acf-sk_SK.po 69 KB

  1. msgid ""
  2. msgstr ""
  3. "Project-Id-Version: Advanced Custom Fields Pro v5.2.9\n"
  4. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
  5. "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-08-11 23:45+0200\n"
  6. "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-02-06 10:07+1000\n"
  7. "Last-Translator: Elliot Condon <>\n"
  8. "Language-Team: <,>\n"
  9. "Language: sk_SK\n"
  10. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  11. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  12. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
  13. "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
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  23. #: acf.php:63
  24. msgid "Advanced Custom Fields"
  25. msgstr "Rozšírené vlastné polia"
  26. #: acf.php:205 admin/admin.php:61
  27. msgid "Field Groups"
  28. msgstr "Skupiny polí"
  29. #: acf.php:206
  30. msgid "Field Group"
  31. msgstr "Skupina polí"
  32. #: acf.php:207 acf.php:239 admin/admin.php:62 pro/fields/flexible-content.php:517
  33. msgid "Add New"
  34. msgstr "Pridať novú"
  35. #: acf.php:208
  36. msgid "Add New Field Group"
  37. msgstr "Pridať novú skupinu polí "
  38. #: acf.php:209
  39. msgid "Edit Field Group"
  40. msgstr "Upraviť skupinu polí "
  41. #: acf.php:210
  42. msgid "New Field Group"
  43. msgstr "Pridať novú skupinu polí "
  44. #: acf.php:211
  45. msgid "View Field Group"
  46. msgstr "Zobraziť skupinu polí "
  47. #: acf.php:212
  48. msgid "Search Field Groups"
  49. msgstr "Hľadať skupinu polí "
  50. #: acf.php:213
  51. msgid "No Field Groups found"
  52. msgstr "Nenašla sa skupina polí "
  53. #: acf.php:214
  54. msgid "No Field Groups found in Trash"
  55. msgstr "V koši sa nenašla skupina polí "
  56. #: acf.php:237 admin/field-group.php:182 admin/field-group.php:213 admin/field-groups.php:519
  57. msgid "Fields"
  58. msgstr "Polia "
  59. #: acf.php:238
  60. msgid "Field"
  61. msgstr "Pole"
  62. #: acf.php:240
  63. msgid "Add New Field"
  64. msgstr "Pridať nové pole"
  65. #: acf.php:241
  66. msgid "Edit Field"
  67. msgstr "Upraviť pole"
  68. #: acf.php:242 admin/views/field-group-fields.php:18 admin/views/settings-info.php:111
  69. msgid "New Field"
  70. msgstr "Nové pole "
  71. #: acf.php:243
  72. msgid "View Field"
  73. msgstr "Zobraziť pole"
  74. #: acf.php:244
  75. msgid "Search Fields"
  76. msgstr "Hľadať polia"
  77. #: acf.php:245
  78. msgid "No Fields found"
  79. msgstr "Nenašli sa polia"
  80. #: acf.php:246
  81. msgid "No Fields found in Trash"
  82. msgstr "V koši sa nenašli polia"
  83. #: acf.php:268 admin/field-group.php:283 admin/field-groups.php:583 admin/views/field-group-options.php:18
  84. msgid "Disabled"
  85. msgstr ""
  86. #: acf.php:273
  87. #, php-format
  88. msgid "Disabled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
  89. msgid_plural "Disabled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
  90. msgstr[0] ""
  91. msgstr[1] ""
  92. msgstr[2] ""
  93. #: admin/admin.php:57 admin/views/field-group-options.php:120
  94. msgid "Custom Fields"
  95. msgstr "Vlastné polia "
  96. #: admin/field-group.php:68 admin/field-group.php:69 admin/field-group.php:71
  97. msgid "Field group updated."
  98. msgstr "Skupina polí aktualizovaná. "
  99. #: admin/field-group.php:70
  100. msgid "Field group deleted."
  101. msgstr "Skupina polí aktualizovaná. "
  102. #: admin/field-group.php:73
  103. msgid "Field group published."
  104. msgstr "Skupina polí aktualizovaná. "
  105. #: admin/field-group.php:74
  106. msgid "Field group saved."
  107. msgstr "Skupina polí uložená. "
  108. #: admin/field-group.php:75
  109. msgid "Field group submitted."
  110. msgstr "Skupina polí odoslaná. "
  111. #: admin/field-group.php:76
  112. msgid "Field group scheduled for."
  113. msgstr "Skupina polí naplánovaná na. "
  114. #: admin/field-group.php:77
  115. msgid "Field group draft updated."
  116. msgstr "Koncept skupiny polí uložený. "
  117. #: admin/field-group.php:176
  118. msgid "Move to trash. Are you sure?"
  119. msgstr "Presunúť do koša. Naozaj? "
  120. #: admin/field-group.php:177
  121. msgid "checked"
  122. msgstr "zaškrtnuté "
  123. #: admin/field-group.php:178
  124. msgid "No toggle fields available"
  125. msgstr "Prepínacie polia nenájdené"
  126. #: admin/field-group.php:179
  127. msgid "Field group title is required"
  128. msgstr "Nadpis skupiny poľa je povinný "
  129. #: admin/field-group.php:180 api/api-field-group.php:607
  130. msgid "copy"
  131. msgstr "kopírovať "
  132. #: admin/field-group.php:181 admin/views/field-group-field-conditional-logic.php:67
  133. #: admin/views/field-group-field-conditional-logic.php:162 admin/views/field-group-locations.php:23
  134. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:131 api/api-helpers.php:3262
  135. msgid "or"
  136. msgstr "alebo"
  137. #: admin/field-group.php:183
  138. msgid "Parent fields"
  139. msgstr "Nadradené polia "
  140. #: admin/field-group.php:184
  141. msgid "Sibling fields"
  142. msgstr "Podobné polia "
  143. #: admin/field-group.php:185
  144. msgid "Move Custom Field"
  145. msgstr "Presunúť pole do inej skupiny "
  146. #: admin/field-group.php:186
  147. msgid "This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved"
  148. msgstr "Kým nebudú uložené zmeny, pole nemôže byť presunuté"
  149. #: admin/field-group.php:187
  150. msgid "Null"
  151. msgstr "Nulová hodnota"
  152. #: admin/field-group.php:188 core/input.php:128
  153. msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page"
  154. msgstr "Ak odítete zo stránky, zmeny nebudú uložené"
  155. #: admin/field-group.php:189
  156. msgid "The string \"field_\" may not be used at the start of a field name"
  157. msgstr "Reťazec \"field_\" nesmie byť použitý na začiatku názvu poľa"
  158. #: admin/field-group.php:214
  159. msgid "Location"
  160. msgstr "Umiestnenie "
  161. #: admin/field-group.php:215
  162. msgid "Settings"
  163. msgstr ""
  164. #: admin/field-group.php:253
  165. msgid "Field Keys"
  166. msgstr ""
  167. #: admin/field-group.php:283 admin/views/field-group-options.php:17
  168. msgid "Active"
  169. msgstr ""
  170. #: admin/field-group.php:744
  171. msgid "Front Page"
  172. msgstr "Úvodná stránka "
  173. #: admin/field-group.php:745
  174. msgid "Posts Page"
  175. msgstr "Stránka príspevkov "
  176. #: admin/field-group.php:746
  177. msgid "Top Level Page (no parent)"
  178. msgstr "Najvyššia úroveň stránok (nemá nadradené stránky) "
  179. #: admin/field-group.php:747
  180. msgid "Parent Page (has children)"
  181. msgstr "Nadradená stránka (má odvodené) "
  182. #: admin/field-group.php:748
  183. msgid "Child Page (has parent)"
  184. msgstr "Odvodená stránka (má nadradené) "
  185. #: admin/field-group.php:764
  186. msgid "Default Template"
  187. msgstr "Základná šablóna "
  188. #: admin/field-group.php:786
  189. msgid "Logged in"
  190. msgstr "Typ prihláseného používatela "
  191. #: admin/field-group.php:787
  192. msgid "Viewing front end"
  193. msgstr "Zobrazenie stránok"
  194. #: admin/field-group.php:788
  195. msgid "Viewing back end"
  196. msgstr "Zobrazenie administrácie"
  197. #: admin/field-group.php:807
  198. msgid "Super Admin"
  199. msgstr "Super Admin "
  200. #: admin/field-group.php:818 admin/field-group.php:826 admin/field-group.php:840 admin/field-group.php:847
  201. #: admin/field-group.php:862 admin/field-group.php:872 fields/file.php:235 fields/image.php:226 pro/fields/gallery.php:653
  202. msgid "All"
  203. msgstr "Všetky "
  204. #: admin/field-group.php:827
  205. msgid "Add / Edit"
  206. msgstr "Pridať/ Upraviť"
  207. #: admin/field-group.php:828
  208. msgid "Register"
  209. msgstr "Registrovať"
  210. #: admin/field-group.php:1059
  211. msgid "Move Complete."
  212. msgstr "Presunutie dokončené"
  213. #: admin/field-group.php:1060
  214. #, php-format
  215. msgid "The %s field can now be found in the %s field group"
  216. msgstr "Pole %s teraz nájdete v poli skupiny %s"
  217. #: admin/field-group.php:1062
  218. msgid "Close Window"
  219. msgstr "Zatvoriť okno"
  220. #: admin/field-group.php:1097
  221. msgid "Please select the destination for this field"
  222. msgstr "Vyberte cielové umietnenie poľa"
  223. #: admin/field-group.php:1104
  224. msgid "Move Field"
  225. msgstr "Presunúť pole"
  226. #: admin/field-groups.php:74
  227. #, php-format
  228. msgid "Active <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
  229. msgid_plural "Active <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
  230. msgstr[0] ""
  231. msgstr[1] ""
  232. msgstr[2] ""
  233. #: admin/field-groups.php:142
  234. #, php-format
  235. msgid "Field group duplicated. %s"
  236. msgstr "Skupina polí duplikovaná. %s"
  237. #: admin/field-groups.php:146
  238. #, php-format
  239. msgid "%s field group duplicated."
  240. msgid_plural "%s field groups duplicated."
  241. msgstr[0] "%s skupina polí bola duplikovaná."
  242. msgstr[1] "%s skupiny polí boli duplikované."
  243. msgstr[2] "%s skupín polí bolo duplikovaných."
  244. #: admin/field-groups.php:228
  245. #, php-format
  246. msgid "Field group synchronised. %s"
  247. msgstr "Skupina polí bola synchronizovaná. %s"
  248. #: admin/field-groups.php:232
  249. #, php-format
  250. msgid "%s field group synchronised."
  251. msgid_plural "%s field groups synchronised."
  252. msgstr[0] "%s skupina polí bola synchronizovaná."
  253. msgstr[1] "%s skupiny polí boli synchronizované."
  254. msgstr[2] "%s skupín polí bolo synchronizovaných."
