38,
  517. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade-network.php:49
  518. msgid "Description"
  519. msgstr "Kuvaus"
  520. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:264,
  521. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-fields.php:7
  522. msgid "Key"
  523. msgstr "Avain"
  524. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:269
  525. msgid "Local JSON"
  526. msgstr "Paikallinen JSON"
  527. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:419
  528. msgid "Various"
  529. msgstr "Sekalaisia"
  530. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:449
  531. msgid "Located in: %s"
  532. msgstr "Sijaitsee: %s"
  533. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:445
  534. msgid "Located in plugin: %s"
  535. msgstr "Lisäosalla: %s"
  536. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:441
  537. msgid "Located in theme: %s"
  538. msgstr "Teemalla: %s"
  539. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:484
  540. msgid "Awaiting save"
  541. msgstr "Odottaa tallentamista"
  542. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:481
  543. msgid "Saved"
  544. msgstr "Tallennettu"
  545. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:469,
  546. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:687
  547. msgid "Sync available"
  548. msgstr "Synkronointi saatavissa"
  549. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:477
  550. msgid "Import"
  551. msgstr "Tuo"
  552. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:472
  553. msgid "Sync"
  554. msgstr "Synkronointi"
  555. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:473
  556. msgid "Review changes"
  557. msgstr "Tarkista muutokset"
  558. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:505
  559. msgid "Duplicate this item"
  560. msgstr "Monista tämä kohde"
  561. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:505,
  562. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:525,
  563. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:553,
  564. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:57
  565. msgid "Duplicate"
  566. msgstr "Monista"
  567. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:555
  568. msgid "Field group duplicated."
  569. msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
  570. msgstr[0] "Kenttäryhmä monistettu."
  571. msgstr[1] "%s kenttäryhmää monistettu."
  572. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:612
  573. msgid "Field group synchronised."
  574. msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronised."
  575. msgstr[0] "Kenttäryhmä synkronoitu."
  576. msgstr[1] "%s kenttäryhmää synkronoitu."
  577. #: includes/admin/admin-field-groups.php:800
  578. msgid "Select %s"
  579. msgstr "Valitse %s"
  580. #: includes/admin/admin-tools.php:119,
  581. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-tools.php:21
  582. msgid "Tools"
  583. msgstr "Työkalut"
  584. #: includes/admin/admin-upgrade.php:51, includes/admin/admin-upgrade.php:113,
  585. #: includes/admin/admin-upgrade.php:114, includes/admin/admin-upgrade.php:177,
  586. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade-network.php:24,
  587. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade.php:26
  588. msgid "Upgrade Database"
  589. msgstr "Päivitä tietokanta"
  590. #: includes/admin/admin-upgrade.php:201
  591. msgid "Review sites & upgrade"
  592. msgstr "Tarkastele sivuja & päivitä"
  593. #: includes/admin/admin.php:49,
  594. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:142
  595. msgid "Custom Fields"
  596. msgstr "Lisäkentät"
  597. #: includes/admin/admin.php:129, includes/admin/admin.php:131
  598. msgid "Overview"
  599. msgstr "Yleiskatsaus"
  600. #: includes/admin/admin.php:132
  601. msgid ""
  602. "The Advanced Custom Fields plugin provides a visual form builder to "
  603. "customize WordPress edit screens with extra fields, and an intuitive API to "
  604. "display custom field values in any theme template file."
  605. msgstr ""
  606. "Advanced Custom Fields -lisäosa tarjoaa visuaalisen lomaketyökalun "
  607. "WordPressin muokkausnäyttöjen mukauttamiseksi ylimääräisillä kentillä ja "
  608. "intuitiivisen API:n mukautettujen kenttäarvojen näyttämiseksi missä tahansa "
  609. "teeman mallitiedostossa."
  610. #: includes/admin/admin.php:134
  611. msgid ""
  612. "Before creating your first Field Group, we recommend first reading our <a "
  613. "href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Getting started</a> guide to familiarize "
  614. "yourself with the plugin's philosophy and best practises."
  615. msgstr ""
  616. "Ennen kuin luot ensimmäisen kenttäryhmäsi, suosittelemme lukemaan <a href="
  617. "\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">aloitusoppaamme</a>, jossa tutustutaan lisäosan "
  618. "filosofiaan ja parhaisiin käytäntöihin."
  619. #: includes/admin/admin.php:137
  620. msgid ""
  621. "Please use the Help & Support tab to get in touch should you find yourself "
  622. "requiring assistance."
  623. msgstr ""
  624. "Ota yhteyttä Ohjeet & tukipalvelut -välilehdessä, jos huomaat tarvitsevasi "
  625. "apua."
  626. #: includes/admin/admin.php:146, includes/admin/admin.php:148
  627. msgid "Help & Support"
  628. msgstr "Ohjeet & tukipalvelut"
  629. #: includes/admin/admin.php:149
  630. msgid ""
  631. "We are fanatical about support, and want you to get the best out of your "
  632. "website with ACF. If you run into any difficulties, there are several places "
  633. "you can find help:"
  634. msgstr ""
  635. "Olemme fanaattisia tuen suhteen ja haluamme, että saat kaiken mahdollisen "
  636. "irti verkkosivustostasi ACF:n avulla. Jos kohtaat ongelmia, apua löytyy "
  637. "useista paikoista:"
  638. #: includes/admin/admin.php:152
  639. msgid ""
  640. "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation</a>. Our extensive "
  641. "documentation contains references and guides for most situations you may "
  642. "encounter."
  643. msgstr ""
  644. "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Dokumentaatio</a>. Laaja dokumentaatiomme "
  645. "sisältää viittauksia ja oppaita useimpiin kohtaamiisi tilanteisiin."
  646. #: includes/admin/admin.php:156
  647. msgid ""
  648. "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Discussions</a>. We have an active and "
  649. "friendly community on our Community Forums who may be able to help you "
  650. "figure out the ‘how-tos’ of the ACF world."
  651. msgstr ""
  652. "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Keskustelut</a>. Yhteisöfoorumeillamme on "
  653. "aktiivinen ja ystävällinen yhteisö, joka voi ehkä auttaa sinua selvittämään "
  654. "ACF-maailman ihmeellisyyksiä."
  655. #: includes/admin/admin.php:160
  656. msgid ""
  657. "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Help Desk</a>. The support professionals on "
  658. "our Help Desk will assist with your more in depth, technical challenges."
  659. msgstr ""
  660. "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Tukipalvelu</a>. Tukipalvelumme "
  661. "ammattilaiset auttavat syvällisemmissä teknisissä haasteissasi."
  662. #: includes/admin/admin.php:169
  663. msgid "Information"
  664. msgstr "Tiedot"
  665. #: includes/admin/admin.php:170
  666. msgid "Version %s"
  667. msgstr "Versio %s"
  668. #: includes/admin/admin.php:171
  669. msgid "View details"
  670. msgstr "Näytä tarkemmat tiedot"
  671. #: includes/admin/admin.php:172
  672. msgid "Visit website"
  673. msgstr "Siirry verkkosivuille"
  674. #: includes/admin/admin.php:201,
  675. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field-conditional-logic.php:157,
  676. #: includes/admin/views/html-location-rule.php:92
  677. msgid "and"
  678. msgstr "ja"
  679. #: includes/ajax/class-acf-ajax-local-json-diff.php:36
  680. msgid "Invalid field group parameter(s)."
  681. msgstr "Virheelliset kenttäryhmän parametrit."
  682. #: includes/ajax/class-acf-ajax-local-json-diff.php:43
  683. msgid "Invalid field group ID."
  684. msgstr "Virheellinen kenttäryhmän tunnus."
  685. #: includes/ajax/class-acf-ajax-local-json-diff.php:53
  686. msgid "Sorry, this field group is unavailable for diff comparison."
  687. msgstr ""
  688. "Tämä kenttäryhmä ei valitettavasti ole käytettävissä diff-vertailua varten."
  689. #: includes/ajax/class-acf-ajax-local-json-diff.php:59
  690. msgid "Last updated: %s"
  691. msgstr "Päivitetty viimeksi: %s"
  692. #: includes/ajax/class-acf-ajax-local-json-diff.php:64
  693. msgid "Original field group"
  694. msgstr "Alkuperäinen kenttäryhmä"
  695. #: includes/ajax/class-acf-ajax-local-json-diff.php:68
  696. msgid "JSON field group (newer)"
  697. msgstr "JSON-kenttäryhmä (uusi)"
  698. #: includes/ajax/class-acf-ajax-upgrade.php:34,
  699. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade.php:94
  700. msgid "No updates available."
  701. msgstr "Päivityksiä ei ole saatavilla."
  702. #: includes/ajax/class-acf-ajax.php:157
  703. msgid "Invalid nonce."
  704. msgstr "Virheellinen nonce."
  705. #: includes/api/api-helpers.php:821
  706. msgid "Thumbnail"
  707. msgstr "Pienoiskuva"
  708. #: includes/api/api-helpers.php:822
  709. msgid "Medium"
  710. msgstr "Keskikokoinen"
  711. #: includes/api/api-helpers.php:823
  712. msgid "Large"
  713. msgstr "Iso"
  714. #: includes/api/api-helpers.php:864
  715. msgid "Full Size"
  716. msgstr "Täysikokoinen"
  717. #: includes/api/api-helpers.php:1569, includes/api/api-term.php:147,
  718. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-clone.php:1005
  719. msgid "(no title)"
  720. msgstr "(ei otsikkoa)"
  721. #: includes/api/api-helpers.php:3343
  722. msgid "Image width must not exceed %dpx."
  723. msgstr "Kuvan leveys ei saa ylittää %dpx."
  724. #: includes/api/api-helpers.php:3338
  725. msgid "Image width must be at least %dpx."
  726. msgstr "Kuvan leveys täytyy olla vähintään %dpx."
  727. #: includes/api/api-helpers.php:3362
  728. msgid "Image height must not exceed %dpx."
  729. msgstr "Kuvan korkeus ei saa ylittää %dpx."
  730. #: includes/api/api-helpers.php:3357
  731. msgid "Image height must be at least %dpx."
  732. msgstr "Kuvan korkeus täytyy olla vähintään %dpx."
  733. #: includes/api/api-helpers.php:3382
  734. msgid "File size must not exceed %s."
  735. msgstr "Tiedoston koko ei saa ylittää %s."
  736. #: includes/api/api-helpers.php:3377
  737. msgid "File size must be at least %s."
  738. msgstr "Tiedoston koko täytyy olla vähintään %s."
  739. #: includes/api/api-helpers.php:3413
  740. msgid "File type must be %s."
  741. msgstr "Tiedoston koko täytyy olla %s."
  742. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-accordion.php:25
  743. msgid "Accordion"
  744. msgstr "Haitari (Accordion)"
  745. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-accordion.php:102
  746. msgid "Open"
  747. msgstr "Avoinna"
  748. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-accordion.php:103
  749. msgid "Display this accordion as open on page load."
  750. msgstr "Näytä tämä haitari avoimena sivun latautuessa."
  751. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-accordion.php:114
  752. msgid "Multi-expand"
  753. msgstr "Avaa useita"
  754. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-accordion.php:115
  755. msgid "Allow this accordion to open without closing others."
  756. msgstr "Salli tämän haitarin avautua sulkematta muita."
  757. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-accordion.php:126,
  758. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-tab.php:117
  759. msgid "Endpoint"
  760. msgstr "Päätepiste"
  761. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-accordion.php:127
  762. msgid ""
  763. "Define an endpoint for the previous accordion to stop. This accordion will "
  764. "not be visible."
  765. msgstr ""
  766. "Määritä päätepiste aiemmalle haitarille. Tämä haitari ei tule näkyviin."
  767. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-button-group.php:24
  768. msgid "Button Group"
  769. msgstr "Painikeryhmä"
  770. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-button-group.php:147,
  771. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:324,
  772. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-radio.php:191,
  773. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:364
  774. msgid "Choices"
  775. msgstr "Valinnat"
  776. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-button-group.php:148,
  777. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:325,
  778. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-radio.php:192,
  779. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:365
  780. msgid "Enter each choice on a new line."
  781. msgstr "Syötä jokainen valinta uudelle riville."
  782. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-button-group.php:148,
  783. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:325,
  784. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-radio.php:192,
  785. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:365
  786. msgid "For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:"
  787. msgstr "Halutessasi voit määrittää sekä arvon että nimiön tähän tapaan:"
  788. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-button-group.php:148,
  789. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:325,
  790. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-radio.php:192,
  791. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:365
  792. msgid "red : Red"
  793. msgstr "koira_istuu : Koira istuu"
  794. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-button-group.php:158,
  795. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-page_link.php:482,
  796. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-post_object.php:394,
  797. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-radio.php:202,
  798. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:386,
  799. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:748,
  800. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-user.php:68
  801. msgid "Allow Null?"
  802. msgstr "Salli tyhjä?"
