name; $proj_id = $request->proj_id; $description = $request->description; $estimated_time = $request->estimated_time; $task_type = $request->task_type; date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Dhaka"); $cdate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sav = new Task; $sav->name = $name; $sav->type = $task_type; $sav->proj_id = $proj_id; $sav->description = $description; $sav->created_time = $cdate; $sav->created_by = Auth::user()->id; $sav->status = 1; $sav->save(); //last insert id $task_id = $sav->id; //activity log $msg = "Task: $name created."; $this->project_log($msg,$proj_id); //call function $this->task_log($msg,$task_id,$proj_id); //call function //notification $fet_pro = Project::find($proj_id); $projj_name = $fet_pro->name; $adminss = User::where('utype',1)->get(); $post_by_name = Auth::user()->name; $post_by_id = Auth::user()->id; $msg = "Task:$name created in Proj:$projj_name by ".$post_by_name; foreach($adminss as $info){ $this->notification($info->id, $msg); } $ass_usr = AssignProject::where('proj_id',$proj_id)->get(); if(count($ass_usr) > 0){ foreach($ass_usr as $info){ if($info->user_id != $post_by_id){ $this->notification($info->user_id, $msg); } } } //--end notification return redirect()->back()->with('message','Success'); } public function remove_task($id) { $del = Task::find($id); //activity log $msg = "Task:".$del->name." removed."; $this->project_log($msg,$del->proj_id); //call function //notification $projj_name = Project::find($del->proj_id)->name; $name = $del->name; $adminss = User::where('utype',1)->get(); $post_by_name = Auth::user()->name; $post_by_id = Auth::user()->id; $msg = "Task:$name removed from Proj:$projj_name by ".$post_by_name; foreach($adminss as $info){ $this->notification($info->id, $msg); } $ass_usr = AssignProject::where('proj_id',$del->proj_id)->get(); if(count($ass_usr) > 0){ foreach($ass_usr as $info){ if($info->user_id != $post_by_id){ $this->notification($info->user_id, $msg); } } } //end notification $del->delete(); return redirect()->back()->with('data','Delete successfully !!'); } public function user_list_for_task_assign(Request $req){ $proj_id = $req->proj_id; $task_id = $req->task_id; $all = AssignProject::with('one_user')->where('proj_id',$proj_id)->get(); $str = ""; $str .=""; //getting status of this task $task_sta = Task::find($task_id); $task_status = $task_sta->status; if(!empty($task_sta->description)) { $details = $task_sta->description; } else{ $details = "No details..."; } //tast already assigned user $str1 = $this->fetch_task_assign_user($task_id); //call function //activity log fetch $logss = ActivityLog::with('one_user')->where('task_id',$task_id)->orderBy('id','DESC')->get(); $str_log = ""; foreach($logss as $log){ $str_log .="* $log->msg -".$log->one_user->name."
"; } //comments fetch $str_comment = $this->fetch_comments($task_id); $data[0] = $str; $data[1] = $str1; $data[2] = $str_log; $data[3] = $str_comment; $data[4] = $task_status; $data[5] = $details; return $data; } public function add_task_comment(Request $req){ $comment = $req->comment; $task_id = $req->task_id; date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Dhaka"); $assign_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if(!empty($comment) && $task_id > 0){ $sav = new Comment; $sav->comment = $comment; $sav->task_id = $task_id; $sav->date_time = $assign_time; $sav->post_by = Auth::user()->id; $sav->save(); } //activity log $task_info = Task::find($task_id); $task_name = $task_info->name; $proj_id = $task_info->proj_id; $user_id = $task_info->user_id; $msg = "$comment -added to $task_name."; $this->task_log($msg,$task_id,$proj_id); //call function //notification $fetch_proj = Project::find($proj_id); $projj_name = $fetch_proj->name; $adminss = User::where('utype',1)->get(); $notification_post_by = Auth::user()->name; $noti_post_by_id = Auth::user()->id; $msg = "A comment added in Task:$task_name of Proj:$projj_name by ".$notification_post_by; foreach($adminss as $info){ $this->notification($info->id, $msg); } $this->notification($user_id, $msg); //--------end notification $str = $this->fetch_comments($task_id); return $str; } public function fetch_comments($task_id){ $fetch = Comment::with('user')->where('task_id',$task_id)->orderBy('id','DESC')->get(); $str = ""; if(count($fetch) > 0){ foreach($fetch as $fet) { $immmgg = "assets/document/task/$fet->url"; $str .=""; $str .="* $fet->comment -by ".$fet->user->name; if(!empty($fet->url)){ $str .="
url")."> "; } $str .="
"; } } return $str; } public function change_to_process(Request $req) { $task_id = $req->task_id; $status = $req->status; date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Dhaka"); $t_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sav = Task::find($task_id); $sav->status = $status; $task_name = $sav->name; if($status == 2){ $sav->start_time = $t_time; } elseif($status == 6){ $sav->closing_time = $t_time; } //fetch proj_id for activity log $proj_id = $sav->proj_id; if($sav->save()) { $text = ""; if($status == 2){ $text = "in-process"; } elseif($status == 3){ $text = "completed"; } elseif($status == 4){ $text = "checking"; } elseif($status == 5){ $text = "bug-fixing"; } elseif($status == 6){ $text = "done"; } $msg = "$task_name -Change status to: $text"; $this->task_log($msg,$task_id,$proj_id); //call function return "Yes"; } else{ return "No"; } } public function task_log($msg,$task_id,$proj_id) { date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Dhaka"); $assign_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sav = new ActivityLog; $sav->msg = $msg; $sav->task_id = $task_id; $sav->proj_id = $proj_id; $sav->logged_user_id = Auth::user()->id; $sav->created_at = $assign_time; $sav->save(); } public function project_log($msg,$proj_id) { date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Dhaka"); $assign_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sav = new ActivityLog; $sav->msg = $msg; $sav->proj_id = $proj_id; $sav->logged_user_id = Auth::user()->id; $sav->created_at = $assign_time; $sav->save(); } public function fetch_task_assign_user($task_id) { $fetch = Task::with('user')->find($task_id); $str = ""; if($fetch->user_id > 0){ $str .=""; $str .= $fetch->user->name."
Estimated time: ".$fetch->estimated_time; } else{ $str .= "No user assigned"; } return $str; } public function notification($user_id,$msg){ $sav = new Notification; $sav->user_id = $user_id; $sav->msg = $msg; $sav->status = 1; $sav->save(); } }