  255. #: admin/field-groups.php:403 admin/field-groups.php:573
  256. msgid "Sync available"
  257. msgstr "Dostupná aktualizácia "
  258. #: admin/field-groups.php:516
  259. msgid "Title"
  260. msgstr "Názov"
  261. #: admin/field-groups.php:517 admin/views/field-group-options.php:98 admin/views/update-network.php:20
  262. #: admin/views/update-network.php:28
  263. msgid "Description"
  264. msgstr ""
  265. #: admin/field-groups.php:518 admin/views/field-group-options.php:10
  266. msgid "Status"
  267. msgstr ""
  268. #: admin/field-groups.php:616 admin/settings-info.php:76 pro/admin/views/settings-updates.php:111
  269. msgid "Changelog"
  270. msgstr "Záznam zmien "
  271. #: admin/field-groups.php:617
  272. msgid "See what's new in"
  273. msgstr "Pozrite sa, čo je nové:"
  274. #: admin/field-groups.php:617
  275. msgid "version"
  276. msgstr "verzia "
  277. #: admin/field-groups.php:619
  278. msgid "Resources"
  279. msgstr "Zdroje "
  280. #: admin/field-groups.php:621
  281. msgid "Getting Started"
  282. msgstr "Začíname "
  283. #: admin/field-groups.php:622 pro/admin/settings-updates.php:73 pro/admin/views/settings-updates.php:17
  284. msgid "Updates"
  285. msgstr "Aktualizácie"
  286. #: admin/field-groups.php:623
  287. msgid "Field Types"
  288. msgstr "Typy polí "
  289. #: admin/field-groups.php:624
  290. msgid "Functions"
  291. msgstr "Funkcie "
  292. #: admin/field-groups.php:625
  293. msgid "Actions"
  294. msgstr "Akcie "
  295. #: admin/field-groups.php:626 fields/relationship.php:718
  296. msgid "Filters"
  297. msgstr "Filtre "
  298. #: admin/field-groups.php:627
  299. msgid "'How to' guides"
  300. msgstr "Návody \"Ako na to\" "
  301. #: admin/field-groups.php:628
  302. msgid "Tutorials"
  303. msgstr "Návody "
  304. #: admin/field-groups.php:633
  305. msgid "Created by"
  306. msgstr "Vytvoril "
  307. #: admin/field-groups.php:673
  308. msgid "Duplicate this item"
  309. msgstr "Duplikovať toto pole "
  310. #: admin/field-groups.php:673 admin/field-groups.php:685 admin/views/field-group-field.php:58
  311. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:516
  312. msgid "Duplicate"
  313. msgstr "Duplikovať "
  314. #: admin/field-groups.php:724
  315. #, php-format
  316. msgid "Select %s"
  317. msgstr "Vybrať %s"
  318. #: admin/field-groups.php:730
  319. msgid "Synchronise field group"
  320. msgstr "Zobraziť túto skupinu poľa, ak"
  321. #: admin/field-groups.php:730 admin/field-groups.php:750
  322. msgid "Sync"
  323. msgstr "Synchronizácia"
  324. #: admin/settings-addons.php:51 admin/views/settings-addons.php:9
  325. msgid "Add-ons"
  326. msgstr "Doplnky "
  327. #: admin/settings-addons.php:87
  328. msgid "<b>Error</b>. Could not load add-ons list"
  329. msgstr "<b>Chyba</b>. Nie je možné načítať zoznam doplnkov"
  330. #: admin/settings-info.php:50
  331. msgid "Info"
  332. msgstr "Info"
  333. #: admin/settings-info.php:75
  334. msgid "What's New"
  335. msgstr "Čo je nové "
  336. #: admin/settings-tools.php:54 admin/views/settings-tools-export.php:9 admin/views/settings-tools.php:31
  337. msgid "Tools"
  338. msgstr ""
  339. #: admin/settings-tools.php:151 admin/settings-tools.php:365
  340. msgid "No field groups selected"
  341. msgstr "Nezvolili ste skupiny poľa "
  342. #: admin/settings-tools.php:188
  343. msgid "No file selected"
  344. msgstr "Nevybrali ste súbor "
  345. #: admin/settings-tools.php:201
  346. msgid "Error uploading file. Please try again"
  347. msgstr "Chyba pri nahrávaní súbora. Prosím skúste to znova"
  348. #: admin/settings-tools.php:210
  349. msgid "Incorrect file type"
  350. msgstr "Typ nahraného súboru nie je povolený "
  351. #: admin/settings-tools.php:227
  352. msgid "Import file empty"
  353. msgstr "Nahraný súbor bol prázdny"
  354. #: admin/settings-tools.php:323
  355. #, php-format
  356. msgid "<b>Success</b>. Import tool added %s field groups: %s"
  357. msgstr "<b>Úspech</b>. Nástroj importu pridal %s skupiny polí: %s"
  358. #: admin/settings-tools.php:332
  359. #, php-format
  360. msgid "<b>Warning</b>. Import tool detected %s field groups already exist and have been ignored: %s"
  361. msgstr "<b>Varovanie</b>. Nástroj importu zistil, že už exsituje %s polí skupín, ktoré boli ignorované: %s"
  362. #: admin/update.php:113
  363. msgid "Upgrade ACF"
  364. msgstr ""
  365. #: admin/update.php:143
  366. msgid "Review sites & upgrade"
  367. msgstr ""
  368. #: admin/update.php:298
  369. msgid "Upgrade"
  370. msgstr "Aktualizovať "
  371. #: admin/update.php:328
  372. msgid "Upgrade Database"
  373. msgstr ""
  374. #: admin/views/field-group-field-conditional-logic.php:29
  375. msgid "Conditional Logic"
  376. msgstr "Podmienená logika "
  377. #: admin/views/field-group-field-conditional-logic.php:40 admin/views/field-group-field.php:137 fields/checkbox.php:246
  378. #: fields/message.php:117 fields/page_link.php:568 fields/page_link.php:582 fields/post_object.php:434
  379. #: fields/post_object.php:448 fields/select.php:411 fields/select.php:425 fields/select.php:439 fields/select.php:453
  380. #: fields/tab.php:172 fields/taxonomy.php:770 fields/taxonomy.php:784 fields/taxonomy.php:798 fields/taxonomy.php:812
  381. #: fields/user.php:457 fields/user.php:471 fields/wysiwyg.php:384 pro/admin/views/settings-updates.php:93
  382. msgid "Yes"
  383. msgstr "Áno "
  384. #: admin/views/field-group-field-conditional-logic.php:41 admin/views/field-group-field.php:138 fields/checkbox.php:247
  385. #: fields/message.php:118 fields/page_link.php:569 fields/page_link.php:583 fields/post_object.php:435
  386. #: fields/post_object.php:449 fields/select.php:412 fields/select.php:426 fields/select.php:440 fields/select.php:454
  387. #: fields/tab.php:173 fields/taxonomy.php:685 fields/taxonomy.php:771 fields/taxonomy.php:785 fields/taxonomy.php:799
  388. #: fields/taxonomy.php:813 fields/user.php:458 fields/user.php:472 fields/wysiwyg.php:385
  389. #: pro/admin/views/settings-updates.php:103
  390. msgid "No"
  391. msgstr "Nie"
  392. #: admin/views/field-group-field-conditional-logic.php:65
  393. msgid "Show this field if"
  394. msgstr "Zobraziť toto pole ak"
  395. #: admin/views/field-group-field-conditional-logic.php:111 admin/views/field-group-locations.php:88
  396. msgid "is equal to"
  397. msgstr "sa rovná "
  398. #: admin/views/field-group-field-conditional-logic.php:112 admin/views/field-group-locations.php:89
  399. msgid "is not equal to"
  400. msgstr "sa nerovná"
  401. #: admin/views/field-group-field-conditional-logic.php:149 admin/views/field-group-locations.php:118
  402. msgid "and"
  403. msgstr "a"
  404. #: admin/views/field-group-field-conditional-logic.php:164 admin/views/field-group-locations.php:133
  405. msgid "Add rule group"
  406. msgstr "Pridať skupinu pravidiel "
  407. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:54 admin/views/field-group-field.php:57
  408. msgid "Edit field"
  409. msgstr "Upraviť pole"
  410. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:57 pro/fields/gallery.php:355
  411. msgid "Edit"
  412. msgstr "Upraviť"
  413. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:58
  414. msgid "Duplicate field"
  415. msgstr "Duplikovať pole"
  416. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:59
  417. msgid "Move field to another group"
  418. msgstr "Presunúť pole do inej skupiny"
  419. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:59
  420. msgid "Move"
  421. msgstr "Presunúť"
  422. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:60
  423. msgid "Delete field"
  424. msgstr "Vymazať pole"
  425. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:60 pro/fields/flexible-content.php:515
  426. msgid "Delete"
  427. msgstr "Vymazať"
  428. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:68 fields/oembed.php:212 fields/taxonomy.php:886
  429. msgid "Error"
  430. msgstr "Chyba "
  431. #: fields/oembed.php:220 fields/taxonomy.php:900
  432. msgid "Error."
  433. msgstr "Chyba."
  434. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:68
  435. msgid "Field type does not exist"
  436. msgstr "Typ poľa neexistuje "
  437. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:81
  438. msgid "Field Label"
  439. msgstr "Označenie poľa "
  440. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:82
  441. msgid "This is the name which will appear on the EDIT page"
  442. msgstr "Toto je meno, ktoré sa zobrazí na stránke úprav "
  443. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:93
  444. msgid "Field Name"
  445. msgstr "Meno poľa "
  446. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:94
  447. msgid "Single word, no spaces. Underscores and dashes allowed"
  448. msgstr "Jedno slovo, žiadne medzery. Podčiarknutie a pomlčky sú povolené "
  449. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:105
  450. msgid "Field Type"
  451. msgstr "Typ poľa"
  452. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:118 fields/tab.php:143
  453. msgid "Instructions"
  454. msgstr "Pokyny "
  455. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:119
  456. msgid "Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data"
  457. msgstr "Pokyny pre autorov. Zobrazia sa pri zadávaní dát "
  458. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:130
  459. msgid "Required?"
  460. msgstr "Povinné? "
  461. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:158
  462. msgid "Wrapper Attributes"
  463. msgstr "Hodnoty bloku polí v administrácii"
  464. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:164
  465. msgid "width"
  466. msgstr "Šírka"
  467. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:178
  468. msgid "class"
  469. msgstr "trieda"
  470. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:191
  471. msgid "id"
  472. msgstr "id "
  473. #: admin/views/field-group-field.php:203
  474. msgid "Close Field"
  475. msgstr "Zavrieť pole "
  476. #: admin/views/field-group-fields.php:29
  477. msgid "Order"
  478. msgstr "Poradie"
  479. #: admin/views/field-group-fields.php:30 pro/fields/flexible-content.php:541
  480. msgid "Label"
  481. msgstr "Označenie "
  482. #: admin/views/field-group-fields.php:31 pro/fields/flexible-content.php:554
  483. msgid "Name"
  484. msgstr "Meno"
  485. #: admin/views/field-group-fields.php:32
  486. msgid "Type"
  487. msgstr "Typ"
  488. #: admin/views/field-group-fields.php:44
  489. msgid "No fields. Click the <strong>+ Add Field</strong> button to create your first field."