  803. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-button-group.php:170,
  804. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:366,
  805. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-color_picker.php:155,
  806. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-email.php:117,
  807. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-number.php:125,
  808. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-radio.php:245,
  809. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-range.php:163,
  810. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:375,
  811. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-text.php:97,
  812. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-textarea.php:103,
  813. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-true_false.php:148,
  814. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-url.php:101,
  815. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-wysiwyg.php:334
  816. msgid "Default Value"
  817. msgstr "Oletusarvo"
  818. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-button-group.php:171,
  819. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-email.php:118,
  820. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-number.php:126,
  821. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-radio.php:246,
  822. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-range.php:164,
  823. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-text.php:98,
  824. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-textarea.php:104,
  825. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-url.php:102,
  826. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-wysiwyg.php:335
  827. msgid "Appears when creating a new post"
  828. msgstr "Kentän oletusarvo"
  829. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-button-group.php:187,
  830. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:384,
  831. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-radio.php:263
  832. msgid "Horizontal"
  833. msgstr "Vaakasuuntainen"
  834. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-button-group.php:188,
  835. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:383,
  836. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-radio.php:262
  837. msgid "Vertical"
  838. msgstr "Pystysuuntainen"
  839. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-button-group.php:197,
  840. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:405,
  841. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:227,
  842. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:170,
  843. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-radio.php:272,
  844. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:801
  845. msgid "Return Value"
  846. msgstr "Palauta arvo"
  847. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-button-group.php:198,
  848. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:406,
  849. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:228,
  850. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:171,
  851. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-radio.php:273
  852. msgid "Specify the returned value on front end"
  853. msgstr "Määritä palautettu arvo front endiin"
  854. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-button-group.php:203,
  855. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:411,
  856. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-radio.php:278,
  857. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:444
  858. msgid "Value"
  859. msgstr "Arvo"
  860. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-button-group.php:204,
  861. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:412,
  862. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-radio.php:279,
  863. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:445,
  864. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:581,
  865. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-fields.php:5
  866. msgid "Label"
  867. msgstr "Nimiö"
  868. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-button-group.php:205,
  869. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:413,
  870. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-radio.php:280,
  871. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:446
  872. msgid "Both (Array)"
  873. msgstr "Molemmat (palautusmuoto on tällöin taulukko)"
  874. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:25,
  875. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:733
  876. msgid "Checkbox"
  877. msgstr "Valintaruutu"
  878. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:144
  879. msgid "Toggle All"
  880. msgstr "Valitse kaikki"
  881. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:207
  882. msgid "Add new choice"
  883. msgstr "Lisää uusi valinta"
  884. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:335
  885. msgid "Allow Custom"
  886. msgstr "Salli mukautettu"
  887. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:340
  888. msgid "Allow 'custom' values to be added"
  889. msgstr "Salli käyttäjän syöttää omia arvojaan"
  890. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:348
  891. msgid "Save Custom"
  892. msgstr "Tallenna mukautettu"
  893. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:353
  894. msgid "Save 'custom' values to the field's choices"
  895. msgstr ""
  896. "Tallenna 'Muu’-kentän arvo kentän valinta vaihtoehdoksi tulevaisuudessa"
  897. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:367,
  898. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:376
  899. msgid "Enter each default value on a new line"
  900. msgstr "Syötä jokainen oletusarvo uudelle riville"
  901. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:393
  902. msgid "Toggle"
  903. msgstr "Valitse"
  904. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-checkbox.php:394
  905. msgid "Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices"
  906. msgstr "Näytetäänkö ”Valitse kaikki” -valintaruutu"
  907. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-color_picker.php:25
  908. msgid "Color Picker"
  909. msgstr "Värinvalitsin"
  910. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-color_picker.php:69
  911. msgid "Clear"
  912. msgstr "Tyhjennä"
  913. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-color_picker.php:70
  914. msgid "Clear color"
  915. msgstr "Tyhjennä väri"
  916. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-color_picker.php:71
  917. msgid "Default"
  918. msgstr "Oletus"
  919. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-color_picker.php:72
  920. msgid "Select default color"
  921. msgstr "Valitse oletusväri"
  922. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-color_picker.php:73
  923. msgid "Select Color"
  924. msgstr "Valitse väri"
  925. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-color_picker.php:74
  926. msgid "Color value"
  927. msgstr "Väriarvo"
  928. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-color_picker.php:95,
  929. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-color_picker.php:185
  930. msgid "Hex String"
  931. msgstr "Heksamerkkijono"
  932. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-color_picker.php:96
  933. msgid "RGBA String"
  934. msgstr "RGBA-merkkijono"
  935. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-color_picker.php:167
  936. msgid "Enable Transparency"
  937. msgstr "Ota läpinäkyvyys käyttöön"
  938. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-color_picker.php:179,
  939. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_picker.php:216,
  940. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:201,
  941. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:204,
  942. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-post_object.php:418,
  943. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:662,
  944. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:439,
  945. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-time_picker.php:131,
  946. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-user.php:90,
  947. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:573
  948. msgid "Return Format"
  949. msgstr "Palautusmuoto"
  950. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-color_picker.php:186
  951. msgid "RGBA Array"
  952. msgstr "RGBA-taulukko"
  953. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_picker.php:25
  954. msgid "Date Picker"
  955. msgstr "Päivämäärävalitsin"
  956. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_picker.php:60
  957. msgctxt "Date Picker JS closeText"
  958. msgid "Done"
  959. msgstr "Sulje"
  960. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_picker.php:61
  961. msgctxt "Date Picker JS currentText"
  962. msgid "Today"
  963. msgstr "Tänään"
  964. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_picker.php:62
  965. msgctxt "Date Picker JS nextText"
  966. msgid "Next"
  967. msgstr "Seuraava"
  968. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_picker.php:63
  969. msgctxt "Date Picker JS prevText"
  970. msgid "Prev"
  971. msgstr "Edellinen"
  972. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_picker.php:64
  973. msgctxt "Date Picker JS weekHeader"
  974. msgid "Wk"
  975. msgstr "Vk"
  976. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_picker.php:181,
  977. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:182,
  978. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-time_picker.php:114
  979. msgid "Display Format"
  980. msgstr "Muokkausnäkymän muoto"
  981. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_picker.php:182,
  982. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:183,
  983. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-time_picker.php:115
  984. msgid "The format displayed when editing a post"
  985. msgstr "Päivämäärän muoto muokkausnäkymässä"
  986. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_picker.php:190,
  987. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_picker.php:226,
  988. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:192,
  989. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:211,
  990. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-time_picker.php:122,
  991. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-time_picker.php:139
  992. msgid "Custom:"
  993. msgstr "Mukautettu:"
  994. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_picker.php:217,
  995. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:202,
  996. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-time_picker.php:132
  997. msgid "The format returned via template functions"
  998. msgstr "Sivupohjan funktioiden palauttama päivämäärän muoto"
  999. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_picker.php:202
  1000. msgid "Save Format"
  1001. msgstr "Tallennusmuoto"
  1002. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_picker.php:203
  1003. msgid "The format used when saving a value"
  1004. msgstr "Arvo tallennetaan tähän muotoon"
  1005. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_picker.php:237,
  1006. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:220
  1007. msgid "Week Starts On"
  1008. msgstr "Viikon ensimmäinen päivä"
  1009. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:25
  1010. msgid "Date Time Picker"
  1011. msgstr "Päivämäärä- ja kellonaikavalitsin"
  1012. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:68
  1013. msgctxt "Date Time Picker JS timeOnlyTitle"
  1014. msgid "Choose Time"
  1015. msgstr "Valitse aika"
  1016. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:69
  1017. msgctxt "Date Time Picker JS timeText"
  1018. msgid "Time"
  1019. msgstr "Aika"
  1020. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:70
  1021. msgctxt "Date Time Picker JS hourText"
  1022. msgid "Hour"
  1023. msgstr "Tunti"
  1024. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:71
  1025. msgctxt "Date Time Picker JS minuteText"
  1026. msgid "Minute"
  1027. msgstr "Minuutti"
  1028. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:72
  1029. msgctxt "Date Time Picker JS secondText"
  1030. msgid "Second"
  1031. msgstr "Sekunti"
  1032. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:73
  1033. msgctxt "Date Time Picker JS millisecText"
  1034. msgid "Millisecond"
  1035. msgstr "Millisekunti"
  1036. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:74
  1037. msgctxt "Date Time Picker JS microsecText"
  1038. msgid "Microsecond"
  1039. msgstr "Mikrosekunti"
  1040. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:75
  1041. msgctxt "Date Time Picker JS timezoneText"
  1042. msgid "Time Zone"
  1043. msgstr "Aikavyöhyke"
  1044. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:76
  1045. msgctxt "Date Time Picker JS currentText"
  1046. msgid "Now"
  1047. msgstr "Nyt"
  1048. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:77
  1049. msgctxt "Date Time Picker JS closeText"
  1050. msgid "Done"
  1051. msgstr "Sulje"
  1052. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:78
  1053. msgctxt "Date Time Picker JS selectText"
  1054. msgid "Select"
  1055. msgstr "Valitse"
  1056. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:80
  1057. msgctxt "Date Time Picker JS amText"
  1058. msgid "AM"
  1059. msgstr "AM"
  1060. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:81
  1061. msgctxt "Date Time Picker JS amTextShort"
  1062. msgid "A"
  1063. msgstr "A"
  1064. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:84
  1065. msgctxt "Date Time Picker JS pmText"
  1066. msgid "PM"
  1067. msgstr "PM"
  1068. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-date_time_picker.php:85
  1069. msgctxt "Date Time Picker JS pmTextShort"
  1070. msgid "P"
  1071. msgstr "P"
  1072. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-email.php:25
  1073. msgid "Email"
  1074. msgstr "Sähköposti"
  1075. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-email.php:128,
  1076. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-number.php:136,
  1077. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-password.php:73,
  1078. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-text.php:108,
  1079. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-textarea.php:114,
  1080. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-url.php:112
  1081. msgid "Placeholder Text"
  1082. msgstr "Täyteteksti"
  1083. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-email.php:129,
  1084. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-number.php:137,
  1085. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-password.php:74,
  1086. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-text.php:109,
  1087. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-textarea.php:115,
  1088. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-url.php:113
  1089. msgid "Appears within the input"
  1090. msgstr "Näkyy input-kentän sisällä"
  1091. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-email.php:139,
  1092. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-number.php:147,
  1093. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-password.php:84,
  1094. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-range.php:210,
  1095. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-text.php:119
  1096. msgid "Prepend"
  1097. msgstr "Etuliite"
  1098. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-email.php:140,
  1099. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-number.php:148,
  1100. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-password.php:85,
  1101. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-range.php:211,
  1102. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-text.php:120
  1103. msgid "Appears before the input"
  1104. msgstr "Näkyy ennen input-kenttää"
  1105. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-email.php:150,
  1106. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-number.php:158,
  1107. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-password.php:95,
  1108. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-range.php:221,
  1109. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-text.php:130
  1110. msgid "Append"
  1111. msgstr "Loppuliite"
  1112. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-email.php:151,
  1113. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-number.php:159,
  1114. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-password.php:96,
  1115. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-range.php:222,
  1116. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-text.php:131
  1117. msgid "Appears after the input"
  1118. msgstr "Näkyy input-kentän jälkeen"
  1119. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-email.php:175
  1120. msgid "'%s' is not a valid email address"
  1121. msgstr "'%s' ei ole kelvollinen sähköpostiosoite"
  1122. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:25
  1123. msgid "File"
  1124. msgstr "Tiedosto"
  1125. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:58,
  1126. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:55
  1127. msgid "Select File"
  1128. msgstr "Valitse tiedosto"
  1129. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:59
  1130. msgid "Edit File"
  1131. msgstr "Muokkaa tiedostoa"
  1132. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:60
  1133. msgid "Update File"
  1134. msgstr "Päivitä tiedosto"
  1135. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:147
  1136. msgid "File name"
  1137. msgstr "Tiedoston nimi"
  1138. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:151,
  1139. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:264,
  1140. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:277,
  1141. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:276,
  1142. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:313,
  1143. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:682,
  1144. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:719
  1145. msgid "File size"
  1146. msgstr "Tiedoston koko"
  1147. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:157,
  1148. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:137,
  1149. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:142,
  1150. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:335,
  1151. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:56
  1152. msgid "Edit"
  1153. msgstr "Muokkaa"
  1154. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:182,
  1155. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:89
  1156. msgid "No file selected"
  1157. msgstr "Ei valittua tiedostoa"
  1158. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:182
  1159. msgid "Add File"
  1160. msgstr "Lisää tiedosto"
  1161. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:233
  1162. msgid "File Array"
  1163. msgstr "Tiedosto"
  1164. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:234
  1165. msgid "File URL"
  1166. msgstr "Tiedoston URL"
  1167. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:235
  1168. msgid "File ID"
  1169. msgstr "Tiedoston ID"
  1170. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:244,
  1171. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:233,
  1172. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:617
  1173. msgid "Library"
  1174. msgstr "Kirjasto"
  1175. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:245,
  1176. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:234,
  1177. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:618
  1178. msgid "Limit the media library choice"
  1179. msgstr "Rajoita valintaa mediakirjastosta"
  1180. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:250,
  1181. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:239,
  1182. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-attachment.php:73,
  1183. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-comment.php:61,
  1184. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-nav-menu.php:74,
  1185. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-taxonomy.php:63,
  1186. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-user-form.php:71,
  1187. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-user-role.php:78,
  1188. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-widget.php:65,
  1189. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:623,
  1190. #: pro/locations/class-acf-location-block.php:66
  1191. msgid "All"
  1192. msgstr "Kaikki"
  1193. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:251,
  1194. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:240,
  1195. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:624
  1196. msgid "Uploaded to post"
  1197. msgstr "Vain tähän artikkeliin ladatut"
  1198. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:260,
  1199. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:249,
  1200. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:655
  1201. msgid "Minimum"
  1202. msgstr "Minimiarvo(t)"
  1203. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:261,
  1204. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:274
  1205. msgid "Restrict which files can be uploaded"
  1206. msgstr "Määritä tiedoston koko"
  1207. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:273,
  1208. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:286,
  1209. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:692
  1210. msgid "Maximum"
  1211. msgstr "Maksimiarvo(t)"
  1212. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:286,
  1213. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:323,
  1214. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:729
  1215. msgid "Allowed file types"
  1216. msgstr "Sallitut tiedostotyypit"
  1217. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:287,
  1218. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:324,
  1219. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:730
  1220. msgid "Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types"
  1221. msgstr "Erota pilkulla. Jätä tyhjäksi, jos haluat sallia kaikki tiedostyypit"
  1222. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-file.php:469
  1223. msgid "%s requires a valid attachment ID."
  1224. msgstr "%s edellyttää kelvollista liitetunnusta (ID)."
  1225. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-google-map.php:25
  1226. msgid "Google Map"
  1227. msgstr "Google-kartta"
  1228. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-google-map.php:60
  1229. msgid "Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation"
  1230. msgstr "Pahoittelut, tämä selain ei tue paikannusta"
  1231. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-google-map.php:155,
  1232. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:615
  1233. msgid "Search"
  1234. msgstr "Etsi"
  1235. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-google-map.php:156
  1236. msgid "Clear location"
  1237. msgstr "Tyhjennä paikkatieto"
  1238. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-google-map.php:157
  1239. msgid "Find current location"
  1240. msgstr "Etsi nykyinen sijainti"
  1241. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-google-map.php:160
  1242. msgid "Search for address..."
  1243. msgstr "Etsi osoite..."
