/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2016, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license */ /** * This file was added automatically by CKEditor builder. * You may re-use it at any time to build CKEditor again. * * If you would like to build CKEditor online again * (for example to upgrade), visit one the following links: * * (1) http://ckeditor.com/builder * Visit online builder to build CKEditor from scratch. * * (2) http://ckeditor.com/builder/b763fbf8a6a9f8d2597093c4b0cae1fe * Visit online builder to build CKEditor, starting with the same setup as before. * * (3) http://ckeditor.com/builder/download/b763fbf8a6a9f8d2597093c4b0cae1fe * Straight download link to the latest version of CKEditor (Optimized) with the same setup as before. * * NOTE: * This file is not used by CKEditor, you may remove it. * Changing this file will not change your CKEditor configuration. */ var CKBUILDER_CONFIG = { skin: 'moono', preset: 'basic', ignore: [ '.bender', 'bender.js', 'bender-err.log', 'bender-out.log', 'dev', '.DS_Store', '.editorconfig', '.gitattributes', '.gitignore', 'gruntfile.js', '.idea', '.jscsrc', '.jshintignore', '.jshintrc', 'less', '.mailmap', 'node_modules', 'package.json', 'README.md', 'tests' ], plugins : { 'about' : 1, 'basicstyles' : 1, 'clipboard' : 1, 'enterkey' : 1, 'entities' : 1, 'floatingspace' : 1, 'indentlist' : 1, 'link' : 1, 'list' : 1, 'toolbar' : 1, 'undo' : 1, 'wysiwygarea' : 1 }, languages : { 'af' : 1, 'ar' : 1, 'bg' : 1, 'bn' : 1, 'bs' : 1, 'ca' : 1, 'cs' : 1, 'cy' : 1, 'da' : 1, 'de' : 1, 'de-ch' : 1, 'el' : 1, 'en' : 1, 'en-au' : 1, 'en-ca' : 1, 'en-gb' : 1, 'eo' : 1, 'es' : 1, 'et' : 1, 'eu' : 1, 'fa' : 1, 'fi' : 1, 'fo' : 1, 'fr' : 1, 'fr-ca' : 1, 'gl' : 1, 'gu' : 1, 'he' : 1, 'hi' : 1, 'hr' : 1, 'hu' : 1, 'id' : 1, 'is' : 1, 'it' : 1, 'ja' : 1, 'ka' : 1, 'km' : 1, 'ko' : 1, 'ku' : 1, 'lt' : 1, 'lv' : 1, 'mk' : 1, 'mn' : 1, 'ms' : 1, 'nb' : 1, 'nl' : 1, 'no' : 1, 'pl' : 1, 'pt' : 1, 'pt-br' : 1, 'ro' : 1, 'ru' : 1, 'si' : 1, 'sk' : 1, 'sl' : 1, 'sq' : 1, 'sr' : 1, 'sr-latn' : 1, 'sv' : 1, 'th' : 1, 'tr' : 1, 'tt' : 1, 'ug' : 1, 'uk' : 1, 'vi' : 1, 'zh' : 1, 'zh-cn' : 1 } };