  490. msgstr "Žiadne polia. Kliknite na tlačidlo <strong>+ Pridať pole</strong> pre vytvorenie prvého poľa. "
  491. #: admin/views/field-group-fields.php:51
  492. msgid "Drag and drop to reorder"
  493. msgstr "Zmeňte poradie pomocou funkcie ťahaj a pusť"
  494. #: admin/views/field-group-fields.php:54
  495. msgid "+ Add Field"
  496. msgstr "+ Pridať pole "
  497. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:5
  498. msgid "Rules"
  499. msgstr "Pravidlá "
  500. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:6
  501. msgid "Create a set of rules to determine which edit screens will use these advanced custom fields"
  502. msgstr "Vytvorte súbor pravidiel určujúcich, ktoré obrazovky úprav budú používať Vlastné polia"
  503. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:21
  504. msgid "Show this field group if"
  505. msgstr "Zobraziť túto skupinu poľa ak "
  506. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:41 admin/views/field-group-locations.php:47
  507. msgid "Post"
  508. msgstr "Príspevok "
  509. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:42 fields/relationship.php:724
  510. msgid "Post Type"
  511. msgstr "Typ príspevku "
  512. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:43
  513. msgid "Post Status"
  514. msgstr "Stav príspevku "
  515. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:44
  516. msgid "Post Format"
  517. msgstr "Formát príspevku "
  518. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:45
  519. msgid "Post Category"
  520. msgstr "Kategória príspevku "
  521. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:46
  522. msgid "Post Taxonomy"
  523. msgstr "Taxonómia príspevku "
  524. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:49 admin/views/field-group-locations.php:53
  525. msgid "Page"
  526. msgstr "Stránka "
  527. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:50
  528. msgid "Page Template"
  529. msgstr "Šablóna stránky "
  530. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:51
  531. msgid "Page Type"
  532. msgstr "Typ stránky "
  533. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:52
  534. msgid "Page Parent"
  535. msgstr "Nadradená stránka "
  536. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:55 fields/user.php:36
  537. msgid "User"
  538. msgstr "Používateľ "
  539. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:56
  540. msgid "Current User"
  541. msgstr "Aktuálny používateľ"
  542. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:57
  543. msgid "Current User Role"
  544. msgstr "Aktuálne oprávnenia"
  545. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:58
  546. msgid "User Form"
  547. msgstr "Formulár používatela"
  548. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:59
  549. msgid "User Role"
  550. msgstr "Oprávnenia "
  551. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:61 pro/admin/options-page.php:48
  552. msgid "Forms"
  553. msgstr "Formuláre"
  554. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:62
  555. msgid "Attachment"
  556. msgstr "Príloha "
  557. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:63
  558. msgid "Taxonomy Term"
  559. msgstr "Výraz taxonómie "
  560. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:64
  561. msgid "Comment"
  562. msgstr "Komentár"
  563. #: admin/views/field-group-locations.php:65
  564. msgid "Widget"
  565. msgstr "Widget"
  566. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:25
  567. msgid "Style"
  568. msgstr "Štýl "
  569. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:32
  570. msgid "Standard (WP metabox)"
  571. msgstr "Štandardný metabox "
  572. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:33
  573. msgid "Seamless (no metabox)"
  574. msgstr "Žiadny metabox "
  575. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:40
  576. msgid "Position"
  577. msgstr "Pozícia "
  578. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:47
  579. msgid "High (after title)"
  580. msgstr "Hore (pod nadpisom) "
  581. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:48
  582. msgid "Normal (after content)"
  583. msgstr "Normálne (po obsahu) "
  584. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:49
  585. msgid "Side"
  586. msgstr "Strana "
  587. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:57
  588. msgid "Label placement"
  589. msgstr "Umiestnenie inštrukcií "
  590. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:64 fields/tab.php:159
  591. msgid "Top aligned"
  592. msgstr "Zarovnané dohora"
  593. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:65 fields/tab.php:160
  594. msgid "Left aligned"
  595. msgstr "Zarovnané vľavo"
  596. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:72
  597. msgid "Instruction placement"
  598. msgstr "Umiestnenie inštrukcií"
  599. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:79
  600. msgid "Below labels"
  601. msgstr "Pod označením"
  602. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:80
  603. msgid "Below fields"
  604. msgstr "Pod poliami"
  605. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:87
  606. msgid "Order No."
  607. msgstr "Poradové číslo"
  608. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:88
  609. msgid "Field groups with a lower order will appear first"
  610. msgstr ""
  611. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:99
  612. msgid "Shown in field group list"
  613. msgstr ""
  614. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:109
  615. msgid "Hide on screen"
  616. msgstr "Schovať na obrazovke "
  617. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:110
  618. msgid "<b>Select</b> items to <b>hide</b> them from the edit screen."
  619. msgstr "<b>Vybrať</b> položky pre ich <b>skrytie</b> pred obrazovkou úprav."
  620. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:110
  621. msgid ""
  622. "If multiple field groups appear on an edit screen, the first field group's options will be used (the one with the lowest "
  623. "order number)"
  624. msgstr ""
  625. "Ak viaceré skupiny polí sa zobrazia na obrazovke úprav, nastavenia prvej skupiny budú použité (tá s najnižším poradovým "
  626. "číslom)"
  627. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:117
  628. msgid "Permalink"
  629. msgstr "Trvalý odkaz"
  630. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:118
  631. msgid "Content Editor"
  632. msgstr "Úpravca obsahu"
  633. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:119
  634. msgid "Excerpt"
  635. msgstr "Zhrnutie "
  636. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:121
  637. msgid "Discussion"
  638. msgstr "Diskusia "
  639. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:122
  640. msgid "Comments"
  641. msgstr "Komentáre "
  642. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:123
  643. msgid "Revisions"
  644. msgstr "Revízie "
  645. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:124
  646. msgid "Slug"
  647. msgstr "Slug "
  648. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:125
  649. msgid "Author"
  650. msgstr "Autor "
  651. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:126
  652. msgid "Format"
  653. msgstr "Formát "
  654. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:127
  655. msgid "Page Attributes"
  656. msgstr "Vlastnosti stránky"
  657. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:128 fields/relationship.php:737
  658. msgid "Featured Image"
  659. msgstr "Prezentačný obrázok "
  660. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:129
  661. msgid "Categories"
  662. msgstr "Kategórie "
  663. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:130
  664. msgid "Tags"
  665. msgstr "Značky "
  666. #: admin/views/field-group-options.php:131
  667. msgid "Send Trackbacks"
  668. msgstr "Odoslať spätné odkazy "
  669. #: admin/views/settings-addons.php:23
  670. msgid "Download & Install"
  671. msgstr "Stiahnuť a nainštalovať"
  672. #: admin/views/settings-addons.php:42
  673. msgid "Installed"
  674. msgstr "Nainštalované "
  675. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:9
  676. msgid "Welcome to Advanced Custom Fields"
  677. msgstr "Víta vás Advanced Custom Fields "
  678. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:10
  679. #, php-format
  680. msgid "Thank you for updating! ACF %s is bigger and better than ever before. We hope you like it."
  681. msgstr "Vďaka za zakutalizáciu! ACF %s je väčšie a lepšie než kedykoľvek predtým. Dúfame, že sa vám páči."
  682. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:23
  683. msgid "A smoother custom field experience"
  684. msgstr "Jednoduchšie používanie polí"
  685. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:28
  686. msgid "Improved Usability"
  687. msgstr "Vylepšená použiteľnosť"
  688. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:29
  689. msgid ""
  690. "Including the popular Select2 library has improved both usability and speed across a number of field types including "
  691. "post object, page link, taxonomy and select."
  692. msgstr ""
  693. "Populárna knižnica Select2 obsahuje vylepšenú použiteľnosť a rýchlosť medzi všetkými poliami vrátane objektov, odkazov "
  694. "taxonómie a výberov."
  695. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:33
  696. msgid "Improved Design"
  697. msgstr "Vylepšený dizajn"
  698. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:34
  699. msgid ""
  700. "Many fields have undergone a visual refresh to make ACF look better than ever! Noticeable changes are seen on the "
  701. "gallery, relationship and oEmbed (new) fields!"
  702. msgstr ""
  703. "Vela polí prebehlo grafickou úpravou. Teraz ACF vyzerá oveľa lepšie! Zmeny uvidíte v galérii, vzťahoch a OEmbed "
  704. "(vložených) poliach!"
  705. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:38
  706. msgid "Improved Data"
  707. msgstr "Vylepšené dáta"
  708. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:39
  709. msgid ""
  710. "Redesigning the data architecture has allowed sub fields to live independently from their parents. This allows you to "
  711. "drag and drop fields in and out of parent fields!"
  712. msgstr ""
  713. "Zmena dátovej architektúry priniesla nezávislosť odvodených polí od nadradených. Toto vám dovoľuje prenášat polia mimo "
  714. "nadradených polí!"
  715. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:45
  716. msgid "Goodbye Add-ons. Hello PRO"
  717. msgstr "Dovidenia doplnky. Vitaj PRO"
  718. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:50
  719. msgid "Introducing ACF PRO"
  720. msgstr "Pro verzia "
  721. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:51
  722. msgid "We're changing the way premium functionality is delivered in an exciting way!"
  723. msgstr "Prémiové funkcie modulu sme sa rozhodli poskytnúť vzrušujúcejším spôsobom!"
  724. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:52
  725. #, php-format
  726. msgid ""
  727. "All 4 premium add-ons have been combined into a new <a href=\"%s\">Pro version of ACF</a>. With both personal and "
  728. "developer licenses available, premium functionality is more affordable and accessible than ever before!"
  729. msgstr ""
  730. "Všetky prémiové doplnky boli spojené do <a href=\"%s\">Pro verzie ACF</a>. Prémiové funkcie sú dostupnejšie a "
  731. "prístupnejšie aj pomocou personálnych a firemmných licencií!"
  732. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:56
  733. msgid "Powerful Features"
  734. msgstr "Výkonné funkcie"
  735. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:57
  736. msgid ""
  737. "ACF PRO contains powerful features such as repeatable data, flexible content layouts, a beautiful gallery field and the "
  738. "ability to create extra admin options pages!"
  739. msgstr ""
  740. "ACF PRO obsahuje opakovanie zadaných dát, flexibilné rozloženie obsahu, prekrásnu galériu a extra administračné stránky!"
  741. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:58
  742. #, php-format
  743. msgid "Read more about <a href=\"%s\">ACF PRO features</a>."
  744. msgstr "Prečítajte si viac o <a href=\"%s\">vlastnostiach ACF PRO</a>."
  745. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:62
  746. msgid "Easy Upgrading"
  747. msgstr "Ľahká aktualizácia"
  748. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:63
  749. #, php-format
  750. msgid "To help make upgrading easy, <a href=\"%s\">login to your store account</a> and claim a free copy of ACF PRO!"
  751. msgstr "Pre uľahčenie aktualizácie, <a href=\"%s\">prihláste sa do obchodu</a> a získajte zdarma ACF PRO!"
  752. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:64
  753. #, php-format
  754. msgid ""
  755. "We also wrote an <a href=\"%s\">upgrade guide</a> to answer any questions, but if you do have one, please contact our "
  756. "support team via the <a href=\"%s\">help desk</a>"
  757. msgstr ""
  758. "Napísali sme <a href=\"%s\">príručku k aktualizácii</a>. Zodpovedali sme väčšinu otázok, ak však máte nejaké ďaľšie "
  759. "kontaktuje <a href=\"%s\">našu podporu</a>"
  760. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:72
  761. msgid "Under the Hood"
  762. msgstr "Pod kapotou"
  763. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:77
  764. msgid "Smarter field settings"
  765. msgstr "Vylepšené nastavenia polí"
  766. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:78
  767. msgid "ACF now saves its field settings as individual post objects"
  768. msgstr "ACF ukladá nastavenia polí ako jednotlivé objekty"
  769. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:82
  770. msgid "More AJAX"
  771. msgstr "Viac AJAXu"
  772. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:83
  773. msgid "More fields use AJAX powered search to speed up page loading"
  774. msgstr "Pre rýchlejšie načítanie, používame AJAX vyhľadávanie"
  775. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:87
  776. msgid "Local JSON"
  777. msgstr "Local JSON"
  778. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:88
  779. msgid "New auto export to JSON feature improves speed"
  780. msgstr "Nový auto export JSON vylepšuje rýchlosť"
  781. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:94
  782. msgid "Better version control"
  783. msgstr "Lepšia správa verzií"
  784. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:95
  785. msgid "New auto export to JSON feature allows field settings to be version controlled"
  786. msgstr "Nový auto export JSON obsahuje kontrolu verzií povolených polí"
  787. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:99
  788. msgid "Swapped XML for JSON"
  789. msgstr "Vymenené XML za JSON"
  790. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:100
  791. msgid "Import / Export now uses JSON in favour of XML"
  792. msgstr "Import / Export teraz používa JSON miesto XML"
  793. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:104
  794. msgid "New Forms"
  795. msgstr "Nové formuláre"
  796. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:105
  797. msgid "Fields can now be mapped to comments, widgets and all user forms!"