  1244. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-google-map.php:192,
  1245. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-google-map.php:205
  1246. msgid "Center"
  1247. msgstr "Sijainti"
  1248. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-google-map.php:193,
  1249. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-google-map.php:206
  1250. msgid "Center the initial map"
  1251. msgstr "Kartan oletussijainti"
  1252. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-google-map.php:219
  1253. msgid "Zoom"
  1254. msgstr "Zoomaus"
  1255. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-google-map.php:220
  1256. msgid "Set the initial zoom level"
  1257. msgstr "Aseta oletuszoomaus"
  1258. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-google-map.php:231,
  1259. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:264,
  1260. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:301,
  1261. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-oembed.php:292,
  1262. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:670,
  1263. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:707
  1264. msgid "Height"
  1265. msgstr "Korkeus"
  1266. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-google-map.php:232
  1267. msgid "Customize the map height"
  1268. msgstr "Kartan korkeuden mukauttaminen"
  1269. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-group.php:25
  1270. msgid "Group"
  1271. msgstr "Ryhmä"
  1272. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-group.php:446,
  1273. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:381
  1274. msgid "Sub Fields"
  1275. msgstr "Alakentät"
  1276. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-group.php:463,
  1277. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-clone.php:851
  1278. msgid "Specify the style used to render the selected fields"
  1279. msgstr "Määritä tyyli, jota käytetään valittujen kenttien luomisessa"
  1280. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-group.php:468,
  1281. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-clone.php:856,
  1282. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:617,
  1283. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:459,
  1284. #: pro/locations/class-acf-location-block.php:22
  1285. msgid "Block"
  1286. msgstr "Lohko"
  1287. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-group.php:469,
  1288. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-clone.php:857,
  1289. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:616,
  1290. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:458
  1291. msgid "Table"
  1292. msgstr "Taulukko"
  1293. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-group.php:470,
  1294. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-clone.php:858,
  1295. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:618,
  1296. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:460
  1297. msgid "Row"
  1298. msgstr "Rivi"
  1299. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:25
  1300. msgid "Image"
  1301. msgstr "Kuva"
  1302. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:64
  1303. msgid "Select Image"
  1304. msgstr "Valitse kuva"
  1305. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:65
  1306. msgid "Edit Image"
  1307. msgstr "Muokkaa kuvaa"
  1308. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:66
  1309. msgid "Update Image"
  1310. msgstr "Päivitä kuva"
  1311. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:158
  1312. msgid "No image selected"
  1313. msgstr "Ei kuvia valittu"
  1314. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:158
  1315. msgid "Add Image"
  1316. msgstr "Lisää kuva"
  1317. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:210,
  1318. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:579
  1319. msgid "Image Array"
  1320. msgstr "Kuva"
  1321. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:211,
  1322. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:580
  1323. msgid "Image URL"
  1324. msgstr "Kuvan URL"
  1325. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:212,
  1326. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:581
  1327. msgid "Image ID"
  1328. msgstr "Kuvan ID"
  1329. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:221,
  1330. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:590
  1331. msgid "Preview Size"
  1332. msgstr "Esikatselukuvan koko"
  1333. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:250,
  1334. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:287,
  1335. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:656,
  1336. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:693
  1337. msgid "Restrict which images can be uploaded"
  1338. msgstr "Määritä millaisia kuvia voidaan ladata"
  1339. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:253,
  1340. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-image.php:290,
  1341. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-oembed.php:279,
  1342. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:659,
  1343. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:696
  1344. msgid "Width"
  1345. msgstr "Leveys"
  1346. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:25
  1347. msgid "Link"
  1348. msgstr "Linkki"
  1349. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:137
  1350. msgid "Select Link"
  1351. msgstr "Valitse linkki"
  1352. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:142
  1353. msgid "Opens in a new window/tab"
  1354. msgstr "Avaa uuteen ikkunaan/välilehteen"
  1355. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:176
  1356. msgid "Link Array"
  1357. msgstr "Linkkitaulukko (array)"
  1358. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-link.php:177
  1359. msgid "Link URL"
  1360. msgstr "Linkin URL-osoite"
  1361. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-message.php:26,
  1362. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-message.php:100,
  1363. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-true_false.php:137
  1364. msgid "Message"
  1365. msgstr "Viesti"
  1366. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-message.php:111,
  1367. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-textarea.php:148
  1368. msgid "New Lines"
  1369. msgstr "Uudet rivit"
  1370. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-message.php:112,
  1371. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-textarea.php:149
  1372. msgid "Controls how new lines are rendered"
  1373. msgstr "Määrittää kuinka uudet rivit muotoillaan"
  1374. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-message.php:116,
  1375. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-textarea.php:153
  1376. msgid "Automatically add paragraphs"
  1377. msgstr "Lisää automaattisesti kappale"
  1378. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-message.php:117,
  1379. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-textarea.php:154
  1380. msgid "Automatically add &lt;br&gt;"
  1381. msgstr "Lisää automaattisesti &lt;br&gt;"
  1382. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-message.php:118,
  1383. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-textarea.php:155
  1384. msgid "No Formatting"
  1385. msgstr "Ei muotoilua"
  1386. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-message.php:127
  1387. msgid "Escape HTML"
  1388. msgstr "Escape HTML"
  1389. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-message.php:128
  1390. msgid "Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering"
  1391. msgstr "Salli HTML-muotoilun näkyminen tekstinä renderöinnin sijaan"
  1392. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-number.php:25
  1393. msgid "Number"
  1394. msgstr "Numero"
  1395. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-number.php:169,
  1396. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-range.php:174
  1397. msgid "Minimum Value"
  1398. msgstr "Minimiarvo"
  1399. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-number.php:180,
  1400. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-range.php:186
  1401. msgid "Maximum Value"
  1402. msgstr "Maksimiarvo"
  1403. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-number.php:191,
  1404. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-range.php:198
  1405. msgid "Step Size"
  1406. msgstr "Askelluksen koko"
  1407. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-number.php:229
  1408. msgid "Value must be a number"
  1409. msgstr "Arvon täytyy olla numero"
  1410. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-number.php:244
  1411. msgid "Value must be equal to or higher than %d"
  1412. msgstr "Arvon täytyy olla sama tai suurempi kuin %d"
  1413. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-number.php:251
  1414. msgid "Value must be equal to or lower than %d"
  1415. msgstr "Arvon täytyy olla sama tai pienempi kuin %d"
  1416. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-oembed.php:25
  1417. msgid "oEmbed"
  1418. msgstr "oEmbed"
  1419. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-oembed.php:230
  1420. msgid "Enter URL"
  1421. msgstr "Syötä URL"
  1422. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-oembed.php:276,
  1423. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-oembed.php:289
  1424. msgid "Embed Size"
  1425. msgstr "Upotuksen koko"
  1426. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-page_link.php:25
  1427. msgid "Page Link"
  1428. msgstr "Sivun URL"
  1429. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-page_link.php:165
  1430. msgid "Archives"
  1431. msgstr "Arkistot"
  1432. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-page_link.php:249,
  1433. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-post_object.php:250,
  1434. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:948
  1435. msgid "Parent"
  1436. msgstr "Vanhempi"
  1437. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-page_link.php:450,
  1438. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-post_object.php:362,
  1439. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:578
  1440. msgid "Filter by Post Type"
  1441. msgstr "Suodata tyypin mukaan"
  1442. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-page_link.php:458,
  1443. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-post_object.php:370,
  1444. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:586
  1445. msgid "All post types"
  1446. msgstr "Kaikki artikkelityypit"
  1447. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-page_link.php:466,
  1448. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-post_object.php:378,
  1449. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:594
  1450. msgid "Filter by Taxonomy"
  1451. msgstr "Suodata taksonomian mukaan"
  1452. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-page_link.php:474,
  1453. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-post_object.php:386,
  1454. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:602
  1455. msgid "All taxonomies"
  1456. msgstr "Kaikki taksonomiat"
  1457. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-page_link.php:494
  1458. msgid "Allow Archives URLs"
  1459. msgstr "Salli arkistojen URL-osoitteita"
  1460. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-page_link.php:506,
  1461. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-post_object.php:406,
  1462. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:398,
  1463. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-user.php:79
  1464. msgid "Select multiple values?"
  1465. msgstr "Valitse useita arvoja?"
  1466. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-password.php:25
  1467. msgid "Password"
  1468. msgstr "Salasana"
  1469. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-post_object.php:25,
  1470. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-post_object.php:423,
  1471. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:667
  1472. msgid "Post Object"
  1473. msgstr "Artikkeliolio"
  1474. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-post_object.php:424,
  1475. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:668
  1476. msgid "Post ID"
  1477. msgstr "Artikkelin ID"
  1478. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-post_object.php:642
  1479. msgid "%1$s must have a valid post ID."
  1480. msgstr "%1$s:lla on oltava kelvollinen artikkelitunnus (post ID)."
  1481. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-post_object.php:651
  1482. msgid "%1$s must be of post type %2$s."
  1483. msgid_plural "%1$s must be of one of the following post types: %2$s"
  1484. msgstr[0] "%1$s pitää olla artikkelityyppiä %2$s."
  1485. msgstr[1] "%1$s pitää olla joku seuraavista artikkelityypeistä: %2$s"
  1486. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-post_object.php:667
  1487. msgid "%1$s must have term %2$s."
  1488. msgid_plural "%1$s must have one of the following terms: %2$s"
  1489. msgstr[0] "%1$s:lla pitää olla termi %2$s."
  1490. msgstr[1] "%1$s:lla pitää olla jokin seuraavista termeistä: %2$s"
  1491. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-radio.php:25
  1492. msgid "Radio Button"
  1493. msgstr "Valintanappi"
  1494. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-radio.php:214
  1495. msgid "Other"
  1496. msgstr "Muu"
  1497. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-radio.php:219
  1498. msgid "Add 'other' choice to allow for custom values"
  1499. msgstr "Lisää 'muu' vaihtoehto salliaksesi mukautettuja arvoja"
  1500. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-radio.php:227
  1501. msgid "Save Other"
  1502. msgstr "Tallenna Muu"
  1503. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-radio.php:232
  1504. msgid "Save 'other' values to the field's choices"
  1505. msgstr "Tallenna 'muu'-kentän arvo kentän valinnaksi"
  1506. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-range.php:25
  1507. msgid "Range"
  1508. msgstr "Liukusäädin"
  1509. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:25
  1510. msgid "Relationship"
  1511. msgstr "Suodata artikkeleita"
  1512. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:63
  1513. msgid "Maximum values reached ( {max} values )"
  1514. msgstr "Maksimiarvo saavutettu ( {max} artikkelia )"
  1515. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:64
  1516. msgid "Loading"
  1517. msgstr "Ladataan"
  1518. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:65
  1519. msgid "No matches found"
  1520. msgstr "Ei yhtään osumaa"
  1521. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:390
  1522. msgid "Select post type"
  1523. msgstr "Valitse artikkelityyppi"
  1524. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:399
  1525. msgid "Select taxonomy"
  1526. msgstr "Valitse taksonomia"
  1527. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:469
  1528. msgid "Search..."
  1529. msgstr "Etsi..."
  1530. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:610
  1531. msgid "Filters"
  1532. msgstr "Suodattimet"
  1533. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:616,
  1534. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-post-type.php:22
  1535. msgid "Post Type"
  1536. msgstr "Artikkelityyppi"
  1537. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:617,
  1538. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:28,
  1539. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:714,
  1540. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-taxonomy.php:22
  1541. msgid "Taxonomy"
  1542. msgstr "Taksonomia"
  1543. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:626
  1544. msgid "Elements"
  1545. msgstr "Elementit"
  1546. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:627
  1547. msgid "Selected elements will be displayed in each result"
  1548. msgstr "Valitut elementit näytetään jokaisessa tuloksessa"
  1549. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:631,
  1550. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:150
  1551. msgid "Featured Image"
  1552. msgstr "Artikkelikuva"
  1553. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:640
  1554. msgid "Minimum posts"
  1555. msgstr "Vähimmäismäärä artikkeleita"
  1556. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:651
  1557. msgid "Maximum posts"
  1558. msgstr "Maksimimäärä artikkeleita"
  1559. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-relationship.php:752,
  1560. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:832
  1561. msgid "%1$s requires at least %2$s selection"
  1562. msgid_plural "%1$s requires at least %2$s selections"
  1563. msgstr[0] "%1$s vaatii vähintään %2$s valinnan"
  1564. msgstr[1] "%1$s vaatii vähintään %2$s valintaa"
  1565. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:25,
  1566. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:738
  1567. msgctxt "noun"
  1568. msgid "Select"
  1569. msgstr "Valintalista"
  1570. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:107
  1571. msgctxt "Select2 JS matches_1"
  1572. msgid "One result is available, press enter to select it."
  1573. msgstr "Yksi tulos on saatavilla. Valitse se painamalla enter-näppäintä."
  1574. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:108
  1575. msgctxt "Select2 JS matches_n"
  1576. msgid "%d results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate."
  1577. msgstr ""
  1578. "%d tulosta on saatavilla. Voit navigoida tuloksian välillä käyttämällä "
  1579. "”ylös” ja ”alas” -näppäimiä."
  1580. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:109
  1581. msgctxt "Select2 JS matches_0"
  1582. msgid "No matches found"
  1583. msgstr "Osumia ei löytynyt"
  1584. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:110
  1585. msgctxt "Select2 JS input_too_short_1"
  1586. msgid "Please enter 1 or more characters"
  1587. msgstr "Kirjoita yksi tai useampi merkki"
  1588. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:111
  1589. msgctxt "Select2 JS input_too_short_n"
  1590. msgid "Please enter %d or more characters"
  1591. msgstr "Kirjoita %d tai useampi merkkiä"
  1592. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:112
  1593. msgctxt "Select2 JS input_too_long_1"
  1594. msgid "Please delete 1 character"
  1595. msgstr "Poista 1 merkki"
  1596. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:113
  1597. msgctxt "Select2 JS input_too_long_n"
  1598. msgid "Please delete %d characters"
  1599. msgstr "Poista %d merkkiä"
  1600. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:114
  1601. msgctxt "Select2 JS selection_too_long_1"
  1602. msgid "You can only select 1 item"
  1603. msgstr "Voit valita vain yhden kohteen"
  1604. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:115
  1605. msgctxt "Select2 JS selection_too_long_n"
  1606. msgid "You can only select %d items"
  1607. msgstr "Voit valita vain %d kohdetta"
  1608. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:116
  1609. msgctxt "Select2 JS load_more"
  1610. msgid "Loading more results&hellip;"
  1611. msgstr "Lataa lisää tuloksia &hellip;"
  1612. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:117
  1613. msgctxt "Select2 JS searching"
  1614. msgid "Searching&hellip;"
  1615. msgstr "Etsii&hellip;"
  1616. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:118
  1617. msgctxt "Select2 JS load_fail"
  1618. msgid "Loading failed"
  1619. msgstr "Lataus epäonnistui"
  1620. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:410,
  1621. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-true_false.php:159
  1622. msgid "Stylised UI"
  1623. msgstr "Tyylikäs käyttöliittymä"
  1624. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:422
  1625. msgid "Use AJAX to lazy load choices?"
  1626. msgstr "Haluatko ladata valinnat laiskasti (käyttää AJAXia)?"
  1627. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:440
  1628. msgid "Specify the value returned"
  1629. msgstr "Määritä palautetun arvon muoto"
  1630. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-select.php:663
  1631. msgid "%1$s is not one of %2$s"
  1632. msgstr "%1$s ei ole yksi näistä: %2$s"
  1633. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-separator.php:25
  1634. msgid "Separator"
  1635. msgstr "Erotusmerkki"
  1636. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-tab.php:26
  1637. msgid "Tab"
  1638. msgstr "Välilehti"
  1639. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-tab.php:103
  1640. msgid "Placement"
  1641. msgstr "Sijainti"
  1642. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-tab.php:107,
  1643. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:87
  1644. msgid "Top aligned"
  1645. msgstr "Tasaa ylös"
  1646. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-tab.php:108,
  1647. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:88
  1648. msgid "Left aligned"
  1649. msgstr "Tasaa vasemmalle"
  1650. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-tab.php:118
  1651. msgid ""
  1652. "Define an endpoint for the previous tabs to stop. This will start a new "
  1653. "group of tabs."
  1654. msgstr ""
  1655. "Määritä päätepiste, johon edelliset välilehdet lopetetaan. Tämä aloittaa "
  1656. "uuden välilehtiryhmän."
  1657. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:673
  1658. msgctxt "No terms"
  1659. msgid "No %s"
  1660. msgstr "Ei %s"
  1661. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:715
  1662. msgid "Select the taxonomy to be displayed"
  1663. msgstr "Valitse taksonomia, joka näytetään"
  1664. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:726
  1665. msgid "Appearance"
  1666. msgstr "Ulkoasu"
  1667. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:727
  1668. msgid "Select the appearance of this field"
  1669. msgstr "Valitse ulkoasu tälle kenttälle"
  1670. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:732
  1671. msgid "Multiple Values"
  1672. msgstr "Useita arvoja"
  1673. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:734
  1674. msgid "Multi Select"
  1675. msgstr "Valitse useita"
  1676. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:736
  1677. msgid "Single Value"
  1678. msgstr "Yksi arvo"
  1679. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:737
  1680. msgid "Radio Buttons"
  1681. msgstr "Valintanappi"
  1682. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:765
  1683. msgid "Create Terms"
  1684. msgstr "Uusien ehtojen luominen"
  1685. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:766
  1686. msgid "Allow new terms to be created whilst editing"
  1687. msgstr "Salli uusien ehtojen luominen samalla kun muokataan"
  1688. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:777
  1689. msgid "Save Terms"
  1690. msgstr "Tallenna ehdot"
  1691. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:778
  1692. msgid "Connect selected terms to the post"
  1693. msgstr "Yhdistä valitut ehdot artikkeliin"
  1694. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:789
  1695. msgid "Load Terms"
  1696. msgstr "Lataa ehdot"
  1697. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:790
  1698. msgid "Load value from posts terms"
  1699. msgstr "Lataa arvo artikkelin ehdoista"
  1700. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:806
  1701. msgid "Term Object"
  1702. msgstr "Ehto"
  1703. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:807
  1704. msgid "Term ID"
  1705. msgstr "Ehdon ID"
  1706. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:862
  1707. msgid "User unable to add new %s"
  1708. msgstr "Käyttäjä ei voi lisätä uutta %s"
  1709. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:874
  1710. msgid "%s already exists"
  1711. msgstr "%s on jo olemassa"
  1712. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:910
  1713. msgid "%s added"
  1714. msgstr "%s lisättiin"
  1715. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:926,
  1716. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:597,
  1717. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-fields.php:6
  1718. msgid "Name"
  1719. msgstr "Nimi"
  1720. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-taxonomy.php:961,
  1721. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-user-form.php:72
  1722. msgid "Add"
  1723. msgstr "Lisää"
  1724. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-text.php:25
  1725. msgid "Text"
  1726. msgstr "Teksti"
  1727. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-text.php:141,
  1728. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-textarea.php:125
  1729. msgid "Character Limit"
  1730. msgstr "Merkkirajoitus"
  1731. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-text.php:142,
  1732. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-textarea.php:126
  1733. msgid "Leave blank for no limit"
  1734. msgstr "Jos et halua rajoittaa, jätä tyhjäksi"
  1735. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-text.php:168,
  1736. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-textarea.php:221
  1737. msgid "Value must not exceed %d characters"
  1738. msgstr "Arvo ei saa olla suurempi kuin %d merkkiä"
  1739. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-textarea.php:25
  1740. msgid "Text Area"
  1741. msgstr "Tekstialue"
  1742. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-textarea.php:136
  1743. msgid "Rows"
  1744. msgstr "Rivit"
  1745. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-textarea.php:137
  1746. msgid "Sets the textarea height"
  1747. msgstr "Aseta tekstialueen koko"
  1748. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-time_picker.php:25
  1749. msgid "Time Picker"
  1750. msgstr "Kellonaikavalitsin"
  1751. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-true_false.php:25
  1752. msgid "True / False"
  1753. msgstr "”Tosi / Epätosi” -valinta"
  1754. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-true_false.php:138
  1755. msgid "Displays text alongside the checkbox"
  1756. msgstr "Näytä teksti valintaruudun rinnalla"
  1757. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-true_false.php:172
  1758. msgid "On Text"
  1759. msgstr "Päällä -teksti"
  1760. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-true_false.php:173
  1761. msgid "Text shown when active"
  1762. msgstr "Teksti, joka näytetään kun valinta on aktiivinen"
  1763. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-true_false.php:189
  1764. msgid "Off Text"
  1765. msgstr "Pois päältä -teksti"
  1766. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-true_false.php:190
  1767. msgid "Text shown when inactive"
  1768. msgstr "Teksti, joka näytetään kun valinta ei ole aktiivinen"
  1769. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-url.php:25
  1770. msgid "Url"
  1771. msgstr "Url"
  1772. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-url.php:154
  1773. msgid "Value must be a valid URL"
  1774. msgstr "Arvon täytyy olla validi URL"
  1775. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-user.php:53
  1776. msgid "Filter by role"
  1777. msgstr "Suodata roolin mukaan"
  1778. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-user.php:61
  1779. msgid "All user roles"
  1780. msgstr "Kaikki käyttäjäroolit"
  1781. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-user.php:95
  1782. msgid "User Array"
  1783. msgstr "Käyttäjätaulukko"
  1784. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-user.php:96
  1785. msgid "User Object"
  1786. msgstr "Käyttäjäobjekti"
  1787. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-user.php:97
  1788. msgid "User ID"
  1789. msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus"
  1790. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-user.php:350
  1791. msgid "Error loading field."
  1792. msgstr "Virhe ladattaessa kenttää."
  1793. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-user.php:355
  1794. msgid "Invalid request."
  1795. msgstr "Virheellinen pyyntö."
  1796. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-user.php:517
  1797. msgid "%1$s must have a valid user ID."
  1798. msgstr "%1$s:lla on oltava kelvollinen käyttäjätunnus."
  1799. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-user.php:526
  1800. msgid "%1$s must have a user with the %2$s role."
  1801. msgid_plural "%1$s must have a user with one of the following roles: %2$s"
  1802. msgstr[0] "%1$s:lla pitää olla käyttäjä roolilla %2$s."
  1803. msgstr[1] "%1$s:lla pitää olla käyttäjä jollakin näistä rooleista: %2$s"
  1804. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-wysiwyg.php:25
  1805. msgid "Wysiwyg Editor"
  1806. msgstr "Wysiwyg-editori"
  1807. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-wysiwyg.php:282
  1808. msgid "Visual"
  1809. msgstr "Graafinen"
  1810. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-wysiwyg.php:283
  1811. msgctxt "Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)"
  1812. msgid "Text"
  1813. msgstr "Teksti"
  1814. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-wysiwyg.php:289
  1815. msgid "Click to initialize TinyMCE"
  1816. msgstr "Klikkaa ottaaksesi käyttöön graafisen editorin"
  1817. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-wysiwyg.php:345
  1818. msgid "Tabs"
  1819. msgstr "Välilehdet"
  1820. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-wysiwyg.php:350
  1821. msgid "Visual & Text"
  1822. msgstr "Graafinen ja teksti"
  1823. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-wysiwyg.php:351
  1824. msgid "Visual Only"
  1825. msgstr "Vain graafinen"
  1826. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-wysiwyg.php:352
  1827. msgid "Text Only"
  1828. msgstr "Vain teksti"
  1829. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-wysiwyg.php:361
  1830. msgid "Toolbar"
  1831. msgstr "Työkalupalkki"
  1832. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-wysiwyg.php:378
  1833. msgid "Show Media Upload Buttons?"
  1834. msgstr "Näytä Lisää media -painike?"
  1835. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-wysiwyg.php:390
  1836. msgid "Delay initialization?"
  1837. msgstr "Viivytä alustusta?"
  1838. #: includes/fields/class-acf-field-wysiwyg.php:391
  1839. msgid "TinyMCE will not be initialized until field is clicked"
  1840. msgstr "TinyMCE:tä ei alusteta ennen kuin kenttää napsautetaan"
  1841. #: includes/forms/form-front.php:40, pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:352
  1842. msgid "Title"
  1843. msgstr "Otsikko"
  1844. #: includes/forms/form-front.php:57
  1845. msgid "Validate Email"
  1846. msgstr "Validoi sähköposti"
  1847. #: includes/forms/form-front.php:107
  1848. msgid "Post updated"
  1849. msgstr "Artikkeli päivitetty"
  1850. #: includes/forms/form-front.php:236
  1851. msgid "Spam Detected"
  1852. msgstr "Roskapostia havaittu"
  1853. #: includes/forms/form-user.php:353
  1854. msgid "<strong>Error</strong>: %s"
  1855. msgstr "<strong>Virhe</strong>: %s"
  1856. #: includes/locations/abstract-acf-location.php:105
  1857. msgid "is equal to"
  1858. msgstr "on sama kuin"
  1859. #: includes/locations/abstract-acf-location.php:106
  1860. msgid "is not equal to"
  1861. msgstr "ei ole sama kuin"
  1862. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-attachment.php:22
  1863. msgid "Attachment"
  1864. msgstr "Liite"
  1865. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-attachment.php:84
  1866. msgid "All %s formats"
  1867. msgstr "Kaikki %s muodot"
  1868. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-comment.php:22
  1869. msgid "Comment"
  1870. msgstr "Kommentti"
  1871. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-current-user-role.php:22
  1872. msgid "Current User Role"
  1873. msgstr "Nykyinen käyttäjärooli"
  1874. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-current-user-role.php:77
  1875. msgid "Super Admin"
  1876. msgstr "Super pääkäyttäjä"
  1877. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-current-user.php:22
  1878. msgid "Current User"
  1879. msgstr "Nykyinen käyttäjä"
  1880. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-current-user.php:71
  1881. msgid "Logged in"
  1882. msgstr "Kirjautunut sisään"
  1883. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-current-user.php:72
  1884. msgid "Viewing front end"
  1885. msgstr "Käyttää front endiä"
  1886. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-current-user.php:73
  1887. msgid "Viewing back end"
  1888. msgstr "Käyttää back endiä"
  1889. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-nav-menu-item.php:22
  1890. msgid "Menu Item"
  1891. msgstr "Valikkokohde"
  1892. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-nav-menu.php:22
  1893. msgid "Menu"
  1894. msgstr "Valikko"
  1895. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-nav-menu.php:80
  1896. msgid "Menu Locations"
  1897. msgstr "Valikkosijainnit"
  1898. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-page-parent.php:22
  1899. msgid "Page Parent"
  1900. msgstr "Sivun vanhempi"
  1901. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-page-template.php:22
  1902. msgid "Page Template"
  1903. msgstr "Sivupohja"
  1904. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-page-template.php:73,
  1905. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-post-template.php:85
  1906. msgid "Default Template"
  1907. msgstr "Oletus sivupohja"
  1908. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-page-type.php:22
  1909. msgid "Page Type"
  1910. msgstr "Sivun tyyppi"
  1911. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-page-type.php:110
  1912. msgid "Front Page"
  1913. msgstr "Etusivu"
  1914. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-page-type.php:111
  1915. msgid "Posts Page"
  1916. msgstr "Artikkelit -sivu"
  1917. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-page-type.php:112
  1918. msgid "Top Level Page (no parent)"
  1919. msgstr "Ylätason sivu (sivu, jolla ei ole vanhempia)"
  1920. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-page-type.php:113
  1921. msgid "Parent Page (has children)"
  1922. msgstr "Vanhempi sivu (sivu, jolla on alasivuja)"
  1923. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-page-type.php:114
  1924. msgid "Child Page (has parent)"
  1925. msgstr "Lapsisivu (sivu, jolla on vanhempi)"
  1926. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-post-category.php:22
  1927. msgid "Post Category"
  1928. msgstr "Artikkelin kategoria"
  1929. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-post-format.php:22
  1930. msgid "Post Format"
  1931. msgstr "Artikkelin muoto"
  1932. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-post-status.php:22
  1933. msgid "Post Status"
  1934. msgstr "Artikkelin tila"
  1935. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-post-taxonomy.php:22
  1936. msgid "Post Taxonomy"
  1937. msgstr "Artikkelin taksonomia"
  1938. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-post-template.php:22
  1939. msgid "Post Template"
  1940. msgstr "Sivupohja"
  1941. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-user-form.php:22
  1942. msgid "User Form"
  1943. msgstr "Käyttäjälomake"
  1944. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-user-form.php:73
  1945. msgid "Add / Edit"
  1946. msgstr "Lisää / Muokkaa"
  1947. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-user-form.php:74
  1948. msgid "Register"
  1949. msgstr "Rekisteröi"
  1950. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-user-role.php:24
  1951. msgid "User Role"
  1952. msgstr "Käyttäjän rooli"
  1953. #: includes/locations/class-acf-location-widget.php:22
  1954. msgid "Widget"
  1955. msgstr "Vimpain"
  1956. #: pro/admin/admin-options-page.php:195
  1957. msgid "Publish"
  1958. msgstr "Julkaistu"
  1959. #: pro/admin/admin-options-page.php:199
  1960. msgid ""
  1961. "No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. <a href=\"%s\">Create a "
  1962. "Custom Field Group</a>"
  1963. msgstr ""
  1964. "Yhtään lisäkenttäryhmää ei löytynyt tälle asetussivulle. <a href=\"%s\">Luo "
  1965. "lisäkenttäryhmä</a>"
  1966. #: pro/admin/admin-updates.php:52
  1967. msgid "<b>Error</b>. Could not connect to update server"
  1968. msgstr "<b>Virhe</b>. Ei voitu yhdistää päivityspalvelimeen"
  1969. #: pro/admin/admin-updates.php:122,
  1970. #: pro/admin/views/html-settings-updates.php:12
  1971. msgid "Updates"
  1972. msgstr "Päivitykset"
  1973. #: pro/admin/admin-updates.php:209
  1974. msgid ""
  1975. "<b>Error</b>. Could not authenticate update package. Please check again or "
  1976. "deactivate and reactivate your ACF PRO license."
  1977. msgstr ""
  1978. "<b>Virhe</b>. Päivityspakettia ei voitu todentaa. Tarkista uudelleen tai "
  1979. "poista käytöstä ACF PRO -lisenssi ja aktivoi se uudelleen."