  798. msgstr "Polia môžu patriť komentárom, widgetom a všetkým formulárom!"
  799. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:112
  800. msgid "A new field for embedding content has been added"
  801. msgstr "Bolo pridané nové pole pre vložený obsah"
  802. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:116
  803. msgid "New Gallery"
  804. msgstr "Nová galéria"
  805. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:117
  806. msgid "The gallery field has undergone a much needed facelift"
  807. msgstr "Pole galérie vážne potrebovalo upraviť vzhľad"
  808. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:121
  809. msgid "New Settings"
  810. msgstr "Nové nastavenia"
  811. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:122
  812. msgid "Field group settings have been added for label placement and instruction placement"
  813. msgstr "Boli pridané nastavenie skupiny pola pre umiestnenie oznčenia a umietsntenie inštrukcií"
  814. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:128
  815. msgid "Better Front End Forms"
  816. msgstr "Lepšie vidieľné formuláre"
  817. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:129
  818. msgid "acf_form() can now create a new post on submission"
  819. msgstr "acf_form() teraz po odoslaní môže vytvoriť nový príspevok"
  820. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:133
  821. msgid "Better Validation"
  822. msgstr "Lepšie overovanie"
  823. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:134
  824. msgid "Form validation is now done via PHP + AJAX in favour of only JS"
  825. msgstr "Overovanie formulára sa deje pomocou PHP a AJAX namiesto JS"
  826. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:138
  827. msgid "Relationship Field"
  828. msgstr "Vzťah polí"
  829. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:139
  830. msgid "New Relationship field setting for 'Filters' (Search, Post Type, Taxonomy)"
  831. msgstr "Nový nastavenie vťahov pola 'FIltre' (vyhľadávanie, typ článku, taxonómia)"
  832. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:145
  833. msgid "Moving Fields"
  834. msgstr "Hýbajúce polia"
  835. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:146
  836. msgid "New field group functionality allows you to move a field between groups & parents"
  837. msgstr "Nová skupinová funkcionalita vám dovolí presúvať polia medzi skupinami a nadradenými poliami"
  838. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:150 fields/page_link.php:36
  839. msgid "Page Link"
  840. msgstr "Odkaz stránky "
  841. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:151
  842. msgid "New archives group in page_link field selection"
  843. msgstr "Nová skupina archívov vo výbere pola page_link"
  844. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:155
  845. msgid "Better Options Pages"
  846. msgstr "Lepšie nastavenia stránok"
  847. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:156
  848. msgid "New functions for options page allow creation of both parent and child menu pages"
  849. msgstr "Nové funkcie nastavenia stránky vám dovolí vytvorenie vytvorenie menu nadradených aj odvodených stránok"
  850. #: admin/views/settings-info.php:165
  851. #, php-format
  852. msgid "We think you'll love the changes in %s."
  853. msgstr "Myslíme, že si zamilujete zmeny v %s."
  854. #: admin/views/settings-tools-export.php:13
  855. msgid "Export Field Groups to PHP"
  856. msgstr "Export skupiny poľa do PHP "
  857. #: admin/views/settings-tools-export.php:17
  858. msgid ""
  859. "The following code can be used to register a local version of the selected field group(s). A local field group can "
  860. "provide many benefits such as faster load times, version control & dynamic fields/settings. Simply copy and paste the "
  861. "following code to your theme's functions.php file or include it within an external file."
  862. msgstr ""
  863. "Nasledujúci kód môže byť použitý pre miestnu veru vybraných polí skupín. Lokálna skupina polí poskytuje rýchlejšie "
  864. "načítanie, lepšiu kontrolu verzií a dynamické polia a ich nastavenia. Jednoducho skopírujte nasledujúci kód do súboru "
  865. "funkcií vašej témy functions.php alebo ich zahrňte v externom súbore."
  866. #: admin/views/settings-tools.php:5
  867. msgid "Select Field Groups"
  868. msgstr "Vyberte skupiny poľa na export "
  869. #: admin/views/settings-tools.php:35
  870. msgid "Export Field Groups"
  871. msgstr "Export skupín polí "
  872. #: admin/views/settings-tools.php:38
  873. msgid ""
  874. "Select the field groups you would like to export and then select your export method. Use the download button to export "
  875. "to a .json file which you can then import to another ACF installation. Use the generate button to export to PHP code "
  876. "which you can place in your theme."
  877. msgstr ""
  878. "Vyberte skupiny polí, ktoré chcete exportovať. Vyberte vhodnú metódu exportu. Tlačidlo Stiahnuť vám exportuje dáta do ."
  879. "json súboru. Tento súbor môžete použiť v inej ACF inštalácii. Tlačidlo Generovať vám vyvtorí PHP kód, ktorý použijete vo "
  880. "vašej téme."
  881. #: admin/views/settings-tools.php:50
  882. msgid "Download export file"
  883. msgstr "Stiahnuť súbor na export"
  884. #: admin/views/settings-tools.php:51
  885. msgid "Generate export code"
  886. msgstr "Vytvoriť exportný kód"
  887. #: admin/views/settings-tools.php:64
  888. msgid "Import Field Groups"
  889. msgstr "Importovať skupiny poľa"
  890. #: admin/views/settings-tools.php:67
  891. msgid ""
  892. "Select the Advanced Custom Fields JSON file you would like to import. When you click the import button below, ACF will "
  893. "import the field groups."
  894. msgstr "Vyberte JSON súbor ACF na import. Po kliknutí na tlačidlo import sa nahrajú všetky skupiny polí ACF."
  895. #: admin/views/settings-tools.php:77 fields/file.php:46
  896. msgid "Select File"
  897. msgstr "Vybrať subor "
  898. #: admin/views/settings-tools.php:86
  899. msgid "Import"
  900. msgstr "Import "
  901. #: admin/views/update-network.php:8 admin/views/update.php:8
  902. msgid "Advanced Custom Fields Database Upgrade"
  903. msgstr ""
  904. #: admin/views/update-network.php:10
  905. msgid "The following sites require a DB upgrade. Check the ones you want to update and then click “Upgrade Database”."
  906. msgstr ""
  907. #: admin/views/update-network.php:19 admin/views/update-network.php:27
  908. msgid "Site"
  909. msgstr ""
  910. #: admin/views/update-network.php:47
  911. #, php-format
  912. msgid "Site requires database upgrade from %s to %s"
  913. msgstr ""
  914. #: admin/views/update-network.php:49
  915. msgid "Site is up to date"
  916. msgstr ""
  917. #: admin/views/update-network.php:62 admin/views/update.php:16
  918. msgid "Database Upgrade complete. <a href=\"%s\">Return to network dashboard</a>"
  919. msgstr ""
  920. #: admin/views/update-network.php:101 admin/views/update-notice.php:35
  921. msgid ""
  922. "It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?"
  923. msgstr "Pred aktualizáciou odporúčame zálohovať databázu. Želáte si aktualizáciu spustiť teraz?"
  924. #: admin/views/update-network.php:157
  925. msgid "Upgrade complete"
  926. msgstr ""
  927. #: admin/views/update-network.php:161
  928. msgid "Upgrading data to"
  929. msgstr ""
  930. #: admin/views/update-notice.php:23
  931. msgid "Database Upgrade Required"
  932. msgstr "Je potrebná aktualizácia databázy"
  933. #: admin/views/update-notice.php:25
  934. #, php-format
  935. msgid "Thank you for updating to %s v%s!"
  936. msgstr "Vďaka za aktualizáciu %s v%s!"
  937. #: admin/views/update-notice.php:25
  938. msgid "Before you start using the new awesome features, please update your database to the newest version."
  939. msgstr "Než začnete používať nové funkcie, prosím najprv aktualizujte vašu databázu na najnovšiu verziu."
  940. #: admin/views/update.php:12
  941. msgid "Reading upgrade tasks..."
  942. msgstr "Čítanie aktualizačných úloh..."
  943. #: admin/views/update.php:14
  944. #, php-format
  945. msgid "Upgrading data to version %s"
  946. msgstr "Aktualizácia dát na verziu %s"
  947. #: admin/views/update.php:16
  948. msgid "See what's new"
  949. msgstr "Pozrite sa, čo je nové"
  950. #: admin/views/update.php:110
  951. msgid "No updates available."
  952. msgstr ""
  953. #: api/api-helpers.php:821
  954. msgid "Thumbnail"
  955. msgstr "Náhľad "
  956. #: api/api-helpers.php:822
  957. msgid "Medium"
  958. msgstr "Stredný "
  959. #: api/api-helpers.php:823
  960. msgid "Large"
  961. msgstr "Veľký "
  962. #: api/api-helpers.php:871
  963. msgid "Full Size"
  964. msgstr "Úplný "
  965. #: api/api-helpers.php:1581
  966. msgid "(no title)"
  967. msgstr "(bez názvu)"
  968. #: api/api-helpers.php:3183
  969. #, php-format
  970. msgid "Image width must be at least %dpx."
  971. msgstr "Šírka obrázku musí byť aspoň %dpx."
  972. #: api/api-helpers.php:3188
  973. #, php-format
  974. msgid "Image width must not exceed %dpx."
  975. msgstr "Šírka obrázku nesmie prekročiť %dpx."
  976. #: api/api-helpers.php:3204
  977. #, php-format
  978. msgid "Image height must be at least %dpx."
  979. msgstr "Výška obrázku musí byť aspoň %dpx."
  980. #: api/api-helpers.php:3209
  981. #, php-format
  982. msgid "Image height must not exceed %dpx."
  983. msgstr "Výška obrázku nesmie prekročiť %dpx."
  984. #: api/api-helpers.php:3227
  985. #, php-format
  986. msgid "File size must be at least %s."
  987. msgstr "Veľkosť súboru musí byť aspoň %s."
  988. #: api/api-helpers.php:3232
  989. #, php-format
  990. msgid "File size must must not exceed %s."
  991. msgstr "Veľkosť súboru nesmie prekročiť %s."
  992. #: api/api-helpers.php:3266
  993. #, php-format
  994. msgid "File type must be %s."
  995. msgstr "Typ súboru musí byť %s."
  996. #: api/api-template.php:1289 pro/fields/gallery.php:564
  997. msgid "Update"
  998. msgstr "Aktualizovať "
  999. #: api/api-template.php:1290
  1000. msgid "Post updated"
  1001. msgstr "Príspevok akutalizovaný "
  1002. #: core/field.php:131
  1003. msgid "Basic"
  1004. msgstr "Základné "
  1005. #: core/field.php:132
  1006. msgid "Content"
  1007. msgstr "Obsah "
  1008. #: core/field.php:133
  1009. msgid "Choice"
  1010. msgstr "Voľba "
  1011. #: core/field.php:134
  1012. msgid "Relational"
  1013. msgstr "Relačný "
  1014. #: core/field.php:135
  1015. msgid "jQuery"
  1016. msgstr "jQuery "
  1017. #: core/field.php:136 fields/checkbox.php:226 fields/radio.php:231 pro/fields/flexible-content.php:512
  1018. #: pro/fields/repeater.php:392
  1019. msgid "Layout"
  1020. msgstr "Rozmiestnenie"
  1021. #: core/input.php:129
  1022. msgid "Expand Details"
  1023. msgstr "Zväčšiť detaily "
  1024. #: core/input.php:130
  1025. msgid "Collapse Details"
  1026. msgstr "Zmenšiť detaily "
  1027. #: core/input.php:131
  1028. msgid "Validation successful"
  1029. msgstr "Overenie bolo úspešné"
  1030. #: core/input.php:132
  1031. msgid "Validation failed"
  1032. msgstr "Overenie zlyhalo. "
  1033. #: core/input.php:133
  1034. msgid "1 field requires attention"
  1035. msgstr ""
  1036. #: core/input.php:134
  1037. #, php-format
  1038. msgid "%d fields require attention"
  1039. msgstr ""
  1040. #: core/input.php:135
  1041. msgid "Restricted"
  1042. msgstr ""
  1043. #: core/input.php:533
  1044. #, php-format
  1045. msgid "%s value is required"
  1046. msgstr "vyžaduje sa hodnota %s"
  1047. #: fields/checkbox.php:36 fields/taxonomy.php:752
  1048. msgid "Checkbox"
  1049. msgstr "Zaškrtávacie políčko "
  1050. #: fields/checkbox.php:144
  1051. msgid "Toggle All"
  1052. msgstr "Prepnúť všetky"
  1053. #: fields/checkbox.php:208 fields/radio.php:193 fields/select.php:388
  1054. msgid "Choices"
  1055. msgstr "Voľby "
  1056. #: fields/checkbox.php:209 fields/radio.php:194 fields/select.php:389
  1057. msgid "Enter each choice on a new line."