  1980. #: pro/admin/admin-updates.php:196
  1981. msgid ""
  1982. "<b>Error</b>. Your license for this site has expired or been deactivated. "
  1983. "Please reactivate your ACF PRO license."
  1984. msgstr ""
  1985. "<b>Virhe</b>. Lisenssisi on umpeutunut tai poistettu käytöstä. Aktivoi ACF "
  1986. "PRO -lisenssisi uudelleen."
  1987. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-clone.php:25
  1988. msgctxt "noun"
  1989. msgid "Clone"
  1990. msgstr "Klooni"
  1991. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-clone.php:815
  1992. msgid "Select one or more fields you wish to clone"
  1993. msgstr "Valitse kentät, jotka haluat kopioida"
  1994. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-clone.php:834
  1995. msgid "Display"
  1996. msgstr "Näytä"
  1997. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-clone.php:835
  1998. msgid "Specify the style used to render the clone field"
  1999. msgstr "Määritä tyyli, jota käytetään kloonikentän luomisessa"
  2000. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-clone.php:840
  2001. msgid "Group (displays selected fields in a group within this field)"
  2002. msgstr "Ryhmä (valitut kentät näytetään ryhmänä tämän klooni-kentän sisällä)"
  2003. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-clone.php:841
  2004. msgid "Seamless (replaces this field with selected fields)"
  2005. msgstr "Saumaton (korvaa tämä klooni-kenttä valituilla kentillä)"
  2006. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-clone.php:864
  2007. msgid "Labels will be displayed as %s"
  2008. msgstr "Kentän nimiö näytetään seuraavassa muodossa: %s"
  2009. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-clone.php:869
  2010. msgid "Prefix Field Labels"
  2011. msgstr "Kentän nimiön etuliite"
  2012. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-clone.php:880
  2013. msgid "Values will be saved as %s"
  2014. msgstr "Arvot tallennetaan muodossa: %s"
  2015. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-clone.php:885
  2016. msgid "Prefix Field Names"
  2017. msgstr "Kentän nimen etuliite"
  2018. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-clone.php:1001
  2019. msgid "Unknown field"
  2020. msgstr "Tuntematon kenttä"
  2021. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-clone.php:1038
  2022. msgid "Unknown field group"
  2023. msgstr "Tuntematon kenttäryhmä"
  2024. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-clone.php:1042
  2025. msgid "All fields from %s field group"
  2026. msgstr "Kaikki kentät kenttäryhmästä %s"
  2027. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:25,
  2028. #: includes/admin/views/html-notice-upgrade.php:12
  2029. msgid "Flexible Content"
  2030. msgstr "Joustava sisältö"
  2031. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:31,
  2032. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:182,
  2033. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:473
  2034. msgid "Add Row"
  2035. msgstr "Lisää rivi"
  2036. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:71,
  2037. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:917,
  2038. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:996
  2039. msgid "layout"
  2040. msgid_plural "layouts"
  2041. msgstr[0] "asettelu"
  2042. msgstr[1] "asettelut"
  2043. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:72
  2044. msgid "layouts"
  2045. msgstr "asettelua"
  2046. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:75,
  2047. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:916,
  2048. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:995
  2049. msgid "This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}"
  2050. msgstr "Tämä kenttä vaatii vähintään {min} {label} {identifier}"
  2051. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:76
  2052. msgid "This field has a limit of {max} {label} {identifier}"
  2053. msgstr "Tämän kentän yläraja on {max} {label} {identifier}"
  2054. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:79
  2055. msgid "{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})"
  2056. msgstr "{available} {label} {identifier} saatavilla (max {max})"
  2057. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:80
  2058. msgid "{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})"
  2059. msgstr "{required} {label} {identifier} vaadittu (min {min})"
  2060. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:83
  2061. msgid "Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout"
  2062. msgstr "Vaaditaan vähintään yksi asettelu"
  2063. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:276
  2064. msgid "Click the \"%s\" button below to start creating your layout"
  2065. msgstr "Klikkaa ”%s” -painiketta luodaksesi oman asettelun"
  2066. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:410,
  2067. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:295,
  2068. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:49
  2069. msgid "Drag to reorder"
  2070. msgstr "Muuta järjestystä vetämällä ja pudottamalla"
  2071. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:413
  2072. msgid "Add layout"
  2073. msgstr "Lisää asettelu"
  2074. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:414
  2075. msgid "Duplicate layout"
  2076. msgstr "Monista asettelu"
  2077. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:415
  2078. msgid "Remove layout"
  2079. msgstr "Poista asettelu"
  2080. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:416,
  2081. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:297
  2082. msgid "Click to toggle"
  2083. msgstr "Piilota/Näytä"
  2084. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:551
  2085. msgid "Reorder Layout"
  2086. msgstr "Järjestä asettelu uudelleen"
  2087. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:551
  2088. msgid "Reorder"
  2089. msgstr "Järjestä uudelleen"
  2090. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:552
  2091. msgid "Delete Layout"
  2092. msgstr "Poista asettelu"
  2093. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:552,
  2094. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:59
  2095. msgid "Delete"
  2096. msgstr "Poista"
  2097. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:553
  2098. msgid "Duplicate Layout"
  2099. msgstr "Monista asettelu"
  2100. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:554
  2101. msgid "Add New Layout"
  2102. msgstr "Lisää uusi asettelu"
  2103. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:635
  2104. msgid "Min"
  2105. msgstr "Min"
  2106. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:650
  2107. msgid "Max"
  2108. msgstr "Max"
  2109. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:679,
  2110. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:469
  2111. msgid "Button Label"
  2112. msgstr "Painikkeen teksti"
  2113. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:690
  2114. msgid "Minimum Layouts"
  2115. msgstr "Asetteluita vähintään"
  2116. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:701
  2117. msgid "Maximum Layouts"
  2118. msgstr "Asetteluita enintään"
  2119. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:1704,
  2120. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:1108
  2121. msgid "%s must be of type array or null."
  2122. msgstr "%s tyypin on oltava matriisi tai tyhjä."
  2123. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:1715
  2124. msgid "%1$s must contain at least %2$s %3$s layout."
  2125. msgid_plural "%1$s must contain at least %2$s %3$s layouts."
  2126. msgstr[0] "%1$s täytyy sisältää vähintään %2$s %3$s asettelu."
  2127. msgstr[1] "%1$s täytyy sisältää vähintään %2$s %3$s asettelua."
  2128. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-flexible-content.php:1731
  2129. msgid "%1$s must contain at most %2$s %3$s layout."
  2130. msgid_plural "%1$s must contain at most %2$s %3$s layouts."
  2131. msgstr[0] "%1$s täytyy sisältää korkeintaan %2$s %3$s asettelu."
  2132. msgstr[1] "%1$s täytyy sisältää korkeintaan %2$s %3$s asettelua."
  2133. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:25,
  2134. #: includes/admin/views/html-notice-upgrade.php:15
  2135. msgid "Gallery"
  2136. msgstr "Galleria"
  2137. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:73
  2138. msgid "Add Image to Gallery"
  2139. msgstr "Lisää kuva galleriaan"
  2140. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:74
  2141. msgid "Maximum selection reached"
  2142. msgstr "Et voi valita enempää kuvia"
  2143. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:320
  2144. msgid "Length"
  2145. msgstr "Pituus"
  2146. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:364
  2147. msgid "Caption"
  2148. msgstr "Kuvateksti"
  2149. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:376
  2150. msgid "Alt Text"
  2151. msgstr "Vaihtoehtoinen teksti"
  2152. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:500
  2153. msgid "Add to gallery"
  2154. msgstr "Lisää galleriaan"
  2155. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:504
  2156. msgid "Bulk actions"
  2157. msgstr "Massatoiminnot"
  2158. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:505
  2159. msgid "Sort by date uploaded"
  2160. msgstr "Lajittele latauksen päivämäärän mukaan"
  2161. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:506
  2162. msgid "Sort by date modified"
  2163. msgstr "Lajittele viimeisimmän muokkauksen päivämäärän mukaan"
  2164. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:507
  2165. msgid "Sort by title"
  2166. msgstr "Lajittele otsikon mukaan"
  2167. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:508
  2168. msgid "Reverse current order"
  2169. msgstr "Käännän nykyinen järjestys"
  2170. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:520
  2171. msgid "Close"
  2172. msgstr "Sulje"
  2173. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:602
  2174. msgid "Insert"
  2175. msgstr "Lisää"
  2176. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:603
  2177. msgid "Specify where new attachments are added"
  2178. msgstr "Määritä mihin uudet liitteet lisätään"
  2179. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:607
  2180. msgid "Append to the end"
  2181. msgstr "Lisää loppuun"
  2182. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:608
  2183. msgid "Prepend to the beginning"
  2184. msgstr "Lisää alkuun"
  2185. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:633
  2186. msgid "Minimum Selection"
  2187. msgstr "Pienin määrä kuvia"
  2188. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-gallery.php:644
  2189. msgid "Maximum Selection"
  2190. msgstr "Suurin määrä kuvia"
  2191. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:25,
  2192. #: includes/admin/views/html-notice-upgrade.php:9
  2193. msgid "Repeater"
  2194. msgstr "Toista rivejä"
  2195. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:64,
  2196. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:659
  2197. msgid "Minimum rows reached ({min} rows)"
  2198. msgstr "Pienin määrä rivejä saavutettu ({min} riviä)"
  2199. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:65
  2200. msgid "Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)"
  2201. msgstr "Suurin määrä rivejä saavutettu ({max} riviä)"
  2202. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:334
  2203. msgid "Add row"
  2204. msgstr "Lisää rivi"
  2205. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:335
  2206. msgid "Duplicate row"
  2207. msgstr "Monista rivi"
  2208. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:336
  2209. msgid "Remove row"
  2210. msgstr "Poista rivi"
  2211. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:414
  2212. msgid "Collapsed"
  2213. msgstr "Piilotettu"
  2214. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:415
  2215. msgid "Select a sub field to show when row is collapsed"
  2216. msgstr "Valitse alakenttä, joka näytetään, kun rivi on piilotettu"
  2217. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:427
  2218. msgid "Minimum Rows"
  2219. msgstr "Pienin määrä rivejä"
  2220. #: pro/fields/class-acf-field-repeater.php:439
  2221. msgid "Maximum Rows"
  2222. msgstr "Suurin määrä rivejä"
  2223. #: pro/locations/class-acf-location-block.php:71
  2224. msgid "No block types exist"
  2225. msgstr "Lohkotyyppejä ei ole"
  2226. #: pro/locations/class-acf-location-options-page.php:22,
  2227. #: includes/admin/views/html-notice-upgrade.php:18
  2228. msgid "Options Page"
  2229. msgstr "Asetukset-sivu"
  2230. #: pro/locations/class-acf-location-options-page.php:70
  2231. msgid "No options pages exist"
  2232. msgstr "Yhtään asetussivua ei ole olemassa"
  2233. #: tests/basic/test-blocks.php:456
  2234. msgid "Hero"
  2235. msgstr "Nosto"
  2236. #: tests/basic/test-blocks.php:457
  2237. msgid "Display a random hero image."
  2238. msgstr "Näytä satunnainen nostokuva."
  2239. #: tests/basic/test-blocks.php:630
  2240. msgid "Test JS"
  2241. msgstr "Testaa JS"
  2242. #: tests/basic/test-blocks.php:631
  2243. msgid "A block for testing JS."
  2244. msgstr "Lohko JS:n testaamiseen."
  2245. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:35
  2246. msgid "Export Field Groups"
  2247. msgstr "Vie kenttäryhmiä"
  2248. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:39,
  2249. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:335,
  2250. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:364
  2251. msgid "Generate PHP"
  2252. msgstr "Luo PHP-koodi"
  2253. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:96,
  2254. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:131
  2255. msgid "No field groups selected"
  2256. msgstr "Ei kenttäryhmää valittu"
  2257. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:167
  2258. msgid "Exported 1 field group."
  2259. msgid_plural "Exported %s field groups."
  2260. msgstr[0] "Viety yksi kenttäryhmä."
  2261. msgstr[1] "Viety %s kenttäryhmää."
  2262. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:233,
  2263. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:262
  2264. msgid "Select Field Groups"
  2265. msgstr "Valitse kenttäryhmät"
  2266. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:329
  2267. msgid ""
  2268. "Select the field groups you would like to export and then select your export "
  2269. "method. Use the download button to export to a .json file which you can then "
  2270. "import to another ACF installation. Use the generate button to export to PHP "
  2271. "code which you can place in your theme."
  2272. msgstr ""
  2273. "Valitse kenttäryhmät, jotka haluat viedä ja valitse sitten vientimetodisi. "
  2274. "Käytä Lataa-painiketta viedäksesi .json-tiedoston, jonka voit sitten tuoda "
  2275. "toisessa ACF asennuksessa. Käytä Generoi-painiketta luodaksesi PHP koodia, "
  2276. "jonka voit sijoittaa teemaasi."
  2277. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:334
  2278. msgid "Export File"
  2279. msgstr "Vie tiedosto"
  2280. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:405
  2281. msgid ""
  2282. "The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected "
  2283. "field group(s). A local field group can provide many benefits such as faster "
  2284. "load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste "
  2285. "the following code to your theme's functions.php file or include it within "
  2286. "an external file."
  2287. msgstr ""
  2288. "Tällä koodilla voit rekisteröidä valitut kenttäryhmät paikallisesti. "
  2289. "Paikallinen kenttäryhmä tarjoaa monia etuja, kuten nopeammat latausajat, "
  2290. "versionhallinnan & dynaamiset kentät/asetukset. Kopioi ja liitä koodi "
  2291. "teemasi functions.php tiedostoon tai sisällytä se ulkoisen tiedoston avulla."
  2292. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:435
  2293. msgid "Copy to clipboard"
  2294. msgstr "Kopioi leikepöydälle"
  2295. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-export.php:472
  2296. msgid "Copied"
  2297. msgstr "Kopioitu"
  2298. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:28
  2299. msgid "Import Field Groups"
  2300. msgstr "Tuo kenttäryhmiä"
  2301. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:49
  2302. msgid ""
  2303. "Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When "
  2304. "you click the import button below, ACF will import the field groups."
  2305. msgstr ""
  2306. "Valitse JSON-tiedosto, jonka haluat tuoda. Kenttäryhmät tuodaan, kun "
  2307. "klikkaat Tuo-painiketta."
  2308. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:66
  2309. msgid "Import File"
  2310. msgstr "Tuo tiedosto"
  2311. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:97
  2312. msgid "Error uploading file. Please try again"
  2313. msgstr "Virhe tiedostoa ladattaessa. Yritä uudelleen"
  2314. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:102
  2315. msgid "Incorrect file type"
  2316. msgstr "Virheellinen tiedostomuoto"
  2317. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:111
  2318. msgid "Import file empty"
  2319. msgstr "Tuotu tiedosto on tyhjä"
  2320. #: includes/admin/tools/class-acf-admin-tool-import.php:142
  2321. msgid "Imported 1 field group"
  2322. msgid_plural "Imported %s field groups"
  2323. msgstr[0] "Tuotu yksi kenttäryhmä"
  2324. msgstr[1] "Tuotu %s kenttäryhmää"
  2325. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field-conditional-logic.php:25
  2326. msgid "Conditional Logic"
  2327. msgstr "Ehdollinen logiikka"
  2328. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field-conditional-logic.php:60
  2329. msgid "Show this field if"
  2330. msgstr "Näytä tämä kenttä, jos"
  2331. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field-conditional-logic.php:172,
  2332. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-locations.php:38
  2333. msgid "Add rule group"
  2334. msgstr "Lisää sääntöryhmä"
  2335. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:53,
  2336. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:56
  2337. msgid "Edit field"
  2338. msgstr "Muokkaa kenttää"
  2339. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:57
  2340. msgid "Duplicate field"
  2341. msgstr "Monista kenttä"
  2342. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:58
  2343. msgid "Move field to another group"
  2344. msgstr "Siirrä kenttä toiseen ryhmään"
  2345. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:58
  2346. msgid "Move"
  2347. msgstr "Siirrä"
  2348. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:59
  2349. msgid "Delete field"
  2350. msgstr "Poista kenttä"
  2351. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:78
  2352. msgid "Field Label"
  2353. msgstr "Kentän nimiö"
  2354. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:79
  2355. msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
  2356. msgstr "Tätä nimeä käytetään MUOKKAA-sivulla"
  2357. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:92
  2358. msgid "Field Name"
  2359. msgstr "Kentän nimi"
  2360. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:93
  2361. msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
  2362. msgstr "Yksi sana, ei välilyöntejä. Alaviivat ja ajatusviivat sallitaan"
  2363. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:106
  2364. msgid "Field Type"
  2365. msgstr "Kenttätyyppi"
  2366. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:121
  2367. msgid "Instructions"
  2368. msgstr "Ohjeet"
  2369. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:122
  2370. msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
  2371. msgstr "Ohjeet kirjoittajille. Näytetään tietojen lähettämisen yhteydessä"
  2372. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:135
  2373. msgid "Required?"
  2374. msgstr "Pakollinen?"
  2375. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:161
  2376. msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
  2377. msgstr "Kääreen määritteet"
  2378. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:167
  2379. msgid "width"
  2380. msgstr "leveys"
  2381. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:185
  2382. msgid "class"
  2383. msgstr "class"
  2384. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:201
  2385. msgid "id"
  2386. msgstr "id"
  2387. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:215,
  2388. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-field.php:215
  2389. msgid "Close Field"
  2390. msgstr "Sulje kenttä"
  2391. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-fields.php:4
  2392. msgid "Order"
  2393. msgstr "Järjestys"
  2394. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-fields.php:8
  2395. msgid "Type"
  2396. msgstr "Tyyppi"
  2397. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-fields.php:19
  2398. msgid ""
  2399. "No fields. Click the <strong>+ Add Field</strong> button to create your "
  2400. "first field."
  2401. msgstr ""
  2402. "Ei kenttiä. Klikkaa <strong>+ Lisää kenttä</strong> -painiketta luodaksesi "
  2403. "ensimmäisen kenttäsi."
  2404. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-fields.php:44
  2405. msgid "+ Add Field"
  2406. msgstr "+ Lisää kenttä"
  2407. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-locations.php:9
  2408. msgid "Rules"
  2409. msgstr "Säännöt"
  2410. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-locations.php:10
  2411. msgid ""
  2412. "Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these "
  2413. "advanced custom fields"
  2414. msgstr ""
  2415. "Tästä voit määrittää, missä muokkausnäkymässä tämä kenttäryhmä näytetään"
  2416. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:10
  2417. msgid "Active"
  2418. msgstr "Käytössä"
  2419. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:27
  2420. msgid "Show in REST API"
  2421. msgstr "Näytä REST API:ssa"
  2422. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:44
  2423. msgid "Style"
  2424. msgstr "Tyyli"
  2425. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:51
  2426. msgid "Standard (WP metabox)"
  2427. msgstr "Standardi (WP-metalaatikko)"
  2428. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:52
  2429. msgid "Seamless (no metabox)"
  2430. msgstr "Saumaton (ei metalaatikkoa)"
  2431. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:61
  2432. msgid "Position"
  2433. msgstr "Sijainti"
  2434. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:68
  2435. msgid "High (after title)"
  2436. msgstr "Korkea (otsikon jälkeen)"
  2437. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:69
  2438. msgid "Normal (after content)"
  2439. msgstr "Normaali (sisällön jälkeen)"
  2440. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:70
  2441. msgid "Side"
  2442. msgstr "Reuna"
  2443. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:80
  2444. msgid "Label placement"
  2445. msgstr "Nimiön sijainti"
  2446. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:97
  2447. msgid "Instruction placement"
  2448. msgstr "Ohjeen sijainti"
  2449. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:104
  2450. msgid "Below labels"
  2451. msgstr "Tasaa nimiön alapuolelle"
  2452. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:105
  2453. msgid "Below fields"
  2454. msgstr "Tasaa kentän alapuolelle"
  2455. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:114
  2456. msgid "Order No."
  2457. msgstr "Järjestysnro."
  2458. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:115
  2459. msgid "Field groups with a lower order will appear first"
  2460. msgstr ""
  2461. "Kenttäryhmät, joilla on pienempi järjestysnumero, tulostetaan ensimmäisenä"
  2462. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:128
  2463. msgid "Shown in field group list"
  2464. msgstr "Näytetään kenttäryhmien listauksessa"
  2465. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:139
  2466. msgid "Permalink"
  2467. msgstr "Kestolinkki"
  2468. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:140
  2469. msgid "Content Editor"
  2470. msgstr "Sisältöeditori"
  2471. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:141
  2472. msgid "Excerpt"
  2473. msgstr "Katkelma"
  2474. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:143
  2475. msgid "Discussion"
  2476. msgstr "Keskustelu"
  2477. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:145
  2478. msgid "Revisions"
  2479. msgstr "Tarkastettu"
  2480. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:146
  2481. msgid "Slug"
  2482. msgstr "Polkutunnus (slug)"
  2483. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:147
  2484. msgid "Author"
  2485. msgstr "Kirjoittaja"
  2486. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:148
  2487. msgid "Format"
  2488. msgstr "Muoto"
  2489. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:149
  2490. msgid "Page Attributes"
  2491. msgstr "Sivun attribuutit"
  2492. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:151
  2493. msgid "Categories"
  2494. msgstr "Kategoriat"
  2495. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:152
  2496. msgid "Tags"
  2497. msgstr "Avainsanat"
  2498. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:153
  2499. msgid "Send Trackbacks"
  2500. msgstr "Lähetä paluuviitteet"
  2501. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:161
  2502. msgid "Hide on screen"
  2503. msgstr "Piilota näytöltä"
  2504. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:162
  2505. msgid "<b>Select</b> items to <b>hide</b> them from the edit screen."
  2506. msgstr "<b>Valitse</b> kohteita <b>piilottaaksesi</b> ne muokkausnäkymästä."
  2507. #: includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php:162
  2508. msgid ""
  2509. "If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group's "
  2510. "options will be used (the one with the lowest order number)"
  2511. msgstr ""
  2512. "Jos muokkausnäkymässä on useita kenttäryhmiä, käytetään ensimmäisen (pienin "
  2513. "järjestysnumero) kenttäryhmän asetuksia"
  2514. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-navigation.php:89
  2515. msgid "Upgrade to Pro"
  2516. msgstr "Päivitä Pro-versioon"
  2517. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade-network.php:26
  2518. msgid ""
  2519. "The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update "
  2520. "and then click %s."
  2521. msgstr ""
  2522. "Seuraavat sivustot vaativat tietokantapäivityksen. Valitse ne, jotka haluat "
  2523. "päivittää ja klikkaa %s."
  2524. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade-network.php:26,
  2525. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade-network.php:27,
  2526. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade-network.php:96
  2527. msgid "Upgrade Sites"
  2528. msgstr "Päivitä sivustot"
  2529. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade-network.php:36,
  2530. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade-network.php:47
  2531. msgid "Site"
  2532. msgstr "Sivusto"
  2533. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade-network.php:80
  2534. msgid "Site is up to date"
  2535. msgstr "Sivusto on ajan tasalla"
  2536. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade-network.php:78
  2537. msgid "Site requires database upgrade from %1$s to %2$s"
  2538. msgstr "Sivusto edellyttää tietokannan päivityksen (%1$s -> %2$s)"
  2539. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade-network.php:97
  2540. msgid ""
  2541. "Database Upgrade complete. <a href=\"%s\">Return to network dashboard</a>"
  2542. msgstr ""
  2543. "Tietokanta on päivitetty. <a href=\"%s\">Palaa verkon hallinnan "
  2544. "ohjausnäkymään</a>"
  2545. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade-network.php:117
  2546. msgid "Please select at least one site to upgrade."
  2547. msgstr "Valitse vähintään yksi päivitettävä sivusto."
  2548. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade-network.php:121,
  2549. #: includes/admin/views/html-notice-upgrade.php:45
  2550. msgid ""
  2551. "It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. "
  2552. "Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?"
  2553. msgstr ""
  2554. "Tietokannan varmuuskopio on erittäin suositeltavaa ennen kuin jatkat. Oletko "
  2555. "varma, että haluat jatkaa päivitystä nyt?"
  2556. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade-network.php:148,
  2557. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade.php:31
  2558. msgid "Upgrading data to version %s"
  2559. msgstr "Päivitetään data versioon %s"
  2560. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade-network.php:162
  2561. msgid "Upgrade complete."
  2562. msgstr "Päivitys valmis."
  2563. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade-network.php:165,
  2564. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade.php:65
  2565. msgid "Upgrade failed."
  2566. msgstr "Päivitys epäonnistui."
  2567. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade.php:30
  2568. msgid "Reading upgrade tasks..."
  2569. msgstr "Luetaan päivitystehtäviä..."
  2570. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-page-upgrade.php:33
  2571. msgid "Database upgrade complete. <a href=\"%s\">See what's new</a>"
  2572. msgstr "Tietokannan päivitys on valmis. <a href=\"%s\">Katso mikä on uutta</a>"
  2573. #: includes/admin/views/html-admin-tools.php:24
  2574. msgid "Back to all tools"
  2575. msgstr "Takaisin kaikkiin työkaluihin"
  2576. #: includes/admin/views/html-notice-upgrade.php:28
  2577. msgid "Database Upgrade Required"
  2578. msgstr "Tietokanta on päivitettävä"
  2579. #: includes/admin/views/html-notice-upgrade.php:29
  2580. msgid "Thank you for updating to %1$s v%2$s!"
  2581. msgstr "Kiitos päivityksestä: %1$s v%2$s!"
  2582. #: includes/admin/views/html-notice-upgrade.php:29
  2583. msgid ""
  2584. "This version contains improvements to your database and requires an upgrade."
  2585. msgstr ""
  2586. "Tämä versio sisältää parannuksia tietokantaan ja edellyttää päivitystä."
  2587. #: includes/admin/views/html-notice-upgrade.php:31
  2588. msgid ""
  2589. "Please also check all premium add-ons (%s) are updated to the latest version."
  2590. msgstr ""
  2591. "Varmista myös, että kaikki premium-lisäosat (%s) on päivitetty uusimpaan "
  2592. "versioon."
  2593. #: pro/admin/views/html-settings-updates.php:6
  2594. msgid "Deactivate License"
  2595. msgstr "Poista lisenssi käytöstä"
  2596. #: pro/admin/views/html-settings-updates.php:6
  2597. msgid "Activate License"
  2598. msgstr "Aktivoi lisenssi"
  2599. #: pro/admin/views/html-settings-updates.php:16
  2600. msgid "License Information"
  2601. msgstr "Näytä lisenssitiedot"
  2602. #: pro/admin/views/html-settings-updates.php:34
  2603. msgid ""
  2604. "To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don't have a "
  2605. "licence key, please see <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">details & pricing</"
  2606. "a>."
  2607. msgstr ""
  2608. "Ottaaksesi käyttöön päivitykset, syötä alle lisenssiavaimesi. Jos sinulla ei "
  2609. "ole lisenssiavainta, katso <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">tarkemmat tiedot "
  2610. "ja hinnoittelu</a>."
  2611. #: pro/admin/views/html-settings-updates.php:41
  2612. msgid "License Key"
  2613. msgstr "Lisenssiavain"
  2614. #: pro/admin/views/html-settings-updates.php:22
  2615. msgid "Your license key is defined in wp-config.php."
  2616. msgstr "Käyttöoikeusavain on määritelty wp-config.php:ssa."
  2617. #: pro/admin/views/html-settings-updates.php:29
  2618. msgid "Retry Activation"
  2619. msgstr "Yritä aktivointia uudelleen"
  2620. #: pro/admin/views/html-settings-updates.php:76
  2621. msgid "Update Information"
  2622. msgstr "Päivitä tiedot"
  2623. #: pro/admin/views/html-settings-updates.php:83
  2624. msgid "Current Version"
  2625. msgstr "Nykyinen versio"
  2626. #: pro/admin/views/html-settings-updates.php:91
  2627. msgid "Latest Version"
  2628. msgstr "Uusin versio"
  2629. #: pro/admin/views/html-settings-updates.php:99
  2630. msgid "Update Available"
  2631. msgstr "Päivitys saatavilla"
  2632. #: pro/admin/views/html-settings-updates.php:111
  2633. msgid "Please enter your license key above to unlock updates"
  2634. msgstr "Syötä lisenssiavain saadaksesi päivityksiä"
  2635. #: pro/admin/views/html-settings-updates.php:109
  2636. msgid "Update Plugin"
  2637. msgstr "Päivitä lisäosa"
  2638. #: pro/admin/views/html-settings-updates.php:107
  2639. msgid "Please reactivate your license to unlock updates"
  2640. msgstr "Aktivoi käyttöoikeus saadaksesi päivityksiä"
  2641. #: pro/admin/views/html-settings-updates.php:124
  2642. msgid "Changelog"
  2643. msgstr "Muutosloki"
  2644. #: pro/admin/views/html-settings-updates.php:134
  2645. msgid "Upgrade Notice"
  2646. msgstr "Päivitys Ilmoitus"
  2647. #~ msgid "Inactive"
  2648. #~ msgstr "Ei käytössä"
  2649. #~ msgid "Elliot Condon"
  2650. #~ msgstr "Elliot Condon"
  2651. #, php-format
  2652. #~ msgid "Inactive <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
  2653. #~ msgid_plural "Inactive <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
  2654. #~ msgstr[0] "Ei käytössä <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
  2655. #~ msgstr[1] "Ei käytössä <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
  2656. #~ msgid "Status"
  2657. #~ msgstr "Status"
  2658. #, php-format
  2659. #~ msgid "See what's new in <a href=\"%s\">version %s</a>."