  1058. msgstr "Zadajte každú voľbu do nového riadku. "
  1059. #: fields/checkbox.php:209 fields/radio.php:194 fields/select.php:389
  1060. msgid "For more control, you may specify both a value and label like this:"
  1061. msgstr "Pre lepšiu kontrolu, môžete určiť hodnotu a popis takto:"
  1062. #: fields/checkbox.php:209 fields/radio.php:194 fields/select.php:389
  1063. msgid "red : Red"
  1064. msgstr "červená : Červená "
  1065. #: fields/checkbox.php:217 fields/color_picker.php:158 fields/email.php:124 fields/number.php:150 fields/radio.php:222
  1066. #: fields/select.php:397 fields/text.php:148 fields/textarea.php:145 fields/true_false.php:115 fields/url.php:117
  1067. #: fields/wysiwyg.php:345
  1068. msgid "Default Value"
  1069. msgstr "Základná hodnota "
  1070. #: fields/checkbox.php:218 fields/select.php:398
  1071. msgid "Enter each default value on a new line"
  1072. msgstr "Zadajte každú základnú hodnotu na nový riadok "
  1073. #: fields/checkbox.php:232 fields/radio.php:237
  1074. msgid "Vertical"
  1075. msgstr "Vertikálne "
  1076. #: fields/checkbox.php:233 fields/radio.php:238
  1077. msgid "Horizontal"
  1078. msgstr "Horizontálne "
  1079. #: fields/checkbox.php:240
  1080. msgid "Toggle"
  1081. msgstr ""
  1082. #: fields/checkbox.php:241
  1083. msgid "Prepend an extra checkbox to toggle all choices"
  1084. msgstr ""
  1085. #: fields/color_picker.php:36
  1086. msgid "Color Picker"
  1087. msgstr "Výber farby "
  1088. #: fields/color_picker.php:94
  1089. msgid "Clear"
  1090. msgstr "Vyčistiť"
  1091. #: fields/color_picker.php:95
  1092. msgid "Default"
  1093. msgstr "Predvolené "
  1094. #: fields/color_picker.php:96
  1095. msgid "Select Color"
  1096. msgstr "Farba"
  1097. #: fields/date_picker.php:36
  1098. msgid "Date Picker"
  1099. msgstr "Výber dátumu "
  1100. #: fields/date_picker.php:72
  1101. msgid "Done"
  1102. msgstr "Hotovo "
  1103. #: fields/date_picker.php:73
  1104. msgid "Today"
  1105. msgstr "Dnes "
  1106. #: fields/date_picker.php:76
  1107. msgid "Show a different month"
  1108. msgstr "Zobraziť iný mesiac "
  1109. #: fields/date_picker.php:149
  1110. msgid "Display Format"
  1111. msgstr "Formát zobrazenia "
  1112. #: fields/date_picker.php:150
  1113. msgid "The format displayed when editing a post"
  1114. msgstr "Formát zobrazený pri úprave článku"
  1115. #: fields/date_picker.php:164
  1116. msgid "Return format"
  1117. msgstr "Formát odpoveďe "
  1118. #: fields/date_picker.php:165
  1119. msgid "The format returned via template functions"
  1120. msgstr "Formát vrátený pomocou funkcii šablóny"
  1121. #: fields/date_picker.php:180
  1122. msgid "Week Starts On"
  1123. msgstr "Týždeň začína "
  1124. #: fields/email.php:36
  1125. msgid "Email"
  1126. msgstr "E-Mail "
  1127. #: fields/email.php:125 fields/number.php:151 fields/radio.php:223 fields/text.php:149 fields/textarea.php:146
  1128. #: fields/url.php:118 fields/wysiwyg.php:346
  1129. msgid "Appears when creating a new post"
  1130. msgstr "Zobrazí sa pri vytvorení nového príspevku "
  1131. #: fields/email.php:133 fields/number.php:159 fields/password.php:137 fields/text.php:157 fields/textarea.php:154
  1132. #: fields/url.php:126
  1133. msgid "Placeholder Text"
  1134. msgstr "Zástupný text "
  1135. #: fields/email.php:134 fields/number.php:160 fields/password.php:138 fields/text.php:158 fields/textarea.php:155
  1136. #: fields/url.php:127
  1137. msgid "Appears within the input"
  1138. msgstr "Zobrazí sa vo vstupe"
  1139. #: fields/email.php:142 fields/number.php:168 fields/password.php:146 fields/text.php:166
  1140. msgid "Prepend"
  1141. msgstr "Predpona"
  1142. #: fields/email.php:143 fields/number.php:169 fields/password.php:147 fields/text.php:167
  1143. msgid "Appears before the input"
  1144. msgstr "Zobrazí sa pred vstupom"
  1145. #: fields/email.php:151 fields/number.php:177 fields/password.php:155 fields/text.php:175
  1146. msgid "Append"
  1147. msgstr "Prípona"
  1148. #: fields/email.php:152 fields/number.php:178 fields/password.php:156 fields/text.php:176
  1149. msgid "Appears after the input"
  1150. msgstr "Zobrazí sa po vstupe"
  1151. #: fields/file.php:36
  1152. msgid "File"
  1153. msgstr "Súbor "
  1154. #: fields/file.php:47
  1155. msgid "Edit File"
  1156. msgstr "Upraviť súbor "
  1157. #: fields/file.php:48
  1158. msgid "Update File"
  1159. msgstr "Aktualizovať súbor "
  1160. #: fields/file.php:49 pro/fields/gallery.php:55
  1161. msgid "uploaded to this post"
  1162. msgstr "Nahrané do príspevku "
  1163. #: fields/file.php:142
  1164. msgid "File Name"
  1165. msgstr "Názov súboru"
  1166. #: fields/file.php:146
  1167. msgid "File Size"
  1168. msgstr "Veľkosť súboru"
  1169. #: fields/file.php:169
  1170. msgid "No File selected"
  1171. msgstr "Nevybrali ste súbor "
  1172. #: fields/file.php:169
  1173. msgid "Add File"
  1174. msgstr "Pridať súbor "
  1175. #: fields/file.php:214 fields/image.php:195 fields/taxonomy.php:821
  1176. msgid "Return Value"
  1177. msgstr "Vrátiť hodnotu "
  1178. #: fields/file.php:215 fields/image.php:196
  1179. msgid "Specify the returned value on front end"
  1180. msgstr "Zadajte hodnotu, ktorá sa objaví na stránke"
  1181. #: fields/file.php:220
  1182. msgid "File Array"
  1183. msgstr "Súbor "
  1184. #: fields/file.php:221
  1185. msgid "File URL"
  1186. msgstr "URL adresa súboru "
  1187. #: fields/file.php:222
  1188. msgid "File ID"
  1189. msgstr "ID súboru "
  1190. #: fields/file.php:229 fields/image.php:220 pro/fields/gallery.php:647
  1191. msgid "Library"
  1192. msgstr "Knižnica "
  1193. #: fields/file.php:230 fields/image.php:221 pro/fields/gallery.php:648
  1194. msgid "Limit the media library choice"
  1195. msgstr "Obmedziť výber knižnice médií "
  1196. #: fields/file.php:236 fields/image.php:227 pro/fields/gallery.php:654
  1197. msgid "Uploaded to post"
  1198. msgstr "Nahrané do príspevku "
  1199. #: fields/file.php:243 fields/image.php:234 pro/fields/gallery.php:661
  1200. msgid "Minimum"
  1201. msgstr "Minimálny počet"
  1202. #: fields/file.php:244 fields/file.php:255
  1203. msgid "Restrict which files can be uploaded"
  1204. msgstr "Vymedzte, ktoré súbory je možné nahrať"
  1205. #: fields/file.php:247 fields/file.php:258 fields/image.php:257 fields/image.php:290 pro/fields/gallery.php:684
  1206. #: pro/fields/gallery.php:717
  1207. msgid "File size"
  1208. msgstr "Veľkosť súboru "
  1209. #: fields/file.php:254 fields/image.php:267 pro/fields/gallery.php:694
  1210. msgid "Maximum"
  1211. msgstr "Maximálny počet"
  1212. #: fields/file.php:265 fields/image.php:300 pro/fields/gallery.php:727
  1213. msgid "Allowed file types"
  1214. msgstr "Povolené typy súborov"
  1215. #: fields/file.php:266 fields/image.php:301 pro/fields/gallery.php:728
  1216. msgid "Comma separated list. Leave blank for all types"
  1217. msgstr "Zoznam, oddelený čiarkou. Nechajte prázdne pre všetky typy"
  1218. #: fields/google-map.php:36
  1219. msgid "Google Map"
  1220. msgstr "Google Mapa "
  1221. #: fields/google-map.php:51
  1222. msgid "Locating"
  1223. msgstr "Poloha"
  1224. #: fields/google-map.php:52
  1225. msgid "Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation"
  1226. msgstr "Ľutujeme, tento prehliadač nepodporuje geo hľadanie polohy "
  1227. #: fields/google-map.php:135
  1228. msgid "Clear location"
  1229. msgstr "Vymazať polohu "
  1230. #: fields/google-map.php:140
  1231. msgid "Find current location"
  1232. msgstr "Nájsť aktuálnu polohu "
  1233. #: fields/google-map.php:141
  1234. msgid "Search for address..."