  2660. #~ msgstr "Katso mitä uutta <a href=\"%s\">versiossa %s</a>."
  2661. #~ msgid "Resources"
  2662. #~ msgstr "Resurssit"
  2663. #~ msgid "Documentation"
  2664. #~ msgstr "Dokumentaatio"
  2665. #~ msgid "Pro"
  2666. #~ msgstr "Pro"
  2667. #, php-format
  2668. #~ msgid "Thank you for creating with <a href=\"%s\">ACF</a>."
  2669. #~ msgstr "Kiitos, että luot sisältöä <a href=\"%s\">ACF:llä</a>."
  2670. #~ msgid "Synchronise field group"
  2671. #~ msgstr "Synkronoi kenttäryhmä"
  2672. #~ msgid "Apply"
  2673. #~ msgstr "Käytä"
  2674. #~ msgid "Bulk Actions"
  2675. #~ msgstr "Massatoiminnot"
  2676. #~ msgid "Info"
  2677. #~ msgstr "Info"
  2678. #~ msgid "What's New"
  2679. #~ msgstr "Katso mitä uutta"
  2680. #~ msgid "Welcome to Advanced Custom Fields"
  2681. #~ msgstr "Tervetuloa Advanced Custom Fields -lisäosaan"
  2682. #, php-format
  2683. #~ msgid ""
  2684. #~ "Thank you for updating! ACF %s is bigger and better than ever before. We "
  2685. #~ "hope you like it."
  2686. #~ msgstr ""
  2687. #~ "Kiitos, että päivitit! ACF %s on suurempi ja parempi kuin koskaan ennen. "
  2688. #~ "Toivomme, että pidät siitä."
  2689. #~ msgid "A Smoother Experience"
  2690. #~ msgstr "Sujuvampi kokemus"
  2691. #~ msgid "Improved Usability"
  2692. #~ msgstr "Käytettävyyttä parannettu"
  2693. #~ msgid ""
  2694. #~ "Including the popular Select2 library has improved both usability and "
  2695. #~ "speed across a number of field types including post object, page link, "
  2696. #~ "taxonomy and select."
  2697. #~ msgstr ""
  2698. #~ "Mukaan otettu Select2-kirjasto on parantanut sekä käytettävyyttä että "
  2699. #~ "nopeutta erilaisissa kenttätyypeissä kuten artikkelioliossa, sivun "
  2700. #~ "linkissä, taksonomiassa ja valinnassa."
  2701. #~ msgid "Improved Design"
  2702. #~ msgstr "Parantunut muotoilu"
  2703. #~ msgid ""
  2704. #~ "Many fields have undergone a visual refresh to make ACF look better than "
  2705. #~ "ever! Noticeable changes are seen on the gallery, relationship and oEmbed "
  2706. #~ "(new) fields!"
  2707. #~ msgstr ""
  2708. #~ "Monet kentät ovat käyneet läpi visuaalisen uudistuksen ja ACF näyttää "
  2709. #~ "paremmalta kuin koskaan ennen! Huomattavat muutokset ovat nähtävissä "
  2710. #~ "kentissä galleria, suodata artikkeleita ja oEmbed (uusi)!"
  2711. #~ msgid "Improved Data"
  2712. #~ msgstr "Parannettu data"
  2713. #~ msgid ""
  2714. #~ "Redesigning the data architecture has allowed sub fields to live "
  2715. #~ "independently from their parents. This allows you to drag and drop fields "
  2716. #~ "in and out of parent fields!"
  2717. #~ msgstr ""
  2718. #~ "Data-arkkitehtuurin uudelleensuunnittelu mahdollisti alakenttien "
  2719. #~ "riippumattomuuden vanhemmistaan. Tämän muutoksen myötä voit vetää ja "
  2720. #~ "pudottaa kenttiä riippumatta kenttähierarkiasta!"
  2721. #~ msgid "Goodbye Add-ons. Hello PRO"
  2722. #~ msgstr "Hyvästi lisäosat. Tervetuloa PRO"
  2723. #~ msgid "Introducing ACF PRO"
  2724. #~ msgstr "Esittelyssä ACF PRO"
  2725. #~ msgid ""
  2726. #~ "We're changing the way premium functionality is delivered in an exciting "
  2727. #~ "way!"
  2728. #~ msgstr ""
  2729. #~ "Olemme muuttamassa tapaa, jolla Premium-toiminnallisuus toimitetaan "
  2730. #~ "jännittävällä tavalla!"
  2731. #, php-format
  2732. #~ msgid ""
  2733. #~ "All 4 premium add-ons have been combined into a new <a href=\"%s\">Pro "
  2734. #~ "version of ACF</a>. With both personal and developer licenses available, "
  2735. #~ "premium functionality is more affordable and accessible than ever before!"
  2736. #~ msgstr ""
  2737. #~ "Kaikki neljä premium-lisäosaa on yhdistetty uuteen <a href=\"%s\">ACF PRO "
  2738. #~ "-versioon</a>. Lisensseistä saatavilla on sekä henkilökohtaisia että "
  2739. #~ "kehittäjien lisenssejä, joten korkealuokkaiset toiminnallisuudet ovat nyt "
  2740. #~ "edullisimpia ja saavutettavampia kuin koskaan ennen!"
  2741. #~ msgid "Powerful Features"
  2742. #~ msgstr "Tehokkaat ominaisuudet"
  2743. #~ msgid ""
  2744. #~ "ACF PRO contains powerful features such as repeatable data, flexible "
  2745. #~ "content layouts, a beautiful gallery field and the ability to create "
  2746. #~ "extra admin options pages!"
  2747. #~ msgstr ""
  2748. #~ "ACF PRO sisältää tehokkaita ominaisuuksia, kuten toistuva data, joustavat "
  2749. #~ "sisältö-layoutit, kaunis galleriakenttä sekä mahdollisuus luoda "
  2750. #~ "ylimääräisiä ylläpitäjän asetussivuja!"
  2751. #, php-format
  2752. #~ msgid "Read more about <a href=\"%s\">ACF PRO features</a>."
  2753. #~ msgstr "Lue lisää <a href=\"%s\">ACF PRO:n ominaisuuksista</a>."
  2754. #~ msgid "Easy Upgrading"
  2755. #~ msgstr "Helppo päivitys"
  2756. #~ msgid ""
  2757. #~ "Upgrading to ACF PRO is easy. Simply purchase a license online and "
  2758. #~ "download the plugin!"
  2759. #~ msgstr ""
  2760. #~ "Päivittäminen ACF PRO-versioon on helppoa. Osta lisenssi verkossa ja "
  2761. #~ "lataa lisäosa!"
  2762. #, php-format
  2763. #~ msgid ""
  2764. #~ "We also wrote an <a href=\"%s\">upgrade guide</a> to answer any "
  2765. #~ "questions, but if you do have one, please contact our support team via "
  2766. #~ "the <a href=\"%s\">help desk</a>."
  2767. #~ msgstr ""
  2768. #~ "Kirjoitimme myös <a href=\"%s\">päivitysoppaan</a> vastataksemme "
  2769. #~ "kysymyksiin. Jos jokin asia vielä vaivaa mieltäsi, ota yhteyttä "
  2770. #~ "asiakaspalveluumme <a href=\"%s\">neuvontapalvelun</a> kautta."
  2771. #~ msgid "New Features"
  2772. #~ msgstr "Uudet ominaisuudet"
  2773. #~ msgid "Link Field"
  2774. #~ msgstr "Linkki-kenttä"
  2775. #~ msgid ""
  2776. #~ "The Link field provides a simple way to select or define a link (url, "
  2777. #~ "title, target)."
  2778. #~ msgstr ""
  2779. #~ "Linkki-kentässä on yksinkertainen tapa valita tai määrittää linkki (URL, "
  2780. #~ "otsikko, kohde)."
  2781. #~ msgid "Group Field"
  2782. #~ msgstr "Ryhmä-kenttä"
  2783. #~ msgid "The Group field provides a simple way to create a group of fields."
  2784. #~ msgstr "Ryhmä-kentässä on yksinkertainen tapa luoda kenttäryhmiä."
  2785. #~ msgid "oEmbed Field"
  2786. #~ msgstr "oEmbed-kenttä"
  2787. #~ msgid ""
  2788. #~ "The oEmbed field allows an easy way to embed videos, images, tweets, "
  2789. #~ "audio, and other content."
  2790. #~ msgstr ""
  2791. #~ "oEmbed-kentän avulla voit helposti upottaa videoita, kuvia, twiittejä, "
  2792. #~ "ääntä ja muuta sisältöä."
  2793. #~ msgid "Clone Field"
  2794. #~ msgstr "Klooni-kenttä"
  2795. #~ msgid "The clone field allows you to select and display existing fields."
  2796. #~ msgstr ""
  2797. #~ "Klooni-kentän avulla voit valita ja näyttää aiemmin luotuja kenttiä."
  2798. #~ msgid "More AJAX"
  2799. #~ msgstr "Enemmän AJAXia"
  2800. #~ msgid "More fields use AJAX powered search to speed up page loading."
  2801. #~ msgstr ""
  2802. #~ "Useammat kentät käyttävät AJAX-käyttöistä hakua ja näin sivujen lataus "
  2803. #~ "nopeutuu."
  2804. #~ msgid ""
  2805. #~ "New auto export to JSON feature improves speed and allows for "
  2806. #~ "syncronisation."
  2807. #~ msgstr ""
  2808. #~ "Uusi automaattinen vienti JSON:iin parantaa nopeutta ja mahdollistaa "
  2809. #~ "synkronoinnin."
  2810. #~ msgid "Easy Import / Export"
  2811. #~ msgstr "Helppo tuonti / vienti"
  2812. #~ msgid "Both import and export can easily be done through a new tools page."
  2813. #~ msgstr ""
  2814. #~ "Sekä tuonti että vienti voidaan tehdä helposti uudella työkalut-sivulla."
  2815. #~ msgid "New Form Locations"
  2816. #~ msgstr "Uudet valikkosijainnit"
  2817. #~ msgid ""
  2818. #~ "Fields can now be mapped to menus, menu items, comments, widgets and all "
  2819. #~ "user forms!"
  2820. #~ msgstr ""
  2821. #~ "Kentät voidaan nyt linkittää valikkoihin, valikkokohteisiin, "
  2822. #~ "kommentteihin, vimpaimiin ja kaikkiin käyttäjälomakkeisiin!"
  2823. #~ msgid "More Customization"
  2824. #~ msgstr "Lisää muokkauksia"
  2825. #~ msgid ""
  2826. #~ "New PHP (and JS) actions and filters have been added to allow for more "
  2827. #~ "customization."
  2828. #~ msgstr ""
  2829. #~ "Uudet PHP (ja JS) -toiminnot ja -suodattimet on lisätty mahdollistamaan "
  2830. #~ "kattavamman mukautuksen."
  2831. #~ msgid "Fresh UI"
  2832. #~ msgstr "Tuore UI"
  2833. #~ msgid ""
  2834. #~ "The entire plugin has had a design refresh including new field types, "
  2835. #~ "settings and design!"
  2836. #~ msgstr ""
  2837. #~ "Koko lisäosa on saanut design-päivityksen, mukaan lukien uudet "
  2838. #~ "kenttätyypit, asetukset ja suunnittelu!"
  2839. #~ msgid "New Settings"
  2840. #~ msgstr "Uudet asetukset"
  2841. #~ msgid ""
  2842. #~ "Field group settings have been added for Active, Label Placement, "
  2843. #~ "Instructions Placement and Description."
  2844. #~ msgstr ""
  2845. #~ "Kenttäryhmän asetukset on lisätty ominaisuuksiin Aktiivinen, Nimiön "
  2846. #~ "sijoittelu, Ohjeiden sijoittelu ja Kuvaus."
  2847. #~ msgid "Better Front End Forms"
  2848. #~ msgstr "Paremmat front endin lomakkeet"
  2849. #~ msgid ""
  2850. #~ "acf_form() can now create a new post on submission with lots of new "
  2851. #~ "settings."
  2852. #~ msgstr ""
  2853. #~ "acf_form() voi nyt luoda uuden artikkelin pyydettäessä useilla uusilla "
  2854. #~ "asetuksilla."
  2855. #~ msgid "Form validation is now done via PHP + AJAX in favour of only JS."
  2856. #~ msgstr ""
  2857. #~ "Lomakkeen validointi tehdään nyt yhdistelmällä PHP + AJAX pelkän JS:n "
  2858. #~ "sijaan."
  2859. #~ msgid "Moving Fields"
  2860. #~ msgstr "Kenttien siirtäminen"
  2861. #~ msgid ""
  2862. #~ "New field group functionality allows you to move a field between groups & "
  2863. #~ "parents."
  2864. #~ msgstr ""
  2865. #~ "Uusi kenttäryhmien toiminnallisuus sallii kenttien siirtämisen ryhmien ja "
  2866. #~ "vanhempien välillä."
  2867. #, php-format
  2868. #~ msgid "We think you'll love the changes in %s."
  2869. #~ msgstr "Uskomme, että tulet rakastamaan muutoksia %s:ssa."
  2870. #~ msgid "Current Color"
  2871. #~ msgstr "Nykyinen väri"
  2872. #~ msgid "Normal"
  2873. #~ msgstr "Normaali"
  2874. #~ msgid "Fancy"
  2875. #~ msgstr "Hieno"
  2876. #~ msgid "Parent fields"
  2877. #~ msgstr "Yläkentät"
  2878. #~ msgid "Sibling fields"
  2879. #~ msgstr "Sisaruskentät"
  2880. #, php-format
  2881. #~ msgid "%s field group synchronised."
  2882. #~ msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronised."
  2883. #~ msgstr[0] "%s kenttäryhmä synkronoitu."
  2884. #~ msgstr[1] "%s kenttäryhmät synkronoitu."
  2885. #~ msgid "Error validating request"
  2886. #~ msgstr "Virhe pyynnön käsittelyssä"
  2887. #~ msgid "Add-ons"
  2888. #~ msgstr "Lisäosat"
  2889. #~ msgid "<b>Error</b>. Could not load add-ons list"
  2890. #~ msgstr "<b>Virhe</b>. Lisäosa luetteloa ei voitu ladata"
  2891. #~ msgid "Advanced Custom Fields Database Upgrade"
  2892. #~ msgstr "Advanced Custom Fields -tietokantapäivitys"
  2893. #~ msgid ""
  2894. #~ "Before you start using the new awesome features, please update your "
  2895. #~ "database to the newest version."
  2896. #~ msgstr ""
  2897. #~ "Ennen kuin alat käyttämään uusia mahtavia ominaisuuksia, ole hyvä ja "
  2898. #~ "päivitä tietokantasi uuteen versioon."
  2899. #~ msgid "Download & Install"
  2900. #~ msgstr "Lataa ja asenna"
  2901. #~ msgid "Installed"
  2902. #~ msgstr "Asennettu"
  2903. #, php-format
  2904. #~ msgid ""
  2905. #~ "To help make upgrading easy, <a href=\"%s\">login to your store account</"
  2906. #~ "a> and claim a free copy of ACF PRO!"
  2907. #~ msgstr ""
  2908. #~ "Tehdäksesi päivityksen helpoksi, <a href=\"%s\">kirjaudu kauppaan</a> ja "
  2909. #~ "lataa ilmainen kopio ACF PRO:sta!"
  2910. #~ msgid "Under the Hood"
  2911. #~ msgstr "Konepellin alla"
  2912. #~ msgid "Smarter field settings"
  2913. #~ msgstr "Älykkäämmät kenttäasetukset"
  2914. #~ msgid "ACF now saves its field settings as individual post objects"
  2915. #~ msgstr "ACF tallentaa nyt kenttäasetukset yksittäisenä artikkelioliona"
  2916. #~ msgid "Better version control"
  2917. #~ msgstr "Parempi versionhallinta"
  2918. #~ msgid ""
  2919. #~ "New auto export to JSON feature allows field settings to be version "
  2920. #~ "controlled"
  2921. #~ msgstr ""
  2922. #~ "Uusi automaattinen JSON-vienti sallii kenttäasetuksia versionhallinnan"
  2923. #~ msgid "Swapped XML for JSON"
  2924. #~ msgstr "XML vaihdettu JSON:iin"
  2925. #~ msgid "Import / Export now uses JSON in favour of XML"
  2926. #~ msgstr "Tuonti / Vienti käyttää nyt JSONia XML:n sijaan"
  2927. #~ msgid "New Forms"
  2928. #~ msgstr "Uudet lomakkeet"
  2929. #~ msgid "A new field for embedding content has been added"
  2930. #~ msgstr "Lisättiin uusi kenttä sisällön upottamiseen"
  2931. #~ msgid "New Gallery"
  2932. #~ msgstr "Uusi galleria"
  2933. #~ msgid "The gallery field has undergone a much needed facelift"
  2934. #~ msgstr "Galleriakenttä on käynyt läpi suuresti tarvitun kasvojenkohotuksen"
  2935. #~ msgid "Relationship Field"
  2936. #~ msgstr "Suodata artikkeleita -kenttä"
  2937. #~ msgid ""
  2938. #~ "New Relationship field setting for 'Filters' (Search, Post Type, Taxonomy)"
  2939. #~ msgstr ""
  2940. #~ "Uudet Suodata artikkeleita -kentän asetukset 'Suodattamille' (Etsi, "
  2941. #~ "Artikkelityyppi, Taksonomia)"
  2942. #~ msgid "New archives group in page_link field selection"
  2943. #~ msgstr "Uusi arkistoryhmä page_link -kentän valintana"
  2944. #~ msgid "Better Options Pages"
  2945. #~ msgstr "Paremmat asetukset-sivut"
  2946. #~ msgid ""
  2947. #~ "New functions for options page allow creation of both parent and child "
  2948. #~ "menu pages"
  2949. #~ msgstr ""
  2950. #~ "Uusi toiminnallisuus asetukset-sivulle, joka sallii sekä vanhempi että "
  2951. #~ "lapsi menu-sivujen luomisen"
  2952. #~ msgid "Export Field Groups to PHP"
  2953. #~ msgstr "Vie kenttäryhmä PHP:llä"
  2954. #~ msgid "Download export file"
  2955. #~ msgstr "Lataa vientitiedosto"
  2956. #~ msgid "Generate export code"
  2957. #~ msgstr "Generoi vientikoodi"
  2958. #~ msgid "Locating"
  2959. #~ msgstr "Paikannus"
  2960. #~ msgid "Shown when entering data"
  2961. #~ msgstr "Näytetään muokkausnäkymässä"
  2962. #~ msgid "Error."
  2963. #~ msgstr "Virhe."
  2964. #~ msgid "No embed found for the given URL."
  2965. #~ msgstr "Upotettavaa ei löytynyt annetusta URL-osoitteesta."
  2966. #~ msgid "Minimum values reached ( {min} values )"
  2967. #~ msgstr "Pienin määrä arvoja saavutettu ({min} arvoa)"
  2968. #~ msgid ""
  2969. #~ "The tab field will display incorrectly when added to a Table style "
  2970. #~ "repeater field or flexible content field layout"
  2971. #~ msgstr ""
  2972. #~ "Välilehtikentän ulkoasu rikkoutuu, jos lisätään taulukko-tyyli toistin "
  2973. #~ "kenttä tai joustava sisältö kenttä asettelu"
  2974. #~ msgid ""
  2975. #~ "Use \"Tab Fields\" to better organize your edit screen by grouping fields "
  2976. #~ "together."
  2977. #~ msgstr ""
  2978. #~ "Ryhmittele kenttiä käyttämällä ”välilehtikenttiä”. Näin saat selkeämmän "
  2979. #~ "muokkausnäkymän."
  2980. #~ msgid ""
  2981. #~ "All fields following this \"tab field\" (or until another \"tab field\" "
  2982. #~ "is defined) will be grouped together using this field's label as the tab "
  2983. #~ "heading."
  2984. #~ msgstr ""
  2985. #~ "Kaikki kentät, jotka seuraavat tätä \"välilehtikenttää\" (tai kunnes "
  2986. #~ "toinen \"välilehtikenttä\" määritellään) ryhmitellään yhteen ja "
  2987. #~ "välilehden otsikoksi tulee tämän kentän nimiö."
  2988. #~ msgid "None"
  2989. #~ msgstr "Ei mitään"
  2990. #~ msgid "Taxonomy Term"
  2991. #~ msgstr "Taksonomian ehto"
  2992. #~ msgid "remove {layout}?"
  2993. #~ msgstr "poista {layout}?"
  2994. #~ msgid "This field requires at least {min} {identifier}"
  2995. #~ msgstr "Tämä kenttä vaatii vähintään {min} {identifier}"
  2996. #~ msgid "Maximum {label} limit reached ({max} {identifier})"
  2997. #~ msgstr "Maksimi {label} saavutettu ({max} {identifier})"
  2998. #~ msgid ""
  2999. #~ msgstr ""
  3000. #~ msgid "Getting Started"
  3001. #~ msgstr "Miten pääset alkuun"
  3002. #~ msgid "Field Types"
  3003. #~ msgstr "Kenttätyypit"
  3004. #~ msgid "Functions"
  3005. #~ msgstr "Funktiot"
  3006. #~ msgid "Actions"
  3007. #~ msgstr "Toiminnot"
  3008. #~ msgid "'How to' guides"
  3009. #~ msgstr "\"Miten\" oppaat"
  3010. #~ msgid "Tutorials"
  3011. #~ msgstr "Oppaat"
  3012. #~ msgid "FAQ"
  3013. #~ msgstr "UKK"
  3014. #~ msgid "Created by"
  3015. #~ msgstr "Tekijä"
  3016. #~ msgid "Error"
  3017. #~ msgstr "Virhe"
  3018. #~ msgid "See what's new"
  3019. #~ msgstr "Katso mitä uutta"
  3020. #~ msgid "eg. Show extra content"
  3021. #~ msgstr "Esim. näytä ylimääräinen sisältö"
  3022. #~ msgid "1 field requires attention."
  3023. #~ msgid_plural "%d fields require attention."
  3024. #~ msgstr[0] "Yksi kenttä vaatii huomiota"
  3025. #~ msgstr[1] "%d kenttää vaatii huomiota."
  3026. #~ msgid ""
  3027. #~ "Error validating license URL (website does not match). Please re-activate "
  3028. #~ "your license"
  3029. #~ msgstr ""
  3030. #~ "Virhe lisenssin URL:n validoinnissa (websivu ei täsmää). Ole hyvä ja "
  3031. #~ "aktivoi lisenssisi uudelleen"
  3032. #~ msgid "See what's new in"
  3033. #~ msgstr "Katso mitä uutta löytyy"
  3034. #~ msgid "<b>Success</b>. Import tool added %s field groups: %s"
  3035. #~ msgstr "<b>Onnistui!</b> Tuontityökalu lisäsi %s kenttäryhmään: %s"
  3036. #~ msgid ""
  3037. #~ "<b>Warning</b>. Import tool detected %s field groups already exist and "
  3038. #~ "have been ignored: %s"
  3039. #~ msgstr ""
  3040. #~ "<b>Varoitus!</b> Tuontityökalu havaitsi %s kenttäryhmää on jo olemassa ja "
  3041. #~ "siksi ne jätettiin huomiotta: %s\t"
  3042. #~ msgid "Upgrade ACF"
  3043. #~ msgstr "Päivitä ACF"
  3044. #~ msgid "Upgrade"
  3045. #~ msgstr "Päivitä"
  3046. #~ msgid "Drag and drop to reorder"
  3047. #~ msgstr "Vedä ja pudota muuttaaksesi järjestystä"
  3048. #~ msgid "Show a different month"
  3049. #~ msgstr "Näytä eri kuuakusi"
  3050. #~ msgid "Return format"
  3051. #~ msgstr "Palautusmuoto"
  3052. #~ msgid "uploaded to this post"
  3053. #~ msgstr "ladattu tähän artikkeliin"
  3054. #~ msgid "File Size"
  3055. #~ msgstr "Tiedoston koko"
  3056. #~ msgid "No File selected"
  3057. #~ msgstr "Ei tiedostoa valittu"
  3058. #~ msgid ""
  3059. #~ "Please note that all text will first be passed through the wp function "
  3060. #~ msgstr "Huomioithan, että teksti syötetään aina funktiolle "
  3061. #~ msgid "Warning"
  3062. #~ msgstr "Varoitus"
  3063. #~ msgid "Add new %s "
  3064. #~ msgstr "Lisää uusi %s "
  3065. #~ msgid "<b>Connection Error</b>. Sorry, please try again"
  3066. #~ msgstr ""
  3067. #~ "Olemme pahoillamme, mutta tapahtui <b>Yhteysvirhe</b>. Ole hyvä ja yritä "
  3068. #~ "uudelleen"
  3069. #~ msgid "Save Options"
  3070. #~ msgstr "Tallenna asetukset"
  3071. #~ msgid "License"
  3072. #~ msgstr "lisenssi"
  3073. #~ msgid ""
  3074. #~ "To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don't have "
  3075. #~ "a licence key, please see"
  3076. #~ msgstr ""
  3077. #~ "Saadaksesi mahdollisuuden päivityksiin, syötä lisenssiavain. Jos sinulla "
  3078. #~ "ei ole lisenssiavainta, katso"
  3079. #~ msgid "details & pricing"
  3080. #~ msgstr "lisätiedot & hinnoittelu"
  3081. #~ msgid "Advanced Custom Fields Pro"
  3082. #~ msgstr "Advanced Custom Fields Pro"
  3083. #~ msgid "Show Field Keys"
  3084. #~ msgstr "Näytä kenttäavain"
  3085. #~ msgid "Field groups are created in order from lowest to highest"
  3086. #~ msgstr ""
  3087. #~ "Kenttäryhmät luodaan järjestyksessä alkaen pienimmästä järjestysnumerosta"
  3088. #~ msgid "Upgrading data to "
  3089. #~ msgstr "Päivitetään data versioon %s"
  3090. #~ msgid "Hide / Show All"
  3091. #~ msgstr "Piilota / Näytä kaikki"
  3092. #~ msgid "Pending Review"
  3093. #~ msgstr "Odottaa tarkistusta"
  3094. #~ msgid "Draft"
  3095. #~ msgstr "Luonnos"
  3096. #~ msgid "Future"
  3097. #~ msgstr "Tuleva"
  3098. #~ msgid "Private"
  3099. #~ msgstr "Yksityinen"
  3100. #~ msgid "Revision"
  3101. #~ msgstr "Tarkastettu"
  3102. #~ msgid "Trash"
  3103. #~ msgstr "Roskakori"
  3104. #~ msgid "ACF PRO Required"
  3105. #~ msgstr "Vaaditaan ACF PRO"
  3106. #~ msgid ""
  3107. #~ "We have detected an issue which requires your attention: This website "
  3108. #~ "makes use of premium add-ons (%s) which are no longer compatible with ACF."
  3109. #~ msgstr ""
  3110. #~ "Olemme havainneet ongelman, joka vaatii huomiotasi: Tämä websivu käyttää "
  3111. #~ "premium lisäosia (%s), jotka eivät enää ole yhteensopivia ACF:n kanssa."
  3112. #~ msgid ""
  3113. #~ "Don't panic, you can simply roll back the plugin and continue using ACF "
  3114. #~ "as you know it!"
  3115. #~ msgstr ""
  3116. #~ "Ei kuitenkaan hätää! Voit helposti palata ja jatkaa ACF:n käyttöä "
  3117. #~ "sellaisena kuin sen tunnet!"
  3118. #~ msgid "Roll back to ACF v%s"
  3119. #~ msgstr "Palaa takaisin ACF v%s:ään"
  3120. #~ msgid "Learn why ACF PRO is required for my site"
  3121. #~ msgstr "Lue miksi ACF PRO vaaditaan sivustollani"
  3122. #~ msgid "Data Upgrade"
  3123. #~ msgstr "Tietojen päivitys"
  3124. #~ msgid "Data upgraded successfully."
  3125. #~ msgstr "Tietojen päivitys onnistui!"
  3126. #~ msgid "Data is at the latest version."
  3127. #~ msgstr "Tiedot ovat ajan tasalla."
  3128. #~ msgid "1 required field below is empty"
  3129. #~ msgid_plural "%s required fields below are empty"
  3130. #~ msgstr[0] "Yksi vaadittu kenttä on tyhjä"
  3131. #~ msgstr[1] "%s valittua kenttää ovat tyhjiä"
  3132. #~ msgid "Load & Save Terms to Post"
  3133. #~ msgstr "Lataa & tallenna taksonomian ehdot artikkeliin"
  3134. #~ msgid ""
  3135. #~ "Load value based on the post's terms and update the post's terms on save"
  3136. #~ msgstr ""
  3137. #~ "Lataa arvo perustuen artikkelin ehtoihin ja päivitä artikkelin ehdot "
  3138. #~ "tallennettaessa"