  1235. msgstr "Hľadať adresu... "
  1236. #: fields/google-map.php:173 fields/google-map.php:184
  1237. msgid "Center"
  1238. msgstr "Stred "
  1239. #: fields/google-map.php:174 fields/google-map.php:185
  1240. msgid "Center the initial map"
  1241. msgstr "Vycentrovať úvodnú mapu "
  1242. #: fields/google-map.php:198
  1243. msgid "Zoom"
  1244. msgstr "Zoom"
  1245. #: fields/google-map.php:199
  1246. msgid "Set the initial zoom level"
  1247. msgstr "Nastavte základnú úroveň priblíženia"
  1248. #: fields/google-map.php:208 fields/image.php:246 fields/image.php:279 fields/oembed.php:262 pro/fields/gallery.php:673
  1249. #: pro/fields/gallery.php:706
  1250. msgid "Height"
  1251. msgstr "Výška "
  1252. #: fields/google-map.php:209
  1253. msgid "Customise the map height"
  1254. msgstr "Upraviť výšku mapy "
  1255. #: fields/image.php:36
  1256. msgid "Image"
  1257. msgstr "Obrázok "
  1258. #: fields/image.php:51
  1259. msgid "Select Image"
  1260. msgstr "Vybrať obrázok "
  1261. #: fields/image.php:52 pro/fields/gallery.php:53
  1262. msgid "Edit Image"
  1263. msgstr "Upraviť obrázok "
  1264. #: fields/image.php:53 pro/fields/gallery.php:54
  1265. msgid "Update Image"
  1266. msgstr "Aktualizovať obrázok "
  1267. #: fields/image.php:54
  1268. msgid "Uploaded to this post"
  1269. msgstr "Nahrané do príspevku "
  1270. #: fields/image.php:55
  1271. msgid "All images"
  1272. msgstr "Všetky obrázky"
  1273. #: fields/image.php:147
  1274. msgid "No image selected"
  1275. msgstr "Nevybrali ste obrázok "
  1276. #: fields/image.php:147
  1277. msgid "Add Image"
  1278. msgstr "Pridať obrázok "
  1279. #: fields/image.php:201
  1280. msgid "Image Array"
  1281. msgstr "Obrázok "
  1282. #: fields/image.php:202
  1283. msgid "Image URL"
  1284. msgstr "URL adresa obrázka "
  1285. #: fields/image.php:203
  1286. msgid "Image ID"
  1287. msgstr "ID obrázka "
  1288. #: fields/image.php:210 pro/fields/gallery.php:637
  1289. msgid "Preview Size"
  1290. msgstr "Veľkosť náhľadu "
  1291. #: fields/image.php:211 pro/fields/gallery.php:638
  1292. msgid "Shown when entering data"
  1293. msgstr "Zobrazené pri zadávaní dát "
  1294. #: fields/image.php:235 fields/image.php:268 pro/fields/gallery.php:662 pro/fields/gallery.php:695
  1295. msgid "Restrict which images can be uploaded"
  1296. msgstr "Určite, ktoré typy obrázkov môžu byť nahraté"
  1297. #: fields/image.php:238 fields/image.php:271 fields/oembed.php:251 pro/fields/gallery.php:665 pro/fields/gallery.php:698
  1298. msgid "Width"
  1299. msgstr "Šírka"
  1300. #: fields/message.php:36 fields/message.php:103 fields/true_false.php:106
  1301. msgid "Message"
  1302. msgstr "Správa "
  1303. #: fields/message.php:104
  1304. msgid "Please note that all text will first be passed through the wp function "
  1305. msgstr "Všetky texty najprv prejdú cez funkciu wp "
  1306. #: fields/message.php:112
  1307. msgid "Escape HTML"
  1308. msgstr "Eskapovať HTML (€ za &euro;)"
  1309. #: fields/message.php:113
  1310. msgid "Allow HTML markup to display as visible text instead of rendering"
  1311. msgstr "Povoliť zobrazenie HTML značiek vo forme viditeľného textu namiesto ich vykreslenia"
  1312. #: fields/number.php:36
  1313. msgid "Number"
  1314. msgstr "Číslo "
  1315. #: fields/number.php:186
  1316. msgid "Minimum Value"
  1317. msgstr "Minimálna hodnota "
  1318. #: fields/number.php:195
  1319. msgid "Maximum Value"
  1320. msgstr "Maximálna hodnota "
  1321. #: fields/number.php:204
  1322. msgid "Step Size"
  1323. msgstr "Veľkosť kroku "
  1324. #: fields/number.php:242
  1325. msgid "Value must be a number"
  1326. msgstr "Hodnota musí byť číslo"
  1327. #: fields/number.php:260
  1328. #, php-format
  1329. msgid "Value must be equal to or higher than %d"
  1330. msgstr "Hodnota musí byť rovná alebo väčšia ako %d"
  1331. #: fields/number.php:268
  1332. #, php-format
  1333. msgid "Value must be equal to or lower than %d"
  1334. msgstr "Hodnota musí byť rovná alebo nižšia ako %d"
  1335. #: fields/oembed.php:36
  1336. msgid "oEmbed"
  1337. msgstr "oEmbed"
  1338. #: fields/oembed.php:199
  1339. msgid "Enter URL"
  1340. msgstr "Vložiť URL"
  1341. #: fields/oembed.php:212
  1342. msgid "No embed found for the given URL."
  1343. msgstr "Nebol nájdený obsah na zadanej URL adrese."
  1344. #: fields/oembed.php:248 fields/oembed.php:259
  1345. msgid "Embed Size"
  1346. msgstr "Veľkosť vloženého obsahu"
  1347. #: fields/page_link.php:206
  1348. msgid "Archives"
  1349. msgstr "Archívy "
  1350. #: fields/page_link.php:535 fields/post_object.php:401 fields/relationship.php:690
  1351. msgid "Filter by Post Type"
  1352. msgstr "Filtrovať podľa typu príspevku "
  1353. #: fields/page_link.php:543 fields/post_object.php:409 fields/relationship.php:698
  1354. msgid "All post types"
  1355. msgstr "Všetky typy príspevkov "
  1356. #: fields/page_link.php:549 fields/post_object.php:415 fields/relationship.php:704
  1357. msgid "Filter by Taxonomy"
  1358. msgstr "Filter z taxonómie "
  1359. #: fields/page_link.php:557 fields/post_object.php:423 fields/relationship.php:712
  1360. msgid "All taxonomies"
  1361. msgstr "Žiadny filter taxonómie "
  1362. #: fields/page_link.php:563 fields/post_object.php:429 fields/select.php:406 fields/taxonomy.php:765 fields/user.php:452
  1363. msgid "Allow Null?"
  1364. msgstr "Povoliť nulovú hodnotu? "
  1365. #: fields/page_link.php:577 fields/post_object.php:443 fields/select.php:420 fields/user.php:466
  1366. msgid "Select multiple values?"
  1367. msgstr "Vybrať viac hodnôt? "
  1368. #: fields/password.php:36
  1369. msgid "Password"
  1370. msgstr "Heslo "
  1371. #: fields/post_object.php:36 fields/post_object.php:462 fields/relationship.php:769
  1372. msgid "Post Object"
  1373. msgstr "Objekt príspevku "
  1374. #: fields/post_object.php:457 fields/relationship.php:764
  1375. msgid "Return Format"
  1376. msgstr "Formát odpovede"
  1377. #: fields/post_object.php:463 fields/relationship.php:770
  1378. msgid "Post ID"
  1379. msgstr "ID príspevku"
  1380. #: fields/radio.php:36
  1381. msgid "Radio Button"
  1382. msgstr "Prepínač "
  1383. #: fields/radio.php:202
  1384. msgid "Other"
  1385. msgstr "Iné "
  1386. #: fields/radio.php:206
  1387. msgid "Add 'other' choice to allow for custom values"
  1388. msgstr "Pridať možnosť 'iné' pre povolenie vlastných hodnôt"
  1389. #: fields/radio.php:212
  1390. msgid "Save Other"
  1391. msgstr "Uložiť hodnoty iné"
  1392. #: fields/radio.php:216
  1393. msgid "Save 'other' values to the field's choices"
  1394. msgstr "Uložiť hodnoty 'iné' do výberu poľa"
  1395. #: fields/relationship.php:36
  1396. msgid "Relationship"
  1397. msgstr "Vzťah "
  1398. #: fields/relationship.php:48
  1399. msgid "Minimum values reached ( {min} values )"
  1400. msgstr ""
  1401. #: fields/relationship.php:49
  1402. msgid "Maximum values reached ( {max} values )"
  1403. msgstr "Maximálne dosiahnuté hodnoty ( {max} values ) "
  1404. #: fields/relationship.php:50
  1405. msgid "Loading"
  1406. msgstr "Nahrávanie"
  1407. #: fields/relationship.php:51
  1408. msgid "No matches found"
  1409. msgstr "Nebola nenájdená zhoda"
  1410. #: fields/relationship.php:571
  1411. msgid "Search..."
  1412. msgstr "Hľadanie... "
  1413. #: fields/relationship.php:580
  1414. msgid "Select post type"
  1415. msgstr "Vybrať typ príspevku "
  1416. #: fields/relationship.php:593
  1417. msgid "Select taxonomy"
  1418. msgstr "Vyberte ktorá taxonómiu"
  1419. #: fields/relationship.php:723
  1420. msgid "Search"
  1421. msgstr "Hľadanie"
  1422. #: fields/relationship.php:725 fields/taxonomy.php:36 fields/taxonomy.php:735
  1423. msgid "Taxonomy"
  1424. msgstr "Taxonómia"
  1425. #: fields/relationship.php:732
  1426. msgid "Elements"
  1427. msgstr "Prvky "
  1428. #: fields/relationship.php:733
  1429. msgid "Selected elements will be displayed in each result"
  1430. msgstr "Vybraté prvky budú zobrazené v každom výsledku "
  1431. #: fields/relationship.php:744
  1432. msgid "Minimum posts"
  1433. msgstr ""
  1434. #: fields/relationship.php:753
  1435. msgid "Maximum posts"
  1436. msgstr "Maximálny počet príspevkov "
  1437. #: fields/select.php:36 fields/select.php:174 fields/taxonomy.php:757
  1438. msgid "Select"
  1439. msgstr "Vybrať "
  1440. #: fields/select.php:434
  1441. msgid "Stylised UI"
  1442. msgstr "Štýlované používateľské rozhranie"
  1443. #: fields/select.php:448
  1444. msgid "Use AJAX to lazy load choices?"
  1445. msgstr "Použiť AJAX pre výber pomalšieho načítania?"
  1446. #: fields/tab.php:36
  1447. msgid "Tab"
  1448. msgstr "Záložka "
  1449. #: fields/tab.php:128
  1450. msgid "Warning"
  1451. msgstr "Varovanie"
  1452. #: fields/tab.php:133
  1453. msgid "The tab field will display incorrectly when added to a Table style repeater field or flexible content field layout"
  1454. msgstr ""
  1455. "Pole záložky nebude správne zobrazené ak bude pridané do opakovacieho pola štýlu tabuľky alebo flexibilného rozloženia "
  1456. "pola."
  1457. #: fields/tab.php:146
  1458. msgid "Use \"Tab Fields\" to better organize your edit screen by grouping fields together."
  1459. msgstr "Pre lepšiu organizáciu na obrazovke úpravý polí použite \"Polia záložiek\"."
  1460. #: fields/tab.php:148
  1461. msgid ""
  1462. "All fields following this \"tab field\" (or until another \"tab field\" is defined) will be grouped together using this "
  1463. "field's label as the tab heading."
  1464. msgstr ""
  1465. "Všetky polia nasledujúce \"pole záložky\" (pokým nebude definované nové \"pole záložky\") budú zoskupené a pod jedným "
  1466. "nadpisom a označením."
  1467. #: fields/tab.php:155
  1468. msgid "Placement"
  1469. msgstr "Umiestnenie"
  1470. #: fields/tab.php:167
  1471. msgid "End-point"
  1472. msgstr ""
  1473. #: fields/tab.php:168
  1474. msgid "Use this field as an end-point and start a new group of tabs"
  1475. msgstr ""
  1476. #: fields/taxonomy.php:565
  1477. #, php-format
  1478. msgid "Add new %s "
  1479. msgstr ""
  1480. #: fields/taxonomy.php:704
  1481. msgid "None"
  1482. msgstr "Žiadna "
  1483. #: fields/taxonomy.php:736
  1484. msgid "Select the taxonomy to be displayed"
  1485. msgstr ""
  1486. #: fields/taxonomy.php:745
  1487. msgid "Appearance"
  1488. msgstr ""
  1489. #: fields/taxonomy.php:746
  1490. msgid "Select the appearance of this field"
  1491. msgstr ""
  1492. #: fields/taxonomy.php:751
  1493. msgid "Multiple Values"
  1494. msgstr "Viaceré hodnoty"
  1495. #: fields/taxonomy.php:753
  1496. msgid "Multi Select"
  1497. msgstr "Viacnásobný výber "
  1498. #: fields/taxonomy.php:755
  1499. msgid "Single Value"
  1500. msgstr "Jedna hodnota "
  1501. #: fields/taxonomy.php:756
  1502. msgid "Radio Buttons"
  1503. msgstr "Prepínače "
  1504. #: fields/taxonomy.php:779
  1505. msgid "Create Terms"
  1506. msgstr ""
  1507. #: fields/taxonomy.php:780
  1508. msgid "Allow new terms to be created whilst editing"
  1509. msgstr ""
  1510. #: fields/taxonomy.php:793
  1511. msgid "Save Terms"
  1512. msgstr ""
  1513. #: fields/taxonomy.php:794
  1514. msgid "Connect selected terms to the post"
  1515. msgstr ""
  1516. #: fields/taxonomy.php:807
  1517. msgid "Load Terms"
  1518. msgstr ""
  1519. #: fields/taxonomy.php:808
  1520. msgid "Load value from posts terms"
  1521. msgstr ""
  1522. #: fields/taxonomy.php:826
  1523. msgid "Term Object"
  1524. msgstr "Objekt výrazu "
  1525. #: fields/taxonomy.php:827
  1526. msgid "Term ID"
  1527. msgstr "ID výrazu "
  1528. #: fields/taxonomy.php:886
  1529. #, php-format
  1530. msgid "User unable to add new %s"
  1531. msgstr ""
  1532. #: fields/taxonomy.php:899
  1533. #, php-format
  1534. msgid "%s already exists"
  1535. msgstr ""
  1536. #: fields/taxonomy.php:940
  1537. #, php-format
  1538. msgid "%s added"
  1539. msgstr ""
  1540. #: fields/taxonomy.php:985
  1541. msgid "Add"
  1542. msgstr ""
  1543. #: fields/text.php:36
  1544. msgid "Text"
  1545. msgstr "Text "
  1546. #: fields/text.php:184 fields/textarea.php:163
  1547. msgid "Character Limit"
  1548. msgstr "Limit znakov "
  1549. #: fields/text.php:185 fields/textarea.php:164
  1550. msgid "Leave blank for no limit"
  1551. msgstr "Nechajte prázdne pre neobmedzený počet"
  1552. #: fields/textarea.php:36
  1553. msgid "Text Area"
  1554. msgstr "Textové pole "
  1555. #: fields/textarea.php:172
  1556. msgid "Rows"
  1557. msgstr "Riadky"
  1558. #: fields/textarea.php:173
  1559. msgid "Sets the textarea height"
  1560. msgstr "Nastaví výšku textovej oblasti"
  1561. #: fields/textarea.php:182
  1562. msgid "New Lines"
  1563. msgstr "Nové riadky"
  1564. #: fields/textarea.php:183
  1565. msgid "Controls how new lines are rendered"
  1566. msgstr "Ovláda ako sú tvorené nové riadky"
  1567. #: fields/textarea.php:187
  1568. msgid "Automatically add paragraphs"
  1569. msgstr "Automaticky pridá odseky"
  1570. #: fields/textarea.php:188
  1571. msgid "Automatically add &lt;br&gt;"
  1572. msgstr "Automaticky pridáva &lt;br&gt;"
  1573. #: fields/textarea.php:189
  1574. msgid "No Formatting"
  1575. msgstr "Žiadne formátovanie"
  1576. #: fields/true_false.php:36
  1577. msgid "True / False"
  1578. msgstr "Správne / nesprávne "
  1579. #: fields/true_false.php:107
  1580. msgid "eg. Show extra content"
  1581. msgstr "napr. zobraziť extra obsah "
  1582. #: fields/url.php:36
  1583. msgid "Url"
  1584. msgstr "URL adresa"
  1585. #: fields/url.php:160
  1586. msgid "Value must be a valid URL"
  1587. msgstr "Hodnota musí obsahovať platnú URL adresu"
  1588. #: fields/user.php:437
  1589. msgid "Filter by role"
  1590. msgstr "Filtrovať podla role "
  1591. #: fields/user.php:445
  1592. msgid "All user roles"
  1593. msgstr "Všekty používatelské role"
  1594. #: fields/wysiwyg.php:37
  1595. msgid "Wysiwyg Editor"
  1596. msgstr "Vizuálny úpravca"
  1597. #: fields/wysiwyg.php:297
  1598. msgid "Visual"
  1599. msgstr "Vizuálny"
  1600. #: fields/wysiwyg.php:298
  1601. msgctxt "Name for the Text editor tab (formerly HTML)"
  1602. msgid "Text"
  1603. msgstr "Text "
  1604. #: fields/wysiwyg.php:354
  1605. msgid "Tabs"
  1606. msgstr "Záložky"
  1607. #: fields/wysiwyg.php:359
  1608. msgid "Visual & Text"
  1609. msgstr "Vizuálny a textový"
  1610. #: fields/wysiwyg.php:360
  1611. msgid "Visual Only"
  1612. msgstr "Iba vizuálny"
  1613. #: fields/wysiwyg.php:361
  1614. msgid "Text Only"
  1615. msgstr "Iba textový"
  1616. #: fields/wysiwyg.php:368
  1617. msgid "Toolbar"
  1618. msgstr "Panel nástrojov "
  1619. #: fields/wysiwyg.php:378
  1620. msgid "Show Media Upload Buttons?"
  1621. msgstr "Zobraziť tlačidlá nahrávania médií? "
  1622. #: forms/post.php:297 pro/admin/options-page.php:373
  1623. msgid "Edit field group"
  1624. msgstr "Upraviť skupinu polí "
  1625. #: pro/acf-pro.php:24
  1626. msgid "Advanced Custom Fields PRO"
  1627. msgstr "ACF PRO"
  1628. #: pro/acf-pro.php:175
  1629. msgid "Flexible Content requires at least 1 layout"
  1630. msgstr "Flexibilný obsah vyžaduje aspoň jedno rozloženie"
  1631. #: pro/admin/options-page.php:48
  1632. msgid "Options Page"
  1633. msgstr "Stránka nastavení "
  1634. #: pro/admin/options-page.php:83
  1635. msgid "No options pages exist"
  1636. msgstr "Neexistujú nastavenia stránok"
  1637. #: pro/admin/options-page.php:298
  1638. msgid "Options Updated"
  1639. msgstr "Nastavenia aktualizované"
  1640. #: pro/admin/options-page.php:304
  1641. msgid "No Custom Field Groups found for this options page. <a href=\"%s\">Create a Custom Field Group</a>"
  1642. msgstr "Pre túto stránku neboli nájdené žiadne vlastné skupiny polí. <a href=\"%s\">Vytvoriť novú vlastnú skupinu polí</a>"
  1643. #: pro/admin/settings-updates.php:137
  1644. msgid "<b>Error</b>. Could not connect to update server"
  1645. msgstr "<b>Chyba</b>. Nie je možné sa spojiť so serverom"
  1646. #: pro/admin/settings-updates.php:267 pro/admin/settings-updates.php:338
  1647. msgid "<b>Connection Error</b>. Sorry, please try again"
  1648. msgstr "<b>Chyba spojenia</b>. Prosím skúste pokus opakovať."
  1649. #: pro/admin/views/options-page.php:48
  1650. msgid "Publish"
  1651. msgstr "Publikovať "
  1652. #: pro/admin/views/options-page.php:54
  1653. msgid "Save Options"
  1654. msgstr "Uložiť nastavenia"
  1655. #: pro/admin/views/settings-updates.php:11
  1656. msgid "Deactivate License"
  1657. msgstr "Deaktivovať licenciu"
  1658. #: pro/admin/views/settings-updates.php:11
  1659. msgid "Activate License"
  1660. msgstr "Aktivovať licenciu"
  1661. #: pro/admin/views/settings-updates.php:21
  1662. msgid "License"
  1663. msgstr "Licencia"
  1664. #: pro/admin/views/settings-updates.php:24
  1665. msgid "To unlock updates, please enter your license key below. If you don't have a licence key, please see"
  1666. msgstr "Pre odblokovanie aktualizácii, sem zadajte váš licenčný kľúč. Ak ešte licenčný kľúč nemáte, pozrite si"
  1667. #: pro/admin/views/settings-updates.php:24
  1668. msgid "details & pricing"
  1669. msgstr "detaily a ceny"
  1670. #: pro/admin/views/settings-updates.php:33
  1671. msgid "License Key"
  1672. msgstr "Licenčný kľúč"
  1673. #: pro/admin/views/settings-updates.php:65
  1674. msgid "Update Information"
  1675. msgstr "Aktualizovať infromácie"
  1676. #: pro/admin/views/settings-updates.php:72
  1677. msgid "Current Version"
  1678. msgstr "Aktuálna verzia"
  1679. #: pro/admin/views/settings-updates.php:80
  1680. msgid "Latest Version"
  1681. msgstr "Posledná verzia"
  1682. #: pro/admin/views/settings-updates.php:88
  1683. msgid "Update Available"
  1684. msgstr "Dostupná aktualizácia"
  1685. #: pro/admin/views/settings-updates.php:96
  1686. msgid "Update Plugin"
  1687. msgstr "Aktualizovať modul"
  1688. #: pro/admin/views/settings-updates.php:98
  1689. msgid "Please enter your license key above to unlock updates"
  1690. msgstr "Pre odblokovanie aktualizácii, prosím zadajte váš licenčný kľúč"
  1691. #: pro/admin/views/settings-updates.php:104
  1692. msgid "Check Again"
  1693. msgstr "Skontrolovať znova"
  1694. #: pro/admin/views/settings-updates.php:121
  1695. msgid "Upgrade Notice"
  1696. msgstr "Oznam o aktualizácii"
  1697. #: pro/api/api-options-page.php:22 pro/api/api-options-page.php:23
  1698. msgid "Options"
  1699. msgstr "Nastavenia "
  1700. #: pro/core/updates.php:186
  1701. #, php-format
  1702. msgid ""
  1703. "To enable updates, please enter your license key on the <a href=\"%s\">Updates</a> page. If you don't have a licence "
  1704. "key, please see <a href=\"%s\">details & pricing</a>"
  1705. msgstr ""
  1706. "Aby ste zapli aktualizácie, musíte zadať licencčný kľúč na stránke <a href=\"%s\">aktualizácií</a>. Ak nemáte licenčný "
  1707. "kľúč, porizte si <a href=\"%s\">podrobnosti a ceny</a>."
  1708. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:36
  1709. msgid "Flexible Content"
  1710. msgstr "Flexibilný obsah "
  1711. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:42 pro/fields/repeater.php:43
  1712. msgid "Add Row"
  1713. msgstr "Pridať riadok"
  1714. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:45
  1715. msgid "layout"
  1716. msgstr "rozloženie"
  1717. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:46
  1718. msgid "layouts"
  1719. msgstr "rozloženia"
  1720. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:47
  1721. msgid "remove {layout}?"
  1722. msgstr "odstrániť {layout}?"
  1723. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:48
  1724. msgid "This field requires at least {min} {identifier}"
  1725. msgstr "Toto pole vyžaduje najmenej {min} {identifier}"
  1726. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:49
  1727. msgid "This field has a limit of {max} {identifier}"
  1728. msgstr "Toto pole vyžaduje najviac {max} {identifier}"
  1729. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:50
  1730. msgid "This field requires at least {min} {label} {identifier}"
  1731. msgstr "Toto pole vyžaduje najmenej {min} {label} {identifier}"
  1732. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:51
  1733. msgid "Maximum {label} limit reached ({max} {identifier})"
  1734. msgstr "Maximálny {label} limit dosiahnutý ({max} {identifier})"
  1735. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:52
  1736. msgid "{available} {label} {identifier} available (max {max})"
  1737. msgstr "{available} {label} {identifier} dostupné (max {max})"
  1738. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:53
  1739. msgid "{required} {label} {identifier} required (min {min})"
  1740. msgstr "{required} {label} {identifier} vyžadované (min {min})"
  1741. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:211
  1742. #, php-format
  1743. msgid "Click the \"%s\" button below to start creating your layout"
  1744. msgstr "Pre vytvorenie rozloženia kliknite na tlačidlo \"%s\""
  1745. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:369
  1746. msgid "Add layout"
  1747. msgstr "Pridať rozloženie"
  1748. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:372
  1749. msgid "Remove layout"
  1750. msgstr "Odstrániť rozloženie"
  1751. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:514
  1752. msgid "Reorder Layout"
  1753. msgstr "Usporiadať rozloženie"
  1754. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:514
  1755. msgid "Reorder"
  1756. msgstr "Zmeniť poradie"
  1757. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:515
  1758. msgid "Delete Layout"
  1759. msgstr "Vymazať rozloženie"
  1760. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:516
  1761. msgid "Duplicate Layout"
  1762. msgstr "Duplikovať rozloženie"
  1763. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:517
  1764. msgid "Add New Layout"
  1765. msgstr "Pridať nové rozloženie"
  1766. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:561
  1767. msgid "Display"
  1768. msgstr "Zobrazenie"
  1769. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:572 pro/fields/repeater.php:399
  1770. msgid "Table"
  1771. msgstr "Tabuľka"
  1772. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:573 pro/fields/repeater.php:400
  1773. msgid "Block"
  1774. msgstr "Blok"
  1775. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:574 pro/fields/repeater.php:401
  1776. msgid "Row"
  1777. msgstr "Riadok"
  1778. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:589
  1779. msgid "Min"
  1780. msgstr "Min"
  1781. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:602
  1782. msgid "Max"
  1783. msgstr "Max"
  1784. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:630 pro/fields/repeater.php:408
  1785. msgid "Button Label"
  1786. msgstr "Označenie tlačidla"
  1787. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:639
  1788. msgid "Minimum Layouts"
  1789. msgstr "Minimálne rozloženie"
  1790. #: pro/fields/flexible-content.php:648
  1791. msgid "Maximum Layouts"
  1792. msgstr "Maximálne rozloženie"
  1793. #: pro/fields/gallery.php:36
  1794. msgid "Gallery"
  1795. msgstr "Galéria"
  1796. #: pro/fields/gallery.php:52
  1797. msgid "Add Image to Gallery"
  1798. msgstr "Pridať obrázok do galérie"
  1799. #: pro/fields/gallery.php:56
  1800. msgid "Maximum selection reached"
  1801. msgstr "Maximálne dosiahnuté hodnoty"
  1802. #: pro/fields/gallery.php:335
  1803. msgid "Length"
  1804. msgstr "Dĺžka"
  1805. #: pro/fields/gallery.php:355
  1806. msgid "Remove"
  1807. msgstr "Odstrániť"
  1808. #: pro/fields/gallery.php:535
  1809. msgid "Add to gallery"
  1810. msgstr "Pridať do galérie"
  1811. #: pro/fields/gallery.php:539
  1812. msgid "Bulk actions"
  1813. msgstr "Hromadné akcie"
  1814. #: pro/fields/gallery.php:540
  1815. msgid "Sort by date uploaded"
  1816. msgstr "Triediť podľa dátumu nahrania"
  1817. #: pro/fields/gallery.php:541
  1818. msgid "Sort by date modified"
  1819. msgstr "Triediť podľa poslednej úpravy"
  1820. #: pro/fields/gallery.php:542
  1821. msgid "Sort by title"
  1822. msgstr "Triediť podľa názvu"
  1823. #: pro/fields/gallery.php:543
  1824. msgid "Reverse current order"
  1825. msgstr "Zvrátiť aktuálnu objednávku"
  1826. #: pro/fields/gallery.php:561
  1827. msgid "Close"
  1828. msgstr "Zatvoriť "
  1829. #: pro/fields/gallery.php:619
  1830. msgid "Minimum Selection"
  1831. msgstr "Minimálny výber"
  1832. #: pro/fields/gallery.php:628
  1833. msgid "Maximum Selection"
  1834. msgstr "Maximálny výber"
  1835. #: pro/fields/gallery.php:809
  1836. #, php-format
  1837. msgid "%s requires at least %s selection"
  1838. msgid_plural "%s requires at least %s selections"
  1839. msgstr[0] "%s vyžaduje výber najmenej %s"
  1840. msgstr[1] "%s vyžadujú výber najmenej %s"
  1841. msgstr[2] "%s vyžaduje výbej najmenej %s"
  1842. #: pro/fields/repeater.php:36
  1843. msgid "Repeater"
  1844. msgstr "Opakovač"
  1845. #: pro/fields/repeater.php:46
  1846. msgid "Minimum rows reached ({min} rows)"
  1847. msgstr "Dosiahnutý počet minimálneho počtu riadkov ({min} rows)"
  1848. #: pro/fields/repeater.php:47
  1849. msgid "Maximum rows reached ({max} rows)"
  1850. msgstr "Maximálny počet riadkov ({max} rows)"
  1851. #: pro/fields/repeater.php:259
  1852. msgid "Drag to reorder"
  1853. msgstr "Zmeňte poradie pomocou funkcie ťahaj a pusť"
  1854. #: pro/fields/repeater.php:301
  1855. msgid "Add row"
  1856. msgstr "Pridať riadok"
  1857. #: pro/fields/repeater.php:302
  1858. msgid "Remove row"
  1859. msgstr "Odstrániť riadok"
  1860. #: pro/fields/repeater.php:350
  1861. msgid "Sub Fields"
  1862. msgstr "Podpolia"
  1863. #: pro/fields/repeater.php:372
  1864. msgid "Minimum Rows"
  1865. msgstr "Minimálny počet riadkov"
  1866. #: pro/fields/repeater.php:382
  1867. msgid "Maximum Rows"
  1868. msgstr "Maximálny počet riadkov"
  1869. #. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme
  1870. msgid "Advanced Custom Fields Pro"
  1871. msgstr ""
  1872. #. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
  1873. msgid ""
  1874. msgstr ""
  1875. #. Description of the plugin/theme
  1876. msgid "Customise WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields."
  1877. msgstr ""
  1878. #. Author of the plugin/theme
  1879. msgid "elliot condon"
  1880. msgstr ""
  1881. #. Author URI of the plugin/theme
  1882. msgid ""
  1883. msgstr ""
  1884. #~ msgid "Hide / Show All"
  1885. #~ msgstr "Schovať / Zobraziť všetky "
  1886. #~ msgid "Show Field Keys"
  1887. #~ msgstr "Zobraziť kľúč poľa"
  1888. #~ msgid "Pending Review"
  1889. #~ msgstr "Recenzia čaká na schválenie "
  1890. #~ msgid "Draft"
  1891. #~ msgstr "Koncept "
  1892. #~ msgid "Future"
  1893. #~ msgstr "Budúce "
  1894. #~ msgid "Private"
  1895. #~ msgstr "Súkromné "
  1896. #~ msgid "Revision"
  1897. #~ msgstr "Revízia "
  1898. #~ msgid "Trash"
  1899. #~ msgstr "Kôš "
  1900. #~ msgid "Import / Export"
  1901. #~ msgstr "Import / Export"
  1902. #~ msgid "Field groups are created in order from lowest to highest"
  1903. #~ msgstr "Skupiny polí sú vytvorené v poradí <br /> od najnižšej po najvyššiu "
  1904. #~ msgid "ACF PRO Required"
  1905. #~ msgstr "Musíte mať Pro verziu"
  1906. #~ msgid ""
  1907. #~ "We have detected an issue which requires your attention: This website makes use of premium add-ons (%s) which are no "
  1908. #~ "longer compatible with ACF."
  1909. #~ msgstr ""
  1910. #~ "Zistili sme problém vyžadujúci vašu pozornosť. Táto stránka využíva doplnky (%s), ktoré už nie sú komaptibilné s ACF."
  1911. #~ msgid "Don't panic, you can simply roll back the plugin and continue using ACF as you know it!"
  1912. #~ msgstr "Nemusíte sa báť! Môžete sa vrátiť k používaniu predchádzajúcej verzii ACF!"
  1913. #~ msgid "Roll back to ACF v%s"
  1914. #~ msgstr "Vrátiť sa k ACF v%s"
  1915. #~ msgid "Learn why ACF PRO is required for my site"
  1916. #~ msgstr "Zistite prečo by ste mali používať ACF PRO"
  1917. #~ msgid "Update Database"
  1918. #~ msgstr "Aktualizácia databázy "
  1919. #~ msgid "Data Upgrade"
  1920. #~ msgstr "Aktualizovať dáta"
  1921. #~ msgid "Data upgraded successfully."
  1922. #~ msgstr "Úspešne aktualizované data."
  1923. #~ msgid "Data is at the latest version."
  1924. #~ msgstr "Dáta sú aktuálne."
  1925. #~ msgid "1 required field below is empty"
  1926. #~ msgid_plural "%s required fields below are empty"
  1927. #~ msgstr[0] "1 povinné pole je prázdne"
  1928. #~ msgstr[1] "%s povinné polia sú prázdne"
  1929. #~ msgstr[2] "%s povinných polí je prázdnych"
  1930. #~ msgid "Load & Save Terms to Post"
  1931. #~ msgstr "Nahrať & uložiť podmienky k prispievaniu "
  1932. #~ msgid "Load value based on the post's terms and update the post's terms on save"
  1933. #~ msgstr "Nahrať hodnoty založené na podmienkach prispievania, aktualizovať akrutálne podmienky a uložiť "
  1934. #~ msgid "file"
  1935. #~ msgstr "subor"
  1936. #~ msgid "image"
  1937. #~ msgstr "obrazok"
  1938. #~ msgid "expand_details"
  1939. #~ msgstr "zvacsit_detaily"
  1940. #~ msgid "collapse_details"
  1941. #~ msgstr "zmensit_detaily"
  1942. #~ msgid "relationship"
  1943. #~ msgstr "vztah"
  1944. #~ msgid "unload"
  1945. #~ msgstr "unload"
  1946. #~ msgid "title_is_required"
  1947. #~ msgstr "nadpis_je_povinny"
  1948. #~ msgid "move_to_trash"
  1949. #~ msgstr "move_to_trash"
  1950. #~ msgid "move_field_warning"
  1951. #~ msgstr "move_field_warning"
  1952. #~ msgid "move_field"
  1953. #~ msgstr "presunut_pole"
  1954. #~ msgid "field_name_start"
  1955. #~ msgstr "field_name_start"
  1956. #~ msgid "null"
  1957. #~ msgstr "null"
  1958. #~ msgid "hide_show_all"
  1959. #~ msgstr "skryt_zobrazit_vsetko"
  1960. #~ msgid "flexible_content"
  1961. #~ msgstr "flexibilny_obsah"
  1962. #~ msgid "gallery"
  1963. #~ msgstr "galeria"
  1964. #~ msgid "repeater"
  1965. #~ msgstr "opakovac"
  1966. #, fuzzy
  1967. #~ msgid "Custom field updated."
  1968. #~ msgstr "Vlastné pole aktualizované."
  1969. #, fuzzy
  1970. #~ msgid "Custom field deleted."
  1971. #~ msgstr "Vlastné pole vymazané."
  1972. #~ msgid "Field group duplicated! Edit the new \"%s\" field group."
  1973. #~ msgstr "Pole skupiny bolo duplikované! Upravnte novú pole \"%s\""
  1974. #~ msgid "Import/Export"
  1975. #~ msgstr "Import/Export"
  1976. #~ msgid "Column Width"
  1977. #~ msgstr "Šírka stĺpca"
  1978. #~ msgid "Attachment Details"
  1979. #~ msgstr "Detialy prílohy"